/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright 2002-2020, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */ /* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */ /* a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef QUOTA_NETWORK_H_ #define QUOTA_NETWORK_H_ #include "Quota.h" #include "PoolObjectSQL.h" /** * DataStore Quotas, defined as: * NETWORK = [ * ID = * LEASES = * LEASES_USED = Current number of IPs * ] * * 0 = unlimited, default if missing */ class QuotaNetwork : public Quota { public: QuotaNetwork(bool is_default): Quota("NETWORK_QUOTA", "NETWORK", NET_METRICS, NUM_NET_METRICS, is_default) {}; virtual ~QuotaNetwork(){}; /** * Check if the resource allocation will exceed the quota limits. If not * the usage counters are updated. Assumes calling object is a VM * @param tmpl template for the resource * @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits * @param error string * @return true if the operation can be performed */ bool check(Template* tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& err) { return check(PoolObjectSQL::VM, tmpl, default_quotas, err); } /** * Decrement usage counters when freeing a lease. This method considers * the object type to accounto for FLOATING IP addresses or not * @param tmpl template for the resource */ void del(Template* tmpl) { del(PoolObjectSQL::VM, tmpl); } protected: /** * Gets the default quota identified by its ID. * * @param id of the quota * @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits * @param va The quota, if it is found * * @return 0 on success, -1 if not found */ int get_default_quota(const string& id, Quotas& default_quotas, VectorAttribute **va); static const char * NET_METRICS[]; static const int NUM_NET_METRICS; private: /** * Friends are decorators for the QuotaNetwork. They can access specialized * methods to operate over the same quota counters (base Template class) */ friend class QuotaNetworkVirtualRouter; /** * Check if the resource allocation will exceed the quota limits. If not * the usage counters are updated. This method considers the object type to * accounto for FLOATING IP addresses or not * @param otype object type, VM or VRouter * @param tmpl template for the resource * @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits * @param error string * @return true if the operation can be performed */ bool check(PoolObjectSQL::ObjectType otype, Template* tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& error); /** * Decrement usage counters when freeing a lease. This method considers * the object type to accounto for FLOATING IP addresses or not * @param otype object type, VM or VRouter * @param tmpl template for the resource */ void del(PoolObjectSQL::ObjectType otype, Template* tmpl); }; /** * Decorates the QuotaNetwork object to consider the FLOATING_IP attribute * of the NIC attributes. It must be instantiated using an exisiting QuotaNetwork * object */ class QuotaNetworkVirtualRouter: public QuotaDecorator { public: QuotaNetworkVirtualRouter(QuotaNetwork *qn):QuotaDecorator(qn){}; virtual ~QuotaNetworkVirtualRouter(){}; bool check(Template* tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& err) { QuotaNetwork * qn = static_cast(quota); return qn->check(PoolObjectSQL::VROUTER, tmpl, default_quotas, err); } void del(Template* tmpl) { QuotaNetwork * qn = static_cast(quota); qn->del(PoolObjectSQL::VROUTER, tmpl); } }; #endif /*QUOTA_NETWORK_H_*/