.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "ONEFLOW" "1" "June 2017" "" "oneflow(1) -- Manage oneFlow Services" . .SH "NAME" \fBoneflow\fR \- Manage oneFlow Services . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBoneflow\fR \fIcommand\fR [\fIargs\fR] [\fIoptions\fR] . .SH "OPTIONS" . .nf \-j, \-\-json Print the resource in JSON \-t, \-\-top Top for the command \-d, \-\-delay x Sets the delay in seconds for top command \-f, \-\-force Force the new cardinality even if it is outside the limits \-p, \-\-period x Seconds between each group of actions \-n, \-\-number x Number of VMs to apply the action to each period \-s, \-\-server url Service endpoint \-u, \-\-username name User name \-p, \-\-password pass User password \-V, \-\-version Show version and copyright information \-h, \-\-help Show this message . .fi . .SH "COMMANDS" . .IP "\(bu" 4 list List the available services valid options: json . .IP "\(bu" 4 show \fIservice_id\fR Show detailed information of a given service valid options: json . .IP "\(bu" 4 top [\fIservice_id\fR] Top the services or the extended information of the target service if a id is specified valid options: json, top, delay . .IP "\(bu" 4 delete \fIrange|service_id_list\fR Delete a given service . .IP "\(bu" 4 shutdown \fIrange|service_id_list\fR Shutdown a service\. From RUNNING or WARNING shuts down the Service . .IP "\(bu" 4 recover \fIrange|service_id_list\fR Recover a failed service, cleaning the failed VMs\. From FAILED_DEPLOYING continues deploying the Service From FAILED_SCALING continues scaling the Service From FAILED_UNDEPLOYING continues shutting down the Service From COOLDOWN the Service is set to running ignoring the cooldown duration From WARNING failed VMs are deleted, and new VMs are instantiated . .IP "\(bu" 4 scale \fIservice_id\fR \fIrole_name\fR \fIcardinality\fR Scale a role to the given cardinality valid options: force . .IP "\(bu" 4 chgrp \fIrange|service_id_list\fR \fIgroupid\fR Changes the service group . .IP "\(bu" 4 chown \fIrange|service_id_list\fR \fIuserid\fR [\fIgroupid\fR] Changes the service owner and group . .IP "\(bu" 4 chmod \fIrange|service_id_list\fR \fIoctet\fR Changes the service permissions . .IP "\(bu" 4 rename \fIservice_id\fR \fIname\fR Renames the Service . .IP "\(bu" 4 action \fIservice_id\fR \fIrole_name\fR \fIvm_action\fR Perform an action on all the Virtual Machines of a given role\. Actions supported: terminate,terminate\-hard,undeploy,undeploy\-hard,hold,release,stop,suspend,resume,reboot,reboot\-hard,poweroff,poweroff\-hard,snapshot\-create valid options: period, number . .IP "" 0 . .SH "ARGUMENT FORMATS" . .IP "\(bu" 4 file Path to a file . .IP "\(bu" 4 range List of id\'s in the form 1,8\.\.15 . .IP "\(bu" 4 text String . .IP "\(bu" 4 groupid OpenNebula GROUP name or id . .IP "\(bu" 4 userid OpenNebula USER name or id . .IP "\(bu" 4 service_id OpenNebula SERVICE name or id . .IP "\(bu" 4 service_id_list Comma\-separated list of OpenNebula SERVICE names or ids . .IP "\(bu" 4 vm_action Actions supported: terminate, terminate\-hard, undeploy, undeploy\-hard, hold, release, stop, suspend, resume, reboot, reboot\-hard, poweroff, poweroff\-hard, snapshot\-create . .IP "" 0 . .SH "LICENSE" OpenNebula 5\.3\.85 Copyright 2002\-2017, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems . .P Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2\.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License\. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www\.apache\.org/licenses/LICENSE\-2\.0