/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright 2002-2021, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */ /* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */ /* a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PROTOCOL_MESSAGES_H #define PROTOCOL_MESSAGES_H #include "Message.h" /** * Messages between the Monitor daemon and OpenNebula daemon */ enum class InformationManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, HOST_LIST, UPDATE_HOST, DEL_HOST, START_MONITOR, STOP_MONITOR, HOST_STATE, VM_STATE, HOST_SYSTEM, RAFT_STATUS, ENUM_MAX }; using im_msg_t = Message<InformationManagerMessages, true, true, false, false>; /** * Image Manager Driver messages */ enum class ImageManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, CP, CLONE, STAT, MKFS, RM, MONITOR, SNAP_DELETE, SNAP_REVERT, SNAP_FLATTEN, LOG, ENUM_MAX }; using image_msg_t = Message<ImageManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; /** * Auth Manager Driver messages */ enum class AuthManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, AUTHORIZE, AUTHENTICATE, LOG, ENUM_MAX }; using auth_msg_t = Message<AuthManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; /** * IPAM Manager Driver messages */ enum class IPAMManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, REGISTER_ADDRESS_RANGE, UNREGISTER_ADDRESS_RANGE, GET_ADDRESS, ALLOCATE_ADDRESS, FREE_ADDRESS, LOG, ENUM_MAX }; using ipam_msg_t = Message<IPAMManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; /** * MarketPlace Manager Driver messages */ enum class MarketPlaceManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, IMPORT, DELETE, MONITOR, LOG, ENUM_MAX }; using market_msg_t = Message<MarketPlaceManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; /** * Transfer Manager Driver messages */ enum class TransferManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, TRANSFER, DRIVER_CANCEL, LOG, ENUM_MAX }; using transfer_msg_t = Message<TransferManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; /** * Virtual Machine Driver messages */ enum class VMManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, DEPLOY, SHUTDOWN, RESET, REBOOT, CANCEL, CLEANUP, CHECKPOINT, SAVE, RESTORE, MIGRATE, ATTACHDISK, DETACHDISK, ATTACHNIC, DETACHNIC, SNAPSHOTCREATE, SNAPSHOTREVERT, SNAPSHOTDELETE, DISKSNAPSHOTCREATE, DISKSNAPSHOTREVERT, RESIZEDISK, UPDATECONF, UPDATESG, DRIVER_CANCEL, LOG, RESIZE, ENUM_MAX }; using vm_msg_t = Message<VMManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; /** * Virtual Machine Driver messages */ enum class HookManagerMessages : unsigned short int { UNDEFINED = 0, INIT, FINALIZE, EXECUTE, RETRY, LOG, ENUM_MAX }; using hook_msg_t = Message<HookManagerMessages, false, false, false, false>; #endif /*PROTOCOL_MESSAGES_H*/