mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 12:58:33 +03:00
1495 lines
37 KiB
1495 lines
37 KiB
Authentication response: {u'token': u'xlm22vchla3eao2t2w9chdeqx2ta9enr', u'result': u'ok'}
Listing supported auths and related info
* SAML Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: False
> name: SAML Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: SAML20Authenticator
> description: SAML (v2.0) Authenticator
> userNameLabel: User
> canSearchUsers: False
> canSearchGroups: False
> groupNameLabel: Group
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: manageUrl
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label:
+ length: 32
+ tooltip:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: hidden
+ order: 0
- Name: privateKey
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Certificates
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Private key used for sign and encription, as generated in base 64 from openssl
+ label: Private key
+ length: 4096
+ multiline: 8
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 1
- Name: serverCertificate
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Certificates
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Public key used for sign and encription (public part of previous private key), as generated in base 64 from openssl
+ label: Certificate
+ length: 4096
+ multiline: 8
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 2
- Name: idpMetadata
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Metadata
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: You can enter here the URL or the IDP metadata or the metadata itself (xml)
+ label: IDP Metadata
+ length: 8192
+ multiline: 4
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 3
- Name: entityID
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Metadata
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: ID of the SP. If left blank, this will be autogenerated from server URL
+ label: Entity ID
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 4
- Name: userNameAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Attributes
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Fields from where to extract user name
+ label: User name attrs
+ length: 2048
+ multiline: 2
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 5
- Name: groupNameAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Attributes
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Fields from where to extract the groups
+ label: Group name attrs
+ length: 2048
+ multiline: 2
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 6
- Name: realNameAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Attributes
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Fields from where to extract the real name
+ label: Real name attrs
+ length: 2048
+ multiline: 2
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 7
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: manageUrl, Type: hidden, is Required?: False
- Name: privateKey, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: serverCertificate, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: idpMetadata, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: entityID, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: userNameAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: groupNameAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: realNameAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
* SimpleLDAP Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: True
> name: SimpleLDAP Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: SimpleLdapAuthenticator
> description: Simple LDAP authenticator
> userNameLabel: Username
> canSearchUsers: True
> canSearchGroups: True
> groupNameLabel: Group
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: host
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Host
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ tooltip: Ldap Server IP or Hostname
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 1
- Name: port
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 389
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Ldap port (usually 389 for non ssl and 636 for ssl)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 5
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Port
+ type: numeric
+ order: 2
- Name: ssl
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Use SSL
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, the connection will be ssl, using port 636 instead of 389
+ rdonly: False
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 3
- Name: username
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Credentials
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Username with read privileges on the base selected
+ label: Ldap User
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 4
- Name: password
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: False
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Password
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: Password of the ldap user
+ tab: Credentials
+ type: password
+ order: 5
- Name: timeout
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 10
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Timeout in seconds of connection to LDAP
+ minValue: 1
+ length: 3
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Timeout
+ type: numeric
+ order: 6
- Name: ldapBase
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Common search base (used for "users" and "groups")
+ label: Base
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 7
- Name: userClass
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: posixAccount
+ tooltip: Class for LDAP users (normally posixAccount)
+ label: User class
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 8
- Name: userIdAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: uid
+ tooltip: Attribute that contains the user id
+ label: User Id Attr
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 9
- Name: userNameAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: uid
+ tooltip: Attributes that contains the user name (list of comma separated values)
+ label: User Name Attr
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 10
- Name: groupClass
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: posixGroup
+ tooltip: Class for LDAP groups (normally poxisGroup)
+ label: Group class
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 11
- Name: groupIdAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: cn
+ tooltip: Attribute that contains the group id
+ label: Group Id Attr
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 12
- Name: memberAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: memberUid
+ tooltip: Attribute of the group that contains the users belonging to it
+ label: Group membership attr
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 13
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: host, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: port, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: ssl, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
- Name: username, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: password, Type: password, is Required?: True
- Name: timeout, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: ldapBase, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: userClass, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: userIdAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: userNameAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: groupClass, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: groupIdAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: memberAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
* Sample Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: True
> name: Sample Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: SampleAuthenticator
> description: Sample dummy authenticator
> userNameLabel: Fake User
> canSearchUsers: True
> canSearchGroups: True
> groupNameLabel: Fake Group
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: groups
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Groups
+ length: 32
+ values: [u'Gods', u'Daemons', u'Mortals']
+ tooltip:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: editlist
+ order: 0
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: groups, Type: editlist, is Required?: False
* IP Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: False
> name: IP Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: IPAuth
> description: IP Authenticator
> userNameLabel: IP
> canSearchUsers: False
> canSearchGroups: False
> groupNameLabel: IP Range
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: acceptProxy
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: False
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Accept proxy
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, requests via proxy will get FORWARDED ip address (take care with this bein checked, can take internal IP addresses from internet)
+ tab: Advanced
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 3
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: acceptProxy, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
* Internal Database
> canCreateUsers: True
> name: Internal Database
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: InternalDBAuth
> description: Internal dabasase authenticator. Doesn't use external sources
> userNameLabel: User name
> canSearchUsers: False
> canSearchGroups: False
> groupNameLabel: Group name
> needsPassword: True
> isExternal: False
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: differentForEachHost
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: True
+ required: False
+ defvalue: false
+ value:
+ label: Different user for each host
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, each host will have a different user name
+ tab: Advanced
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 1
- Name: reverseDns
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: True
+ required: False
+ defvalue: false
+ value:
+ label: Reverse DNS
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, the host will be reversed dns
+ tab: Advanced
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 2
- Name: acceptProxy
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: False
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Accept proxy
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, requests via proxy will get FORWARDED ip address (take care with this bein checked, can take internal IP addresses from internet)
+ tab: Advanced
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 3
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: differentForEachHost, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
- Name: reverseDns, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
- Name: acceptProxy, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
* Active Directory Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: True
> name: Active Directory Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator
> description: Authenticate against Active Directory
> userNameLabel: Username
> canSearchUsers: True
> canSearchGroups: True
> groupNameLabel: Group
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: host
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Host
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ tooltip: Active Directory Server IP or Hostname
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 1
- Name: ssl
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Use SSL
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, a ssl connection to Active Directory will be used
+ rdonly: False
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 2
- Name: compat
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: w2x
+ value:
+ label: Compatibility
+ length: 32
+ values: [{u'text': u'Windows NT', u'id': u'nt'}, {u'text': u'Windows 2000 and later', u'id': u'w2x'}]
+ tooltip: Compatibility of AD connection (Usually windows 2000 and later)
+ rdonly: True
+ type: choice
+ order: 3
- Name: username
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Credentials
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Username with read privileges on the base selected (use USER@DOMAIN.DOM form for this)
+ label: User
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 4
- Name: password
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: False
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Password
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: Password of the ldap user
+ tab: Credentials
+ type: password
+ order: 5
- Name: timeout
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 10
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Timeout in seconds of connection to Active Directory
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 3
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Timeout
+ type: numeric
+ order: 6
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: host, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: ssl, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
- Name: compat, Type: choice, is Required?: True
- Name: username, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: password, Type: password, is Required?: True
- Name: timeout, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
* eDirectory Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: True
> name: eDirectory Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: EDirectoryAuthenticator
> description: Authenticate against eDirectory
> userNameLabel: Username
> canSearchUsers: True
> canSearchGroups: False
> groupNameLabel: Group
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: host
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Host
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ tooltip: EDirectory Server IP or Hostname
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 1
- Name: port
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 389
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Ldap port (usually 389 for non ssl and 636 for ssl)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 5
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Port
+ type: numeric
+ order: 2
- Name: ssl
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Use SSL
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, the connection will be ssl, using port 636 instead of 389
+ rdonly: False
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 3
- Name: username
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Credentials
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Username with read privileges on the eDirectory
+ label: User
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 4
- Name: password
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: False
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Password
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: Password of the ldap user
+ tab: Credentials
+ type: password
+ order: 5
- Name: timeout
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 10
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Timeout in seconds of connection to LDAP
+ minValue: 1
+ length: 3
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Timeout
+ type: numeric
+ order: 6
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: host, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: port, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: ssl, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
- Name: username, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: password, Type: password, is Required?: True
- Name: timeout, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
* Regex LDAP Authenticator
> canCreateUsers: True
> name: Regex LDAP Authenticator
> passwordLabel: Password
> type: RegexLdapAuthenticator
> description: Regular Expressions LDAP authenticator
> userNameLabel: Username
> canSearchUsers: True
> canSearchGroups: False
> groupNameLabel: Group
> needsPassword: False
> isExternal: True
- Name: tags
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Tags for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Tags
+ type: taglist
+ order: -101
- Name: name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Name of this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Name
+ type: text
+ order: -100
- Name: comments
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Comments for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 256
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Comments
+ type: text
+ order: -99
- Name: priority
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 1
+ tooltip: Selects the priority of this element (lower number means higher priority)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 4
+ multiline: 0
+ value: 1
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Priority
+ type: numeric
+ order: -97
- Name: small_name
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Label for this element
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 128
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ values: []
+ label: Label
+ type: text
+ order: -96
- Name: host
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Host
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ tooltip: Ldap Server Host
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 1
- Name: port
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 389
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Ldap port (usually 389 for non ssl and 636 for ssl)
+ minValue: 987654321
+ length: 5
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Port
+ type: numeric
+ order: 2
- Name: ssl
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: False
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Use SSL
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: If checked, the connection will be ssl, using port 636 instead of 389
+ rdonly: False
+ type: checkbox
+ order: 3
- Name: username
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Credentials
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Username with read privileges on the base selected
+ label: User
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 4
- Name: password
- Value:
- GUI:
+ rdonly: False
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ value:
+ label: Password
+ length: 32
+ tooltip: Password of the ldap user
+ tab: Credentials
+ type: password
+ order: 5
- Name: timeout
- Value:
- GUI:
+ required: True
+ defvalue: 10
+ maxValue: 987654321
+ tooltip: Timeout in seconds of connection to LDAP
+ minValue: 1
+ length: 3
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ label: Timeout
+ type: numeric
+ order: 6
- Name: ldapBase
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue:
+ tooltip: Common search base (used for "users" and "groups")
+ label: Base
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 7
- Name: userClass
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: posixAccount
+ tooltip: Class for LDAP users (normally posixAccount)
+ label: User class
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 8
- Name: userIdAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: uid
+ tooltip: Attribute that contains the user id
+ label: User Id Attr
+ length: 64
+ multiline: 0
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 9
- Name: userNameAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: uid
+ tooltip: Attributes that contains the user name (list of comma separated values)
+ label: User Name Attr
+ length: 640
+ multiline: 2
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 10
- Name: groupNameAttr
- Value:
- GUI:
+ tab: Ldap info
+ required: True
+ defvalue: cn
+ tooltip: Attribute that contains the group name
+ label: Group Name Attr
+ length: 640
+ multiline: 2
+ value:
+ rdonly: False
+ type: text
+ order: 11
> Simplified fields:
- Name: tags, Type: taglist, is Required?: False
- Name: name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: comments, Type: text, is Required?: False
- Name: priority, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: small_name, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: host, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: port, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: ssl, Type: checkbox, is Required?: False
- Name: username, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: password, Type: password, is Required?: True
- Name: timeout, Type: numeric, is Required?: True
- Name: ldapBase, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: userClass, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: userIdAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: userNameAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
- Name: groupNameAttr, Type: text, is Required?: True
Creating a simple ldap authenticator
Correctly created name_Field with id a0b0c503-1147-5185-83c3-bf1ee8763703
The record created was: {u'numeric_id': 56, u'groupIdAttr': u'groupId_Field', u'memberAttr': u'groupMembership_Field', u'id': u'a0b0c503-1147-5185-83c3-bf1ee8763703', u'port': u'389', u'userClass': u'userClass_Field', u'tags': [u'Tag1', u'Tag2', u'Tag3'], u'comments': u'comments__Field', u'users_count': 0, u'priority': u'1', u'type': u'SimpleLdapAuthenticator', u'username': u'username__Field', u'ldapBase': u'base_Field', u'userNameAttr': u'userName_Field', u'permission': 96, u'groupClass': u'groupClass_Field', u'ssl': False, u'host': u'host_Field', u'userIdAttr': u'userIdAttr_Field', u'password': u'password_Field', u'small_name': u'label_Field', u'name': u'name_Field', u'timeout': u'10'}
Deleting the created simple ldap authenticator
Correctly deleted a0b0c503-1147-5185-83c3-bf1ee8763703
Creating internal auth
Correctly created name_Field with id 417e9102-d90e-52fd-bb46-6ad6613a4d17
The record created was: {u'numeric_id': 57, u'small_name': u'label_Field', u'name': u'name_Field', u'tags': [u''], u'permission': 96, u'comments': u'comments_Field', u'users_count': 0, u'priority': u'1', u'acceptProxy': False, u'reverseDns': False, u'differentForEachHost': False, u'type': u'InternalDBAuth', u'id': u'417e9102-d90e-52fd-bb46-6ad6613a4d17'}
Creating internal group
Correctly created groupname_Field with id 16c8e525-d8f9-5d61-a05a-24f6c1d0e67b
The record created was: {u'name': u'groupname_Field', u'comments': u'comments_Field', u'state': u'A', u'meta_if_any': False, u'type': u'group', u'id': u'16c8e525-d8f9-5d61-a05a-24f6c1d0e67b'}
Creating internal user
Correctly created username_Field with id 405fb9e4-4f03-5272-9d20-a0d2642b7d0e
The record created was: {u'name': u'username_Field', u'parent': None, u'staff_member': False, u'comments': u'comments_Field', u'real_name': u'name_Field', u'state': u'A', u'is_admin': False, u'groups': [u'16c8e525-d8f9-5d61-a05a-24f6c1d0e67b'], u'last_access': 78793200, u'id': u'405fb9e4-4f03-5272-9d20-a0d2642b7d0e'}
Deleting user
Correctly deleted 417e9102-d90e-52fd-bb46-6ad6613a4d17
Deleting Group
Correctly deleted 417e9102-d90e-52fd-bb46-6ad6613a4d17
Deleting the created internal auth
Correctly deleted 417e9102-d90e-52fd-bb46-6ad6613a4d17