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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Copyright 2002-2017, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems */
/* */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may */
/* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain */
/* a copy of the License at */
/* */
/* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */
/* */
/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
/* limitations under the License. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef USER_POOL_H_
#define USER_POOL_H_
#include "PoolSQL.h"
#include "User.h"
#include "GroupPool.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class AuthRequest; //Forward definition of AuthRequest
* The User Pool class. ...
class UserPool : public PoolSQL
UserPool(SqlDB * db,
time_t __session_expiration_time,
vector<const VectorAttribute *> hook_mads,
const string& remotes_location,
bool is_federation_slave);
* Function to allocate a new User object
* @param oid the id assigned to the User
* @return the oid assigned to the object or -1 in case of failure
int allocate (
int * oid,
const string& uname,
int gid,
const string& password,
const string& auth,
bool enabled,
const set<int>& gids,
string& error_str);
* Drops the object's data in the data base. The object mutex SHOULD be
* locked.
* @param objsql a pointer to the object
* @param error_msg Error reason, if any
* @return 0 on success, -1 DB error
int drop(PoolObjectSQL * objsql, string& error_msg);
* Function to get a User from the pool, if the object is not in memory
* it is loaded from the DB
* @param oid User unique id
* @param lock locks the User mutex
* @return a pointer to the User, 0 if the User could not be loaded
User * get(int oid, bool lock)
return static_cast<User *>(PoolSQL::get(oid,lock));
* Function to get a User from the pool, if the object is not in memory
* it is loaded from the DB
* @param username
* @param lock locks the User mutex
* @return a pointer to the User, 0 if the User could not be loaded
User * get(string name, bool lock)
// The owner is set to -1, because it is not used in the key() method
return static_cast<User *>(PoolSQL::get(name,-1,lock));
* Generate an index key for the object
* @param name of the object
* @param uid owner of the object, only used if needed
* @return the key, a string
string key(const string& name, int uid)
// Name is enough key because Users can't repeat names.
return name;
* Update a particular User. This method does not update the user's quotas
* @param user pointer to User
* @return 0 on success
int update(PoolObjectSQL * objsql);
* Update a particular User's Quotas
* @param user pointer to User
* @return 0 on success
int update_quotas(User * user);
* Bootstraps the database table(s) associated to the User pool
* @return 0 on success
static int bootstrap(SqlDB * _db)
return User::bootstrap(_db);
* Returns whether there is a user with given username/password or not
* @param session, colon separated username and password string
* @param uid of the user if authN succeeded -1 otherwise
* @param gid of the user if authN succeeded -1 otherwise
* @param uname of the user if authN succeeded "" otherwise
* @param gname of the group if authN succeeded "" otherwise
* @param group_ids the user groups if authN succeeded, is empty otherwise
* @param umask of the user, 0 otherwise
* @return false if authn failed, true otherwise
bool authenticate(const string& session,
string& password,
int& uid,
int& gid,
string& uname,
string& gname,
set<int>& group_ids,
int& umask);
* Returns whether the operations described in a authorization request are
* authorized ot not.
* @param ar, an Authorization Request
* @return -1 if authz failed, 0 otherwise
static int authorize(AuthRequest& ar);
* Dumps the User pool in XML format. A filter can be also added to the
* query
* @param oss the output stream to dump the pool contents
* @param where filter for the objects, defaults to all
* @param limit parameters used for pagination
* @return 0 on success
int dump(ostringstream& oss, const string& where, const string& limit);
* Name for the OpenNebula core authentication process
static const char * CORE_AUTH;
* Name for the OpenNebula server (delegated) authentication process
static const char * SERVER_AUTH;
* Name for the OpenNebula public authentication process. It only
* allows delegated
static const char * PUBLIC_AUTH;
* Name for the default Sunstone server user
static const char * SERVER_NAME;
* Name of the oneadmin user
static string oneadmin_name;
* Identifier for the oneadmin user
static const int ONEADMIN_ID;
// Configuration Attributes for Users
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Authentication session expiration time
static time_t _session_expiration_time;
* Function to authenticate internal (known) users
bool authenticate_internal(User * user,
const string& token,
string& password,
int& user_id,
int& group_id,
string& uname,
string& gname,
set<int>& group_ids,
int& umask);
* Function to authenticate internal users using a server driver
bool authenticate_server(User * user,
const string& token,
string& password,
int& user_id,
int& group_id,
string& uname,
string& gname,
set<int>& group_ids,
int& umask);
* Function to authenticate external (not known) users
bool authenticate_external(const string& username,
const string& token,
string& password,
int& user_id,
int& group_id,
string& uname,
string& gname,
set<int>& group_ids,
int& umask);
* Factory method to produce User objects
* @return a pointer to the new User
PoolObjectSQL * create()
return new User(-1,-1,"","","",UserPool::CORE_AUTH,true);
* Callback function to get output in XML format
* @param num the number of columns read from the DB
* @param names the column names
* @param vaues the column values
* @return 0 on success
int dump_cb(void * _oss, int num, char **values, char **names);
#endif /*USER_POOL_H_*/