commit 0823e4c8025f5e2861bb6141170e94081a9a74a7 Author: semedi <> Date: Mon Dec 18 12:01:57 2017 +0100 F #1538: vcenter networks generate name method commit a0071dafff8621fd017a6e4367f7147c77a29127 Author: semedi <> Date: Wed Dec 13 12:35:30 2017 +0100 F #1538: delete ccr_ref from net, changed template commit 4f6632049970a1148768dcef90ab3cd710492555 Author: semedi <> Date: Wed Dec 13 11:21:01 2017 +0100 F #1538: standard port groups are UNIQUE commit 5a8f04da2b6481e0ad52e54f7edb791f8e3811d8 Author: semedi <> Date: Tue Dec 12 12:04:23 2017 +0100 F #1538: to_one_template restructure commit deb65599df584f3d59216b10c7ee91a98c4ccc3d Author: semedi <> Date: Mon Dec 11 14:22:52 2017 +0100 F #1538: Importer now add the vnet to selected clusters commit c61ceb170a63dcc124a44b240ae59ef630d74d5e Author: semedi <> Date: Mon Dec 11 11:58:30 2017 +0100 F #1538: onevcenter import multicluster support commit bb4f500b4942e184ec20db5befea368cf40da028 Author: semedi <> Date: Mon Dec 11 09:06:22 2017 +0100 F #1538: new method to convert to template commit b1d16f9ae9ee5d493910ade6833b373b025e305b Author: semedi <> Date: Tue Dec 5 09:55:38 2017 +0100 F #1538: get_location method && restructure commit 7a9c753c2631775d1473401ee1de93309682fc01 Author: semedi <> Date: Tue Dec 5 09:26:49 2017 +0100 F #1538: storing clusters data commit ccb0a7bccafd4094cb456b64485f0fbb2fb4c159 Author: semedi <> Date: Mon Dec 4 12:45:49 2017 +0100 F #1538: importing vcenter networks rework
OpenNebula is an open-source project delivering a simple but feature-rich and flexible solution to build and manage enterprise clouds and virtualized data centers.
Complete documentation:
How to contribute:
This machine will act as the OpenNebula server and therefore needs to have installed the following software:
- ruby >= 1.8.7
- sqlite3 >= 3.5.2
- xmlrpc-c >= 1.06
- openssl >= 0.9
- ssh
- sqlite3-ruby gem
Additionally, to build OpenNebula from source you need:
- Development versions of the sqlite3, xmlrpc-c and openssl packages, if your distribution does not install them with the libraries.
- scons >= 0.97
- g++ >= 4
- flex >= 2.5 (optional, only needed to rebuild the parsers)
- bison >= 2.3 (optional, only needed to rebuild the parsers)
- libxml2-dev
Ruby Libraries Requirements
A set of gem requirements are needed to make several components work. We
include a handy script to install them and the requirements. It is located at
and you should use it to install the
required gems. You have more information at:
If you want to install them manually here are the list of required rubygems:
OpenNebula and clients (plus cloud interfaces)
- sqlite3
- json
- sequel
- mysql
- net-ldap
- amazon-ec2
- rack
- sinatra
- thin
- uuidtools
- curb
- nokogiri
Sunstone server
- json
- rack
- sinatra
- thin
- sequel
- nokogiri
Optional Packages
These packages are not needed to run or build OpenNebula. They improve the performance of the user-land libraries and tools of OpenNebula, nor the core system. You will probably experiment a more responsive CLI.
First install rubygems and ruby development libraries
- ruby-dev
- rubygems
- rake
- make
Then install the following packages:
ruby xmlparser, some distributions include a binary package for this (libxml-parser-ruby1.8). If it is not available in your distribution install expat libraries with its development files and install xmlparser using gem:
$ sudo gem install xmlparser --no-ri --no-rdoc
Note the extra parameters to gem install. Some versions of xmlparser have problems building the documentation and we can use it without documentation installed.
ruby ox, fast xml parsing library:
$ sudo gem install ox --no-ri --no-rdoc
Compilation is done using scons command:
$ scons [OPTION=VALUE]
The argument expression [OPTIONAL] is used to set non-default values for:
sqlite_db path-to-sqlite-install
sqlite no if you don't want to build sqlite support
mysql yes if you want to build mysql support
xmlrpc path-to-xmlrpc-install
parsers yes if you want to rebuild flex/bison files
new_xmlpc yes if you have an xmlrpc-c version >= 1.31
sunstone yes if you want to build sunstone minified files
OpenNebula can be installed in two modes: system-wide, or in self-contained directory. In either case, you do not need to run OpenNebula as root. These options can be specified when running the install script:
$ ./ install_options
where install_options can be one or more of:
-u user that will run OpenNebula, defaults to user executing
-g group of the user that will run OpenNebula, defaults to user
-k keep current configuration files, useful when upgrading
-d target installation directory. If defined, it will specified
the path for the self-contained install. If not defined, the
installation will be performed system wide
-c only install client utilities: OpenNebula cli, occi and ec2
client files
-r remove Opennebula, only useful if -d was not specified,
otherwise rm -rf $ONE_LOCATION would do the job
-p do not install OpenNebula Sunstone non-minified files
-h prints installer help
You can find the documentation about OpenNebula architecture, installation, configuration and references to configuration files in this documentation chapter:
The reference about the main configuration file is located here:
OpenNebula web page:
Development and issue tracking:
Copyright 2002-2017, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems (formerly C12G Labs)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.