/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright 2002-2014, OpenNebula Project (OpenNebula.org), C12G Labs */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */ /* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */ /* a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef POOL_SQL_H_ #define POOL_SQL_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "SqlDB.h" #include "PoolObjectSQL.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Hook.h" using namespace std; /** * PoolSQL class. Provides a base class to implement persistent generic pools. * The PoolSQL provides a synchronization mechanism (mutex) to operate in * multithreaded applications. Any modification or access function to the pool * SHOULD block the mutex. */ class PoolSQL: public Callbackable, public Hookable { public: /** * Initializes the oid counter. This function sets lastOID to * the last used Object identifier by querying the corresponding database * table. This function SHOULD be called before any pool related function. * @param _db a pointer to the database * @param _table the name of the table supporting the pool (to set the oid * counter). If null the OID counter is not updated. * @param cache True to enable the cache * @param cache_by_name True if the objects can be retrieved by name */ PoolSQL(SqlDB * _db, const char * _table, bool cache, bool cache_by_name); virtual ~PoolSQL(); /** * Allocates a new object, writting it in the pool database. No memory is * allocated for the object. * @param objsql an initialized ObjectSQL * @return the oid assigned to the object or -1 in case of failure */ virtual int allocate( PoolObjectSQL *objsql, string& error_str); /** * Gets an object from the pool (if needed the object is loaded from the * database). * @param oid the object unique identifier * @param lock locks the object if true * * @return a pointer to the object, 0 in case of failure */ PoolObjectSQL * get(int oid, bool lock); /** * Updates the cache name index. Must be called when the owner of an object * is changed * * @param old_name Object's name before the change * @param old_uid Object's owner ID before the change * @param new_name Object's name after the change * @param new_uid Object's owner ID after the change */ void update_cache_index(string& old_name, int old_uid, string& new_name, int new_uid); /** * Finds a set objects that satisfies a given condition * @param oids a vector with the oids of the objects. * @param the name of the DB table. * @param where condition in SQL format. * * @return 0 on success */ virtual int search( vector& oids, const char * table, const string& where); /** * List the objects in the pool * @param oids a vector with the oids of the objects. * @param table the name of the DB table. * * @return 0 on success */ int list( vector& oids, const char * table) { return search(oids, table, ""); } /** * Updates the object's data in the data base. The object mutex SHOULD be * locked. * @param objsql a pointer to the object * * @return 0 on success. */ virtual int update( PoolObjectSQL * objsql) { int rc; rc = objsql->update(db); if ( rc == 0 ) { do_hooks(objsql, Hook::UPDATE); } return rc; }; /** * Drops the object's data in the data base. The object mutex SHOULD be * locked. * @param objsql a pointer to the object * @param error_msg Error reason, if any * @return 0 on success, -1 DB error */ virtual int drop(PoolObjectSQL * objsql, string& error_msg) { int rc = objsql->drop(db); if ( rc != 0 ) { error_msg = "SQL DB error"; return -1; } else { do_hooks(objsql, Hook::REMOVE); } return 0; }; /** * Removes all the elements from the pool */ void clean(); /** * Dumps the pool in XML format. A filter can be also added to the * query * @param oss the output stream to dump the pool contents * @param where filter for the objects, defaults to all * * @return 0 on success */ int dump(ostringstream& oss, const string& where) { return dump(oss, where, ""); } /** * Dumps the pool in XML format. A filter and limit can be also added * to the query * @param oss the output stream to dump the pool contents * @param where filter for the objects, defaults to all * @param limit parameters used for pagination * * @return 0 on success */ virtual int dump(ostringstream& oss, const string& where, const string& limit) = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to generate dump filters // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a filter for those objects (oids) or objects owned by a given * group that an user can access based on the ACL rules * @param uid the user id * @param user_groups Set of group IDs that the user is part of * @param auth_object object type * @param all returns if the user can access all objects * @param filter the resulting filter string */ static void acl_filter(int uid, const set& user_groups, PoolObjectSQL::ObjectType auth_object, bool& all, string& filter); /** * Creates a filter for the objects owned by a given user/group * @param uid the user id * @param user_groups Set of group IDs that the user is part of * @param filter_flag query type (ALL, MINE, GROUP) * @param all user can access all objects * @param filter the resulting filter string */ static void usr_filter(int uid, const set& user_groups, int filter_flag, bool all, const string& acl_str, string& filter); /** * Creates a filter for a given set of objects based on their id * @param start_id first id * @param end_id last id * @param filter the resulting filter string */ static void oid_filter(int start_id, int end_id, string& filter); protected: /** * Register on "CREATE" and on "REMOVE" hooks for the pool. The hooks are * meant to be executed locally by the generic AllocateHook and RemoveHook * classes. * @param hook_mads, array of HOOKs to be installed * @param remotes_location, path to remotes in the front-end where the * hooks are installed */ void register_hooks(vector hook_mads, const string& remotes_location); /** * Gets an object from the pool (if needed the object is loaded from the * database). * @param name of the object * @param uid id of owner * @param lock locks the object if true * * @return a pointer to the object, 0 in case of failure */ PoolObjectSQL * get(const string& name, int uid, bool lock); /** * Pointer to the database. */ SqlDB * db; /** * Dumps the pool in XML format. A filter and limit can be also added * to the query * @param oss the output stream to dump the pool contents * @param elem_name Name of the root xml pool name * @param table Pool table name * @param where filter for the objects, defaults to all * @param limit parameters used for pagination * * @return 0 on success */ int dump(ostringstream& oss, const string& elem_name, const char * table, const string& where, const string& limit); /** * Dumps the pool in XML format. A filter can be also added to the * query * @param oss the output stream to dump the pool contents * @param elem_name Name of the root xml pool name * @param table Pool table name * @param where filter for the objects, defaults to all * * @return 0 on success */ int dump(ostringstream& oss, const string& elem_name, const char * table, const string& where) { return dump(oss, elem_name, table, where, ""); } /** * Dumps the output of the custom sql query into an xml * * @param oss The output stream to dump the xml contents * @param root_elem_name Name of the root xml element name * @param sql_query The SQL query to execute * * @return 0 on success */ int dump(ostringstream& oss, const string& root_elem_name, ostringstream& sql_query); /** * Child classes can add extra elements to the dump xml, right after all the * pool objects * * @param oss The output stream to dump the xml contents */ virtual void add_extra_xml(ostringstream& oss){}; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Interface to access the lastOID assigned by the pool */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Gets the value of the last identifier assigned by the pool * @return the lastOID of the pool */ int get_lastOID() { return lastOID; }; /** * Sets the lastOID of the pool and updates the control database * @param _lastOID for the pool */ void set_update_lastOID(int _lastOID) { lastOID = _lastOID; update_lastOID(); }; private: pthread_mutex_t mutex; /** * Max size for the pool, to control the memory footprint of the pool. This * number MUST be greater than the max. number of objects that are * accessed simultaneously. */ static const unsigned int MAX_POOL_SIZE; /** * Last object ID assigned to an object. It must be initialized by the * target pool. */ int lastOID; /** * Tablename for this pool */ string table; /** * The pool is implemented with a Map of SQL object pointers, using the * OID as key. */ map pool; /** * Whether or not this pool uses the cache */ bool cache; /** * Whether or not this pool uses the name_pool index */ bool uses_name_pool; /** * This is a name index for the pool map. The key is the name of the object * , that may be combained with the owner id. */ map name_pool; /** * Factory method, must return an ObjectSQL pointer to an allocated pool * specific object. */ virtual PoolObjectSQL * create() = 0; /** * OID queue to implement a FIFO-like replacement policy for the pool * cache. */ queue oid_queue; /** * Function to lock the pool */ void lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); }; /** * Function to unlock the pool */ void unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); }; /** * FIFO-like replacement policy function. Before removing an object (pop) * from the cache its lock is checked. The object is removed only if * the associated mutex IS NOT blocked. Otherwise the oid is sent to the * back of the queue. */ void replace(); /** * Cleans all the objects in the cache, except the ones locked. * The object with the given oid will not be ignored if locked, the * method will wait for it to be unlocked and ensure it is erased from * the cache * * @param oid */ void flush_cache(int oid); /** * Same as flush_cache(int), but with the object name-uid key * * @param name_key */ void flush_cache(const string& name_key); /** * Generate an index key for the object * @param name of the object * @param uid owner of the object, only used if needed * * @return the key, a string */ virtual string key(const string& name, int uid) { ostringstream key; key << name << ':' << uid; return key.str(); }; /** * Inserts the last oid into the pool_control table */ void update_lastOID(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Callback to set the lastOID (PoolSQL::PoolSQL) */ int init_cb(void *nil, int num, char **values, char **names); /** * Callback to store the IDs of pool objects (PoolSQL::search) */ int search_cb(void *_oids, int num, char **values, char **names); /** * Callback function to get output in XML format * @param num the number of columns read from the DB * @param names the column names * @param vaues the column values * @return 0 on success */ int dump_cb(void * _oss, int num, char **values, char **names); }; #endif /*POOL_SQL_H_*/