/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright 2002-2016, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */ /* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */ /* a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef QUOTAS_H_ #define QUOTAS_H_ #include "QuotaDatastore.h" #include "QuotaNetwork.h" #include "QuotaVirtualMachine.h" #include "QuotaImage.h" class ObjectXML; class Quotas { public: /** * Different quota types */ enum QuotaType { DATASTORE, /**< Checks Datastore usage */ VM, /**< Checks VM usage (MEMORY, CPU and VMS) */ NETWORK, /**< Checks Network usage (leases) */ IMAGE, /**< Checks Image usage (RVMs using it) */ VIRTUALMACHINE, /**< Checks all VM associated resources VM, NETWORK, IMAGE */ VIRTUALROUTER /**< Checks the Virtual Router NETWORK usage (leases) */ }; /** * Set the quotas * @param tmpl contains the user quota limits * @param error describes error when setting the quotas * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise */ int set(Template *tmpl, string& error); /** * Delete usage from quota counters. * @param tmpl template for the image, with usage */ void ds_del(Template * tmpl) { datastore_quota.del(tmpl); } /** * Gets a Datastore quota identified by its ID. * * @param id of the quota * @param va The quota, if it is found * * @return 0 on success, -1 if not found */ int ds_get(const string& id, VectorAttribute **va) { return datastore_quota.get_quota(id, va); } /** * Gets a VM quota identified by its ID. * * @param id of the quota * @param va The quota, if it is found * * @return 0 on success, -1 if not found */ int vm_get(const string& id, VectorAttribute **va) { return vm_quota.get_quota(id, va); } /** * Gets a Network quota identified by its ID. * * @param id of the quota * @param va The quota, if it is found * * @return 0 on success, -1 if not found */ int network_get(const string& id, VectorAttribute **va) { return network_quota.get_quota(id, va); } /** * Gets an Image quota identified by its ID. * * @param id of the quota * @param va The quota, if it is found * * @return 0 on success, -1 if not found */ int image_get(const string& id, VectorAttribute **va) { return image_quota.get_quota(id, va); } /** * Check quota, it updates usage counters if quotas are not exceeded. * @param type the quota to work with * @param tmpl template for the VirtualMachine * @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits * @param error_str string describing the error * @return true if resource can be allocated, false otherwise */ bool quota_check(QuotaType type, Template *tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& error_str); /** * Update usage of an existing quota (e.g. size of an image), it updates * the usage counters if quotas are not exceeded. * @param type the quota to work with * @param tmpl template for the VirtualMachine * @param default_quotas Quotas that contain the default limits * @param error_str string describing the error * @return true if resource can be updated, false otherwise */ bool quota_update(QuotaType type, Template *tmpl, Quotas& default_quotas, string& error_str); /** * Delete usage from the given quota counters. * @param type the quota to work with * @param tmpl template for the image, with usage */ void quota_del(QuotaType type, Template *tmpl); /** * Generates a string representation of the quotas in XML format * @param xml the string to store the XML * @return the same xml string to use it in << compounds */ string& to_xml(string& xml) const; /** * Builds quota object from an ObjectXML * @param object_xml pointer to the ObjectXML * @return 0 if success */ int from_xml(ObjectXML * object_xml); /** * Delete VM related usage (network, image and compute) from quota counters. * for the given user and group * @param uid of the user * @param gid of the group * @param tmpl template for the image, with usage */ static void vm_del(int uid, int gid, Template * tmpl) { quota_del(VIRTUALMACHINE, uid, gid, tmpl); } /** * Delete Datastore related usage from quota counters. * for the given user and group * @param uid of the user * @param gid of the group * @param tmpl template for the image, with usage */ static void ds_del(int uid, int gid, Template * tmpl) { quota_del(DATASTORE, uid, gid, tmpl); } /** * Delete a set of Datastore usage attributes from quota counters. Each * quota datastore is associate to a given image. NOTE: The templates * *ARE FREED* by this function * @param ds_quotas a map with image_id and a tmpl with usage attributes */ static void ds_del(map& ds_quotas); /** * Delete usage from the given quota counters. * for the given user and group * @param type the quota to work with * @param uid of the user * @param gid of the group * @param tmpl template for the image, with usage */ static void quota_del(QuotaType type, int uid, int gid, Template * tmpl); protected: /** * This is an specialized constructor only for derived Quotas classes. * It allows to set the defaultness attribute */ Quotas(const char * _ds_xpath, const char * _net_xpath, const char * _img_xpath, const char * _vm_xpath, bool is_deafult): datastore_quota(is_deafult), network_quota(is_deafult), image_quota(is_deafult), vm_quota(is_deafult), ds_xpath(_ds_xpath), net_xpath(_net_xpath), img_xpath(_img_xpath), vm_xpath(_vm_xpath){}; virtual ~Quotas(){}; private: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Usage Counters and Quotas //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Datastore Quotas */ QuotaDatastore datastore_quota; /** * Network Quotas */ QuotaNetwork network_quota; /** * Image Quotas */ QuotaImage image_quota; /** * Virtual Machine Quotas */ QuotaVirtualMachine vm_quota; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPaths //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Path for the datastore quota object */ const char * ds_xpath; /** * Path for the network quota object */ const char * net_xpath; /** * Path for the image quota object */ const char * img_xpath; /** * Path for the vm quota object */ const char * vm_xpath; }; #endif /*QUOTABLE_H_*/