/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright 2002-2023, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */ /* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */ /* a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ /* limitations under the License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef REQUEST_MANAGER_RENAME_H_ #define REQUEST_MANAGER_RENAME_H_ #include "Request.h" #include "Nebula.h" #include "ClusterPool.h" #include "DatastorePool.h" #include "DocumentPool.h" #include "HookPool.h" #include "HostPool.h" #include "ImagePool.h" #include "MarketPlacePool.h" #include "MarketPlaceAppPool.h" #include "SecurityGroupPool.h" #include "VdcPool.h" #include "VirtualMachinePool.h" #include "VirtualNetworkPool.h" #include "VirtualRouterPool.h" #include "VMGroupPool.h" #include "VMTemplatePool.h" #include "VNTemplatePool.h" #include "ZonePool.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class RequestManagerRename : public Request { protected: RequestManagerRename(const std::string& method_name, const std::string& help, const std::string& params = "A:sis") :Request(method_name,params,help) { auth_op = AuthRequest::MANAGE; } ~RequestManagerRename() = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void request_execute(xmlrpc_c::paramList const& _paramList, RequestAttributes& att) override; /** * Gets and object by name and owner. Default implementation returns no * object */ virtual int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) = 0; /** * Batch rename of related objects. Default implementation does nothing */ virtual void batch_rename(int oid){}; /** * Test if a rename is being perform on a given object. If not it set it. * @return true if the rename can be performed (no ongoing rename) */ bool test_and_set_rename(int oid) { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto rc = rename_ids.insert(oid); return rc.second == true; } /** * Clear the rename. */ void clear_rename(int oid) { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); rename_ids.erase(oid); } /** * Method por updating custom values not included in PoolSQL::update * mainly used for updating search information in the VMs. * @param object to be updated * @return 0 on success */ virtual int extra_updates(PoolObjectSQL * obj) { return 0; } private: /** * Mutex to control concurrent access to the ongoing rename operations */ std::mutex _mutex; /** * Set of IDs being renamed; */ std::set rename_ids; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class VirtualMachineRename : public RequestManagerRename { public: VirtualMachineRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.vm.rename","Renames a virtual machine") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_vmpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::VM; vm_action = VMActions::RENAME_ACTION; } ~VirtualMachineRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return -1; } int extra_updates(PoolObjectSQL * obj) override { VirtualMachine * vm; VirtualMachinePool * vmpool = static_cast(pool); if (obj == 0) { return -1; } vm = static_cast(obj); return vmpool->update_search(vm); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class TemplateRename : public RequestManagerRename { public: TemplateRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.template.rename", "Renames a virtual machine template") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_tpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::TEMPLATE; }; ~TemplateRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class VirtualNetworkTemplateRename : public RequestManagerRename { public: VirtualNetworkTemplateRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.vntemplate.rename", "Renames a virtual network template") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_vntpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::VNTEMPLATE; }; ~VirtualNetworkTemplateRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class VirtualNetworkRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: VirtualNetworkRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.vn.rename","Renames a virtual network") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_vnpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::NET; }; ~VirtualNetworkRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class ImageRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: ImageRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.image.rename", "Renames an image") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_ipool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::IMAGE; }; ~ImageRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class DocumentRename : public RequestManagerRename { public: DocumentRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.document.rename", "Renames a generic document") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_docpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::DOCUMENT; }; ~DocumentRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return -1; } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class ClusterRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: ClusterRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.cluster.rename", "Renames a cluster") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_clpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::CLUSTER; }; ~ClusterRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name); } void batch_rename(int oid) override; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class DatastoreRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: DatastoreRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.datastore.rename", "Renames a datastore") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_dspool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::DATASTORE; }; ~DatastoreRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name); } void batch_rename(int oid) override; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class HostRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: HostRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.host.rename", "Renames a host") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_hpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::HOST; auth_op = AuthRequest::ADMIN; }; ~HostRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name); } void batch_rename(int oid) override; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class ZoneRename : public RequestManagerRename { public: ZoneRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.zone.rename", "Renames a zone") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_zonepool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::ZONE; }; ~ZoneRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class SecurityGroupRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: SecurityGroupRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.secgroup.rename", "Renames a security group") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_secgrouppool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::SECGROUP; }; ~SecurityGroupRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class VdcRename : public RequestManagerRename { public: VdcRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.vdc.rename", "Renames a VDC") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_vdcpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::VDC; }; ~VdcRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class VirtualRouterRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: VirtualRouterRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.vrouter.rename", "Renames a virtual router") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_vrouterpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::VROUTER; }; ~VirtualRouterRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return -1; } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class MarketPlaceRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: MarketPlaceRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.market.rename", "Renames a marketplace") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_marketpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::MARKETPLACE; }; ~MarketPlaceRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name); } void batch_rename(int oid) override; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class MarketPlaceAppRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: MarketPlaceAppRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.marketapp.rename", "Renames a marketplace app") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_apppool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::MARKETPLACEAPP; }; ~MarketPlaceAppRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class VMGroupRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: VMGroupRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.vmgroup.rename", "Renames a vm group") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_vmgrouppool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::VMGROUP; }; ~VMGroupRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class HookRename: public RequestManagerRename { public: HookRename(): RequestManagerRename("one.hook.rename", "Renames a hook") { Nebula& nd = Nebula::instance(); pool = nd.get_hkpool(); auth_object = PoolObjectSQL::HOOK; }; ~HookRename() = default; int exist(const std::string& name, int uid) override { return pool->exist(name, uid); } }; #endif