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synced 2025-03-11 00:58:39 +03:00
Fixing up REST api for client access
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,11 +36,13 @@ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from uds.REST import Handler
from uds.REST import RequestError
from uds.models import UserService, DeployedService, Transport
from uds.models import UserService, DeployedService, Transport, ServicesPoolGroup
from uds.core.util.model import processUuid
from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
from uds.core.managers import userServiceManager
# from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
from uds.core.util import log
from uds.core.util.stats import events
from uds.core.ui.images import DEFAULT_THUMB_BASE64
import datetime
@ -90,32 +92,50 @@ class Connection(Handler):
if t.validForIp(self._request.ip) and t.getType().providesConnetionInfo():
trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name})
servicePool = svr.deployed_service
services.append({'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
'name': svr['name'],
'name': servicePool.name,
'description': servicePool.comments,
'visual_name': servicePool.visual_name,
'group': servicePool.servicesPoolGroup if servicePool.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict,
'thumb': servicePool.image.thumb64 if servicePool.image is not None else DEFAULT_THUMB_BASE64,
'show_transports': servicePool.show_transports,
'allow_users_remove': servicePool.allow_users_remove,
'maintenance': servicePool.isInMaintenance(),
'not_accesible': not servicePool.isAccessAllowed(),
'to_be_replaced': False, # Manually assigned will not be autoremoved never
'transports': trans,
'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
'in_use': svr.in_use})
# Now generic user service
for svr in availServices:
for servicePool in availServices:
trans = []
for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
for t in servicePool.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
if t.validForIp(self._request.ip) and t.getType().providesConnetionInfo():
trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name})
# Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(svr, self._user)
ads = userServiceManager().getExistingAssignationForUser(servicePool, self._user)
if ads is None:
in_use = False
in_use = ads.in_use
services.append({'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
'name': svr.name,
services.append({'id': 'F' + servicePool.uuid,
'name': servicePool.name,
'description': servicePool.comments,
'visual_name': servicePool.visual_name,
'group': servicePool.servicesPoolGroup if servicePool.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict,
'thumb': servicePool.image.thumb64 if servicePool.image is not None else DEFAULT_THUMB_BASE64,
'show_transports': servicePool.show_transports,
'allow_users_remove': servicePool.allow_users_remove,
'maintenance': servicePool.isInMaintenance(),
'not_accesible': not servicePool.isAccessAllowed(),
'to_be_replaced': servicePool.toBeReplaced(),
'transports': trans,
'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
'in_use': in_use})
logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))
@ -125,70 +145,18 @@ class Connection(Handler):
return Connection.result(result=services)
def connection(self, doNotCheck=False):
kind, idService = self._args[0][0], self._args[0][1:]
idService = self._args[0]
idTransport = self._args[1]
logger.debug('Type: {}, Service: {}, Transport: {}'.format(kind, idService, idTransport))
logger.debug('Kind of service: {0}, idService: {1}'.format(kind, idService))
if kind == 'A': # This is an assigned service
ads = UserService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idService))
ds = DeployedService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idService))
# We first do a sanity check for this, if the user has access to this service
# If it fails, will raise an exception
# Now we have to locate an instance of the service, so we can assign it to user.
ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getAssignationForUser(ds, self._user)
if ads.isInMaintenance() is True:
return Connection.result(error='Service in maintenance')
logger.debug('Found service: {0}'.format(ads))
trans = Transport.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idTransport))
if trans.validForIp(self._request.ip) is False:
return Connection.result(error='Access denied')
# Test if the service is ready
if doNotCheck or ads.isReady():
log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User {0} from {1} has initiated access".format(self._user.name, self._request.ip), log.WEB)
# If ready, show transport for this service, if also ready ofc
iads = ads.getInstance()
ip = iads.getIp()
logger.debug('IP: {}'.format(ip))
events.addEvent(ads.deployed_service, events.ET_ACCESS, username=self._user.name, srcip=self._request.ip, dstip=ip, uniqueid=ads.unique_id)
if ip is not None:
itrans = trans.getInstance()
if itrans.providesConnetionInfo() and (doNotCheck or itrans.isAvailableFor(ads, ip)):
ads.setConnectionSource(self._request.ip, 'unknown')
log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User service ready, rendering transport", log.WEB)
ci = {
'username': '',
'password': '',
'domain': '',
'protocol': 'unknown',
'ip': ip
ci.update(itrans.getConnectionInfo(ads, self._user, 'UNKNOWN'))
UserServiceManager.manager().notifyPreconnect(ads, itrans.processedUser(ads, self._user), itrans.protocol)
return Connection.result(result=ci)
log.doLog(ads, log.WARN, "User service is not accessible by REST (ip {0})".format(ip), log.TRANSPORT)
logger.debug('Transport {} is not accesible for user service {} from {}'.format(trans, ads, self._request.ip))
logger.debug("{}, {}".format(itrans.providesConnetionInfo(), itrans.isAvailableFor(ads, ip)))
logger.debug('Ip not available from user service {0}'.format(ads))
log.doLog(ads, log.WARN, "User {0} from {1} tried to access, but service was not ready".format(self._user.name, self._request.ip), log.WEB)
# Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
return Connection.result(error='Service not ready')
except Exception as e:
return Connection.result(error=six.text_type(e))
ip, userService, iads, trans, itrans = userServiceManager().getService(self._user, self._request.ip, idService, idTransport, not doNotCheck)
ci = {
'username': '',
'password': '',
'domain': '',
'protocol': 'unknown',
'ip': ip
ci.update(itrans.getConnectionInfo(userService, self._user, 'UNKNOWN'))
return Connection.result(result=ci)
def get(self):
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from uds.core.util.Config import GlobalConfig
from uds.core.util.model import processUuid
from uds.models import Authenticator
from uds.core.auths.auth import authenticate
from uds.core import VERSION as UDS_VERSION
from uds.REST import RequestError
from uds.REST import Handler
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ class Login(Handler):
if user is None: # invalid credentials
raise Exception()
self.genAuthToken(auth.id, user.name, locale, user.is_admin, user.staff_member)
return{'result': 'ok', 'token': self.getAuthToken()}
return{'result': 'ok', 'token': self.getAuthToken(), 'version': UDS_VERSION }
logger.exception('Credentials ')
raise Exception('Invalid Credentials (invalid authenticator)')
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
{% csrf_token %}
<input id="id_language" type="hidden" name="language" value=""/>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li><a href="{% url 'ClientDownload' %}"><span class="fa fa-download"></span> {% trans 'UDS Plugin' %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'uds.web.views.about' %}">{% trans 'About' %}</a></li>
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i> {% trans LANGUAGE_INFO.name|capfirst %}<b class="caret"></b></a>
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@
{% if show_prefs and user.id != rootid %}
<li><a href="{% url "uds.web.views.prefs" %}"><span class="fa fa-edit"></span> {% trans 'Preferences' %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{% url 'ClientDownload' %}"><span class="fa fa-download"></span> {% trans 'UDS Plugin' %}</a></li>
{% if user.staff_member or user.is_admin %}
<li><a href="{% url "uds.web.views.download" idDownload='' %}"><span class="fa fa-download"></span> {% trans "Downloads" %}</a></li>
{% ifbrowser ie<8 %}
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__updated__ = '2017-10-25'
__updated__ = '2017-11-10'
def about(request):
@ -120,29 +120,32 @@ def index(request):
'link': link
if svr.deployed_service.image is not None:
imageId = svr.deployed_service.image.uuid
servicePool = svr.deployed_service
if servicePool.image is not None:
imageId = servicePool.image.uuid
imageId = 'x' # Invalid
# Extract app group
group = svr.deployed_service.servicesPoolGroup if svr.deployed_service.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict
group = servicePool.servicesPoolGroup if servicePool.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict
'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
'name': svr.name,
'visual_name': svr.visual_name,
'description': svr.deployed_service.comments,
'name': servicePool.name,
'visual_name': servicePool.visual_name,
'description': servicePool.comments,
'group': group,
'transports': trans,
'imageId': imageId,
'show_transports': svr.deployed_service.show_transports,
'allow_users_remove': svr.deployed_service.allow_users_remove,
'maintenance': svr.deployed_service.isInMaintenance(),
'not_accesible': not svr.deployed_service.isAccessAllowed(),
'show_transports': servicePool.show_transports,
'allow_users_remove': servicePool.allow_users_remove,
'maintenance': servicePool.isInMaintenance(),
'not_accesible': not servicePool.isAccessAllowed(),
'in_use': svr.in_use,
'to_be_replaced': False, # Manually assigned will not be autoremoved never
'comments': svr.comments,
'comments': servicePool.comments,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user