version: 1 script: # Remove any previous build - rm -rf $TARGET_APPDIR | true # Make usr and icons dirs - mkdir -p $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src # Copy the python application code into the UDSClientDir - cp ../src/UDS*.py $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src - cp -r ../src/uds $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src # Remove __pycache__ and .mypy if exists - rm $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src/.mypy_cache -rf 2>&1 > /dev/null - rm $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src/uds/.mypy_cache -rf 2>&1 > /dev/null - rm $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src/__pycache__ -rf 2>&1 > /dev/null - rm $TARGET_APPDIR/usr/src/uds/__pycache__ -rf 2>&1 > /dev/null AppDir: # On /tmp, that is an ext4 filesystem. On btrfs squashfs complains with "Unrecognised xattr prefix btrfs.compression" path: /tmp/UDSClientDir app_info: id: com.udsenterprise.UDSClient3 name: UDSClient icon: utilities-terminal version: 0.0.0 # Set the python executable as entry point exec: usr/bin/python3 # Set the application main script path as argument. Use '$@' to forward CLI parameters exec_args: "$APPDIR/usr/src/ $@" apt: arch: amd64 sources: - sourceline: 'deb [arch=amd64] bullseye main contrib non-free' key_url: '' include: - python3 - python3-pkg-resources # In future, will be replaced with PyQt6 (when available as debian package) - python3-pyqt5 - python3-paramiko - python3-cryptography - python3-certifi - python3-psutil - freerdp2-x11 - freerdp2-wayland - x2goclient - openssh-sftp-server exclude: [] runtime: env: # Set python home # See PYTHONHOME: '${APPDIR}/usr' # Path to the site-packages dir or other modules dirs # See PYTHONPATH: '${APPDIR}/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages' AppImage: # update-information: None sign-key: 592AF43A64B8559137FA2458AA4ECFEE784E6BA7 arch: x86_64