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Ruben S. Montero 3874271a69 Merge branch 'master' into feature-863
2011-12-02 18:13:39 +01:00

470 lines
21 KiB

# OpenNebula Configuration file
# Daemon configuration attributes
# MANAGER_TIMER: Time in seconds the core uses to evaluate periodical functions.
# HOST_MONITORING_INTERVAL and VM_POLLING_INTERVAL can not have smaller values
# HOST_MONITORING_INTERVAL: Time in seconds between host monitorization.
# HOST_PER_INTERVAL: Number of hosts monitored in each interval.
# VM_POLLING_INTERVAL: Time in seconds between virtual machine monitorization.
# (use 0 to disable VM monitoring).
# VM_PER_INTERVAL: Number of VMs monitored in each interval.
# VM_DIR: Remote path to store the VM images, it should be shared between all
# the cluster nodes to perform live migrations. This variable is the default
# for all the hosts in the cluster. VM_DIR IS ONLY FOR THE NODES AND *NOT* THE
# SCRIPTS_REMOTE_DIR: Remote path to store the monitoring and VM management
# scripts.
# PORT: Port where oned will listen for xmlrpc calls.
# DB: Configuration attributes for the database backend
# backend : can be sqlite or mysql (default is sqlite)
# server : (mysql) host name or an IP address for the MySQL server
# port : (mysql) port for the connection to the server.
# If set to 0, the default port is used.
# user : (mysql) user's MySQL login ID
# passwd : (mysql) the password for user
# db_name : (mysql) the database name
# VNC_BASE_PORT: VNC ports for VMs can be automatically set to VNC_BASE_PORT +
PORT = 2633
DB = [ backend = "sqlite" ]
# Sample configuration for MySQL
# DB = [ backend = "mysql",
# server = "localhost",
# port = 0,
# user = "oneadmin",
# passwd = "oneadmin",
# db_name = "opennebula" ]
# Physical Networks configuration
# NETWORK_SIZE: Here you can define the default size for the virtual networks
# MAC_PREFIX: Default MAC prefix to be used to create the auto-generated MAC
# addresses is defined here (this can be overrided by the Virtual Network
# template)
MAC_PREFIX = "02:00"
# Image Repository Configuration
# DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE: This can take values
# OS Image file holding an operating system
# CDROM Image file holding a CDROM
# DATABLOCK Image file holding a datablock,
# always created as an empty block
# DEFAULT_DEVICE_PREFIX: This can be set to
# hd IDE prefix
# sd SCSI
# xvd XEN Virtual Disk
# vd KVM virtual disk
# Information Driver Configuration
# You can add more information managers with different configurations but make
# sure it has different names.
# name : name for this information manager
# executable: path of the information driver executable, can be an
# absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
# /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# arguments : for the driver executable, usually a probe configuration file,
# can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or
# /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# KVM Information Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
IM_MAD = [
name = "im_kvm",
executable = "one_im_ssh",
arguments = "-r 0 -t 15 kvm" ]
# XEN Information Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
#IM_MAD = [
# name = "im_xen",
# executable = "one_im_ssh",
# arguments = "xen" ]
# VMware Information Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
#IM_MAD = [
# name = "im_vmware",
# executable = "one_im_sh",
# arguments = "-t 15 -r 0 vmware" ]
# EC2 Information Driver Manager Configuration
#IM_MAD = [
# name = "im_ec2",
# executable = "one_im_ec2",
# arguments = "im_ec2/im_ec2.conf" ]
# Ganglia Information Driver Manager Configuration
#IM_MAD = [
# name = "im_ganglia",
# executable = "one_im_sh",
# arguments = "ganglia" ]
# Dummy Information Driver Manager Configuration
#IM_MAD = [ name="im_dummy", executable="one_im_dummy"]
# Virtualization Driver Configuration
# You can add more virtualization managers with different configurations but
# make sure it has different names.
# name : name of the virtual machine manager driver
# executable: path of the virtualization driver executable, can be an
# absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
# /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# arguments : for the driver executable
# default : default values and configuration parameters for the driver, can
# be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or
# /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# type : driver type, supported drivers: xen, kvm, xml
# KVM Virtualization Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
# -l <actions[=command_name]> actions executed locally, command can be
# overridden for each action.
# Valid actions: deploy, shutdown, cancel, save, restore, migrate, poll
# An example: "-l migrate,poll=poll_ganglia,save"
VM_MAD = [
name = "vmm_kvm",
executable = "one_vmm_exec",
arguments = "-t 15 -r 0 kvm",
default = "vmm_exec/vmm_exec_kvm.conf",
type = "kvm" ]
# XEN Virtualization Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
# -l <actions[=command_name]> actions executed locally, command can be
# overridden for each action.
# Valid actions: deploy, shutdown, cancel, save, restore, migrate, poll
# An example: "-l migrate,poll=poll_ganglia,save"
#VM_MAD = [
# name = "vmm_xen",
# executable = "one_vmm_exec",
# arguments = "-t 15 -r 0 xen",
# default = "vmm_exec/vmm_exec_xen.conf",
# type = "xen" ]
# VMware Virtualization Driver Manager Configuration
# -r number of retries when monitoring a host
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time
#VM_MAD = [
# name = "vmm_vmware",
# executable = "one_vmm_sh",
# arguments = "-t 15 -r 0 vmware",
# default = "vmm_exec/vmm_exec_vmware.conf",
# type = "vmware" ]
# EC2 Virtualization Driver Manager Configuration
# arguments: default values for the EC2 driver, can be an absolute path or
# relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was
# installed in /).
#VM_MAD = [
# name = "vmm_ec2",
# executable = "one_vmm_ec2",
# arguments = "vmm_ec2/vmm_ec2.conf",
# type = "xml" ]
# Dummy Virtualization Driver Configuration
#VM_MAD = [ name="vmm_dummy", executable="one_vmm_dummy", type="xml" ]
# Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
# You can add more transfer managers with different configurations but make
# sure it has different names.
# name : name for this transfer driver
# executable: path of the transfer driver executable, can be an
# absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
# /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# arguments : for the driver executable, usually a commands configuration file
# , can be an absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or
# /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# SHARED Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
TM_MAD = [
name = "tm_shared",
executable = "one_tm",
arguments = "tm_shared/tm_shared.conf" ]
# SSH Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
#TM_MAD = [
# name = "tm_ssh",
# executable = "one_tm",
# arguments = "tm_ssh/tm_ssh.conf" ]
# Dummy Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
#TM_MAD = [
# name = "tm_dummy",
# executable = "one_tm",
# arguments = "tm_dummy/tm_dummy.conf" ]
# LVM Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
#TM_MAD = [
# name = "tm_lvm",
# executable = "one_tm",
# arguments = "tm_lvm/tm_lvm.conf" ]
# VMware DataStore Transfer Manager Driver Configuration
#TM_MAD = [
# name = "tm_vmware",
# executable = "one_tm",
# arguments = "tm_vmware/tm_vmware.conf" ]
# Image Manager Driver Configuration
# Drivers to manage the image repository, specialized for the storage backend
# executable: path of the transfer driver executable, can be an
# absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
# /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# arguments : for the driver executable
# FS based Image Manager Driver Configuration
# -t number of threads, i.e. number of repo operations at the same time
executable = "one_image",
arguments = "fs -t 15" ]
# Hook Manager Configuration
# The Driver (HM_MAD), used to execute the Hooks
# executable: path of the hook driver executable, can be an
# absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
# /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# arguments : for the driver executable, can be an absolute path or relative
# to $ONE_LOCATION/etc (or /etc/one/ if OpenNebula was installed
# in /)
# Virtual Machine Hooks (VM_HOOK) defined by:
# name : for the hook, useful to track the hook (OPTIONAL)
# on : when the hook should be executed,
# - CREATE, when the VM is created (onevm create)
# - PROLOG, when the VM is in the prolog state
# - RUNNING, after the VM is successfully booted
# - SHUTDOWN, after the VM is shutdown
# - STOP, after the VM is stopped (including VM image transfers)
# - DONE, after the VM is deleted or shutdown
# - FAILED, when the VM enters the failed state
# command : path is relative to $ONE_LOCATION/var/remotes/hook
# (self-contained) or to /var/lib/one/remotes/hook (system-wide).
# That directory will be copied on the hosts under
# SCRIPTS_REMOTE_DIR. It can be an absolute path that must exist
# on the target host
# arguments : for the hook. You can access to VM information with $
# - $VMID, the ID of the virtual machine
# - $TEMPLATE, the VM template in xml and base64 encoded
# remote : values,
# - YES, The hook is executed in the host where the VM was
# allocated
# - NO, The hook is executed in the OpenNebula server (default)
# Host Hooks (HOST_HOOK) defined by:
# name : for the hook, useful to track the hook (OPTIONAL)
# on : when the hook should be executed,
# - CREATE, when the Host is created (onehost create)
# - ERROR, when the Host enters the error state
# - DISABLE, when the Host is disabled
# command : path is relative to $ONE_LOCATION/var/remotes/hook
# (self-contained) or to /var/lib/one/remotes/hook (system-wide).
# That directory will be copied on the hosts under
# SCRIPTS_REMOTE_DIR. It can be an absolute path that must exist
# on the target host.
# arguments : for the hook. You can use the following Host information:
# - $HID, the ID of the host
# - $TEMPLATE, the Host template in xml and base64 encoded
# remote : values,
# - YES, The hook is executed in the host
# - NO, The hook is executed in the OpenNebula server (default)
HM_MAD = [
executable = "one_hm" ]
# Fault Tolerance Hooks
# This hook is used to perform recovery actions when a host fails. The VMs
# running in the host can be deleted (use -d option) or resubmitted (-r) in
# other host
# Last argument (force) can be "y", so suspended VMs in the host will be
# resubmitted/deleted, or "n", so suspended VMs in the host will be ignored
# name = "error",
# on = "ERROR",
# command = "ft/host_error.rb",
# arguments = "$HID -r n",
# remote = "no" ]
# These two hooks can be used to automatically delete or resubmit VMs that reach
# the "failed" state. This way, the administrator doesn't have to interact
# manually to release its resources or retry the deployment.
# Only one of them should be uncommented.
#VM_HOOK = [
# name = "on_failure_delete",
# on = "FAILED",
# command = "/usr/bin/env onevm delete",
# arguments = "$VMID" ]
#VM_HOOK = [
# name = "on_failure_resubmit",
# on = "FAILED",
# command = "/usr/bin/env onevm resubmit",
# arguments = "$VMID" ]
# Auth Manager Configuration
# AUTH_MAD: The Driver that will be used to authenticate (authn) and
# authorize (authz) OpenNebula requests. If defined OpenNebula will use the
# built-in auth policies.
# executable: path of the auth driver executable, can be an
# absolute path or relative to $ONE_LOCATION/lib/mads (or
# /usr/lib/one/mads/ if OpenNebula was installed in /)
# arguments :
# --authn: list of authentication modules separated by commas, if not
# defined all the modules available will be enabled
# --authz: authorization module
# SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIME: Time in seconds to keep an authenticated token as
# valid. During this time, the driver is not used. Use 0 to disable session
# caching
executable = "one_auth_mad",
arguments = "--authn ssh,x509,ldap,server_cipher,server_x509"
# arguments = "--authz quota --authn ssh,x509,ldap,server_cipher,server_x509"