2012-07-20 03:47:54 +04:00
// Copyright (c) 2012 Virtual Cable S.L.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of Virtual Cable S.L. nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
// without specific prior written permission.
// author: Adolfo Gómez, dkmaster at dkmon dot com
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.Drawing ;
namespace UdsAdmin.gui
public class DinamycFieldsManager
2012-10-30 20:08:21 +04:00
const int DEF_FLD_HEIGHT = 24 ;
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const int DEF_FLD_WIDTH = 12 ;
public class ValidationError : Exception
private string _msg ;
public ValidationError ( string err ) : base ( )
_msg = err ;
public ValidationError ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld ) : base ( )
_msg = string . Format ( Strings . fieldRequired , fld . gui . label ) ;
public override string Message
return _msg ;
// I'll try to explain what i want to do with this struture here :-):
// First, we need a translation table so we can easyly know how every single type behabiors.
// This behabiors must include:
// - Generate the control itself, with default data if provided (Textbox, Combobox, ...)
// - Read data from controls (Text from textbox, selected item id from comboboc, selected itemS idS from listbox, ...)
// - Refill controls with data (used for callback invocation, on return it must refill som items)
// - Select values of controls, without refilling data (for "modify" operations, so we can recover the previous state)
// - Calculate the size of the control (so we can adjust the Panel acordly)
// With all of this, we use the next items in every case:
// - PutFields, First, it calculates the size of all cells, done via "sizeCalculator".
// Then, it creates the controls with the specified value/values (value for text controls, values for choices and multichoices)
// This is done via "ctrlGenerator" method
// When all controls r created, it starts, in order, to set values indicated, invoking callbacks if needed
// (this way, if we need to recover the state of something, we can use same callbacks that we used at creation
// to allow modify). This is done via the "dataSelector".
// - Callbacks, It uses the information provided on the callback to;
// * Invoke the remote procedure with indicated parameters (even hidden fields :-))
// * Receive data from callback and, using "dataWriter", refill the specified fields received on response.
// Choice and Multichoice uses the "values" field, and text ones uses the "value" field
// - ReadFields. It simply reads the previously created controls, fills the pairs "name" "value" in case of single select value controls
// (text, choice) and the keys "name" "values" in case of multiselection controls (multichoice), returning this list.
struct FldTypeData {
public Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Control , Control > ctrlGenerator ;
public Func < Control , xmlrpc . GuiField , bool , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataExtractor ;
public Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataWriter ;
public Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataSelector ;
public Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Size > sizeCalculator ;
public FldTypeData ( Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Control , Control > generator ,
Func < Control , xmlrpc . GuiField , bool , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataExtractor ,
Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataWriter ,
Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataSelector ,
Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Size > sizeCalculator , Size size )
this . ctrlGenerator = generator ;
this . dataExtractor = dataExtractor ;
this . dataWriter = dataWriter ;
this . dataSelector = dataSelector ;
this . sizeCalculator = sizeCalculator ;
public FldTypeData ( Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Control , Control > generator ,
Func < Control , xmlrpc . GuiField , bool , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataExtractor ,
Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataWriter ,
Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataSelector ,
Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Size > sizeCalculator )
this . ctrlGenerator = generator ;
this . dataExtractor = dataExtractor ;
this . dataWriter = dataWriter ;
this . dataSelector = dataSelector ;
this . sizeCalculator = sizeCalculator ;
public FldTypeData ( Func < xmlrpc . GuiField , Control , Control > generator ,
Func < Control , xmlrpc . GuiField , bool , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataExtractor ,
Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataWriter ,
Action < Control , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dataSelector )
this . ctrlGenerator = generator ;
this . dataExtractor = dataExtractor ;
this . dataWriter = dataWriter ;
this . dataSelector = dataSelector ;
this . sizeCalculator = DefaultSizeCalculator ;
public Size size ( )
return new Size ( DEF_FLD_WIDTH , DEF_FLD_HEIGHT ) ;
} ;
private static Dictionary < string , FldTypeData > ctrlTypeInfo =
new Dictionary < string , FldTypeData > ( )
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{ xmlrpc . Constants . TEXT_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( CreateTextBox , TextDataExtractor , TextDataWriter , TextSelector , TextSizeCalculator ) } ,
2012-07-20 03:47:54 +04:00
{ xmlrpc . Constants . PASSWORD_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( CreatePasswordBox , TextDataExtractor , TextDataWriter , TextSelector ) } ,
2012-08-20 08:55:14 +04:00
{ xmlrpc . Constants . NUMERIC_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( CreateNumericBox , NumericDataExtractor , NumericDataWriter , NumericSelector ) } ,
2012-07-20 03:47:54 +04:00
{ xmlrpc . Constants . HIDDEN_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( null , TextDataExtractor , TextDataWriter , TextSelector ) } ,
{ xmlrpc . Constants . CHOICE_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( CreateChoiceBox , ChoiceDataExtractor , ChoiceDataWriter , ChoiceSelector ) } ,
{ xmlrpc . Constants . MULTI_CHOICE_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( CreateMultiChoiceBox , MultiChoiceExtractor , MultichoiceDataWriter , MultiChoiceSelector , MultiChoiceSizeCalculator ) } ,
{ xmlrpc . Constants . EDITABLE_LIST , new FldTypeData ( CreateEditList , EditListExtractor , EditListDataWriter , EditListSelector , BtnSizeCalculator ) } ,
{ xmlrpc . Constants . CHECKBOX_TYPE , new FldTypeData ( CreateCheckBox , CheckBoxExtractor , CheckBoxDataWriter , CheckBoxSelector , CheckBoxSizeCalculator ) } ,
} ;
// Put fields on the specified tablelayoutpanel so they can be edited
public static Size PutFields ( TableLayoutPanel panel , xmlrpc . GuiField [ ] fields , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ ] values )
// Controls generator
// Size getters
// We count the fields, except for hiddend fields, so we know the number of rows
int numRows = fields . Count ( fld = > ( fld . gui . type ! = xmlrpc . Constants . HIDDEN_TYPE ) ) ;
panel . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
panel . Controls . Clear ( ) ;
panel . RowCount = numRows ;
panel . ColumnCount = 2 ;
panel . AutoSize = true ;
// Sort the array by fielrd order
Array . Sort ( fields , delegate ( xmlrpc . GuiField f1 , xmlrpc . GuiField f2 ) {
return f1 . gui . order . CompareTo ( f2 . gui . order ) ;
} ) ;
List < xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > ordererValues = new List < xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > ( ) ;
Dictionary < string , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > dict = new Dictionary < string , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue > ( ) ;
if ( values ! = null )
foreach ( xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue v in values )
dict . Add ( v . name , v ) ;
int row = 0 ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld in fields )
if ( fld . gui . type ! = xmlrpc . Constants . HIDDEN_TYPE ) // Hiden fields are textbox that don't appears and don't add rows..
ToolTip tt = new ToolTip ( ) ;
// Creates the label
Label label = new Label ( ) ;
label . AutoSize = true ;
label . Margin = new Padding ( 3 , 6 , 3 , 6 ) ;
label . Text = fld . gui . label ;
label . TextAlign = ContentAlignment . MiddleLeft ;
tt . SetToolTip ( label , fld . gui . tooltip ) ;
panel . Controls . Add ( label , 0 , row ) ;
//panel.SetCellPosition(label, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(0, row));
Control ctrl = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . ctrlGenerator ( fld , panel ) ;
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . Fill ;
if ( dict . ContainsKey ( fld . name ) )
// We have it in order
ordererValues . Add ( dict [ fld . name ] ) ;
if ( fld . gui . rdonly = = true & & values ! = null )
label . Enabled = false ;
ctrl . Enabled = false ;
panel . Controls . Add ( ctrl , 1 , row ) ;
// panel.SetCellPosition(ctrl, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(1, row));
row + + ;
TextBox hidden = new TextBox ( ) ;
if ( fld . value ! = "" )
hidden . Text = fld . value ;
hidden . Text = fld . gui . defvalue ;
hidden . Name = fld . name ; hidden . Tag = fld ; hidden . Visible = false ;
panel . Controls . Add ( hidden , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Set panel column and rows styles
TableLayoutColumnStyleCollection styles = panel . ColumnStyles ;
foreach ( ColumnStyle style in styles )
style . SizeType = SizeType . AutoSize ;
TableLayoutRowStyleCollection stylesR = panel . RowStyles ;
foreach ( RowStyle style in stylesR )
style . SizeType = SizeType . AutoSize ;
panel . ResumeLayout ( ) ;
// Now stores the values of fields if needed (we do it now cause we need all controls to be created BEFORE this
// because the events of change fields will be launched
// Generate a dict with the desired values
foreach ( xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue v in ordererValues )
Control [ ] ctrl = panel . Controls . Find ( v . name , true ) ;
if ( ctrl . Length > 0 )
xmlrpc . GuiField field = ( xmlrpc . GuiField ) ctrl [ 0 ] . Tag ;
ctrlTypeInfo [ field . gui . type ] . dataSelector ( ctrl [ 0 ] , v ) ;
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2012-07-20 03:47:54 +04:00
return panel . PreferredSize ;
public static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ ] ReadFields ( TableLayoutPanel panel , xmlrpc . GuiField [ ] flds )
Dictionary < string , Control > ctrlsDict = new Dictionary < string , Control > ( ) ;
foreach ( Control ctrl in panel . Controls )
if ( ctrl . Name = = "" ) // Skip labels...
continue ;
ctrlsDict . Add ( ctrl . Name , ctrl ) ;
// Extract data from controls and put it on
xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ ] res = new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ flds . Count ( ) ] ;
int cnt = 0 ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld in flds )
res [ cnt + + ] = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . dataExtractor ( ctrlsDict [ fld . name ] , fld , true ) ;
return res ;
// Controls creator helpers
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private static Control CreateTextBox ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
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TextBox text = new TextBox ( ) ;
text . Name = fld . name ;
text . Tag = fld ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
text . Width = sz . Width ;
text . Height = sz . Height ;
text . MaxLength = fld . gui . length ;
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string value = fld . value ;
if ( value = = "" )
value = fld . gui . defvalue ;
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if ( fld . gui . multiline > 1 )
text . Multiline = true ;
text . ScrollBars = ScrollBars . Both ;
text . AcceptsReturn = true ;
text . WordWrap = false ;
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StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
foreach ( string v in value . Split ( '\n' ) )
bldr . AppendLine ( v ) ;
value = bldr . ToString ( ) ;
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2012-07-26 02:55:34 +04:00
text . Text = value ;
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return text ;
private static Control CreatePasswordBox ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
TextBox text = new TextBox ( ) ;
text . Name = fld . name ;
text . Tag = fld ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
text . Width = sz . Width ;
text . Height = sz . Height ;
text . MaxLength = fld . gui . length ;
if ( fld . value ! = "" )
text . Text = fld . value ;
text . Text = fld . gui . defvalue ;
text . UseSystemPasswordChar = true ;
return text ;
private static decimal ToDecimal ( string value )
return Convert . ToDecimal ( value ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return 0 ;
private static Control CreateNumericBox ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
NumericUpDown num = new NumericUpDown ( ) ;
num . Name = fld . name ;
num . Tag = fld ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
num . Width = sz . Width + 20 ;
num . Height = sz . Height ;
num . Minimum = 0 ;
double length = fld . gui . length < 8 ? fld . gui . length : 8 ;
num . Maximum = ( decimal ) Math . Pow ( 10 , length ) - 1 ;
if ( fld . value ! = "" )
num . Value = ToDecimal ( fld . value ) ;
num . Value = ToDecimal ( fld . gui . defvalue ) ;
return num ;
private static Control CreateChoiceBox ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
ComboBox box = new ComboBox ( ) ;
box . Name = fld . name ;
box . Tag = fld ;
box . DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle . DropDownList ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
box . Width = sz . Width ;
box . Height = sz . Height ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in fld . gui . values )
box . Items . Add ( ch ) ;
if ( ch . id = = fld . gui . defvalue )
box . SelectedItem = ch ;
if ( fld . gui . fills . callbackName ! = null )
// We create a delegate to support the callback for this combo box
box . SelectedIndexChanged + = delegate ( object sender , EventArgs args )
xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ ] data = new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ fld . gui . fills . parameters . Length ] ;
int pos = 0 ;
foreach ( string parameter in fld . gui . fills . parameters )
Control [ ] ctrlParameter = container . Controls . Find ( parameter , true ) ;
if ( ctrlParameter . Length > 0 )
xmlrpc . GuiField field = ( xmlrpc . GuiField ) ctrlParameter [ 0 ] . Tag ;
data [ pos + + ] = ctrlTypeInfo [ field . gui . type ] . dataExtractor ( ctrlParameter [ 0 ] , field , false ) ;
xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue [ ] newData = xmlrpc . UdsAdminService . InvokeChooseCallback ( fld . gui . fills . callbackName , data ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue val in newData )
Control [ ] ctrlResult = container . Controls . Find ( val . name , true ) ;
if ( ctrlResult . Length > 0 )
xmlrpc . GuiField field = ( xmlrpc . GuiField ) ctrlResult [ 0 ] . Tag ;
ctrlTypeInfo [ field . gui . type ] . dataWriter ( ctrlResult [ 0 ] , val ) ;
} ;
// With the event active, we change the selected item (if there is a callback, it should launc now)
return box ;
// Multichoice creator
private static Control CreateMultiChoiceBox ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
ListBox box = new ListBox ( ) ;
box . Name = fld . name ;
box . Tag = fld ;
box . SelectionMode = SelectionMode . MultiExtended ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
box . Width = sz . Width ;
box . Height = sz . Height ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in fld . gui . values )
box . Items . Add ( ch ) ;
if ( fld . gui . defvalue = = ch . id )
box . SelectedItem = ch ;
return box ;
private static Control CreateEditList ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
controls . ListEditor lst = new controls . ListEditor ( ) ;
lst . Name = fld . name ;
lst . Tag = fld ;
lst . Text = fld . gui . label ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
lst . Width = sz . Width ;
List < string > vals = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in fld . gui . values )
vals . Add ( ch . id ) ;
lst . Items = vals ;
return lst ;
private static Control CreateCheckBox ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld , Control container )
CheckBox check = new CheckBox ( ) ;
check . Name = fld . name ;
check . Tag = fld ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . sizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
check . Width = sz . Width ;
check . Height = sz . Height ;
string value = ( fld . value ! = "" ) ? fld . value : fld . gui . defvalue ;
if ( value ! = xmlrpc . Constants . TRUE )
check . Checked = false ;
check . Checked = true ;
return check ;
// Controls size calculators
private static Size DefaultSizeCalculator ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld )
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . size ( ) ;
sz . Width * = fld . gui . length ;
if ( sz . Width > UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth )
sz . Width = UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth ;
return sz ;
2012-07-25 03:41:06 +04:00
// Text box size calculator
private static Size TextSizeCalculator ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld )
if ( fld . gui . multiline < 2 )
return DefaultSizeCalculator ( fld ) ;
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . size ( ) ;
sz . Width * = fld . gui . length ;
if ( sz . Width > UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth )
sz . Width = UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth ;
sz . Height * = fld . gui . multiline ;
return sz ;
2012-07-20 03:47:54 +04:00
// Button size calculators
private static Size BtnSizeCalculator ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld )
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . size ( ) ;
sz . Height + = 8 ;
sz . Width * = fld . gui . length ;
if ( sz . Width > UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth )
sz . Width = UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth ;
return sz ;
// Listbox size calculator
private static Size MultiChoiceSizeCalculator ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld )
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . size ( ) ;
sz . Width * = fld . gui . length ;
if ( sz . Width > UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth )
sz . Width = UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth ;
int rows = 2 ;
if ( fld . gui . rows ! = - 1 )
rows = fld . gui . rows ;
sz . Height * = rows ;
return sz ;
private static Size CheckBoxSizeCalculator ( xmlrpc . GuiField fld )
Size sz = ctrlTypeInfo [ fld . gui . type ] . size ( ) + new Size ( 4 , 4 ) ;
if ( sz . Width > UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth )
sz . Width = UdsAdmin . Properties . Settings . Default . MaxControlWidth ;
return sz ;
// Control extractors helpers
private static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue TextDataExtractor ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiField fld , bool validate )
TextBox txt = ( TextBox ) ctrl ;
string val = txt . Text . Trim ( ) ;
if ( validate & & fld . gui . required & & val . Length = = 0 )
throw new ValidationError ( fld ) ;
return new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ( fld . name , val ) ;
private static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue NumericDataExtractor ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiField fld , bool validate )
NumericUpDown num = ( NumericUpDown ) ctrl ;
string val = ( ( int ) ( num . Value ) ) . ToString ( ) ;
if ( validate & & fld . gui . required & & val = = "0" )
throw new ValidationError ( fld ) ;
return new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ( fld . name , val ) ;
private static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ChoiceDataExtractor ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiField fld , bool validate )
ComboBox box = ( ComboBox ) ctrl ;
string val = "" ;
if ( box . SelectedItem ! = null )
val = ( ( xmlrpc . Choice ) box . SelectedItem ) . id ;
if ( validate & & fld . gui . required & & val . Length = = 0 )
throw new ValidationError ( fld ) ;
return new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ( fld . name , val ) ;
private static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue MultiChoiceExtractor ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiField fld , bool validate )
ListBox box = ( ListBox ) ctrl ;
xmlrpc . Choice [ ] selected = new xmlrpc . Choice [ box . SelectedItems . Count ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < box . SelectedItems . Count ; i + + )
selected [ i ] = ( xmlrpc . Choice ) box . SelectedItems [ i ] ;
if ( validate & & fld . gui . required & & selected . Length = = 0 )
throw new ValidationError ( fld ) ;
return new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ( fld . name , selected ) ;
private static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue EditListExtractor ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiField fld , bool validate )
controls . ListEditor lst = ( controls . ListEditor ) ctrl ;
List < string > vals = lst . Items ;
xmlrpc . Choice [ ] selected = new xmlrpc . Choice [ vals . Count ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < vals . Count ; i + + )
selected [ i ] = new xmlrpc . Choice ( vals [ i ] , "" ) ; // Returned values goes inside ids (the significant part of choices, text are used to display data to user)
if ( validate & & fld . gui . required & & selected . Length = = 0 )
throw new ValidationError ( fld ) ;
return new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ( fld . name , selected ) ;
private static xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue CheckBoxExtractor ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiField fld , bool validate )
CheckBox chk = ( CheckBox ) ctrl ;
return new xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue ( fld . name , chk . Checked ? xmlrpc . Constants . TRUE : xmlrpc . Constants . FALSE ) ;
// Control writers helpers
private static void TextDataWriter ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
2012-07-26 02:55:34 +04:00
TextBox tc = ( TextBox ) ctrl ;
string val = value . value ;
if ( tc . Multiline )
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
foreach ( string v in val . Split ( '\n' ) )
bldr . AppendLine ( v ) ;
val = bldr . ToString ( ) ;
ctrl . Text = val ;
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// Control writers helpers
private static void NumericDataWriter ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
NumericUpDown num = ( NumericUpDown ) ctrl ;
num . Value = ToDecimal ( value . value ) ;
private static void ChoiceDataWriter ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
ComboBox box = ( ComboBox ) ctrl ;
box . Items . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in value . values )
box . Items . Add ( ch ) ;
if ( box . Items . Count > 0 )
box . SelectedIndex = 0 ;
box . SelectedIndex = - 1 ;
private static void MultichoiceDataWriter ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
ListBox box = ( ListBox ) ctrl ;
box . Items . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in value . values )
box . Items . Add ( ch ) ;
private static void EditListDataWriter ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
controls . ListEditor lst = ( controls . ListEditor ) ctrl ;
List < string > vals = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in value . values )
vals . Add ( ch . text ) ;
lst . Items = vals ;
private static void CheckBoxDataWriter ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
CheckBox chk = ( CheckBox ) ctrl ;
if ( value . value ! = xmlrpc . Constants . TRUE )
chk . Checked = false ;
chk . Checked = true ;
// Controls "Selectors" (that is, select the items without overwriting it
private static void TextSelector ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
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TextDataWriter ( ctrl , value ) ;
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private static void NumericSelector ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
NumericUpDown num = ( NumericUpDown ) ctrl ;
num . Value = ToDecimal ( value . value ) ;
private static void ChoiceSelector ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
ComboBox box = ( ComboBox ) ctrl ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in box . Items )
if ( ch . id = = value . value )
box . SelectedItem = ch ;
private static void MultiChoiceSelector ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
ListBox box = ( ListBox ) ctrl ;
box . BeginUpdate ( ) ;
box . ClearSelected ( ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice val in value . values )
box . SelectedItems . Add ( val ) ;
box . EndUpdate ( ) ;
private static void EditListSelector ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
// All items are "Selected" in editlist, i mean, we fill the list with this items
controls . ListEditor lst = ( controls . ListEditor ) ctrl ;
List < string > vals = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( xmlrpc . Choice ch in value . values )
vals . Add ( ch . id ) ;
lst . Items = vals ;
private static void CheckBoxSelector ( Control ctrl , xmlrpc . GuiFieldValue value )
CheckBox chk = ( CheckBox ) ctrl ;
if ( value . value ! = xmlrpc . Constants . TRUE )
chk . Checked = false ;
chk . Checked = true ;