2019-12-03 11:15:51 +01:00
# Copyright (C) 2011,2013 Colin Walters <walters@verbum.org>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0+
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
2021-12-06 20:20:55 -05:00
# License along with this library. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-12-03 11:15:51 +01:00
set -euo pipefail
. $( dirname $0 ) /libtest.sh
bindatafiles = "bash true ostree"
2020-08-21 17:24:49 +02:00
echo '1..12'
2019-12-03 11:15:51 +01:00
mkdir repo
ostree_repo_init repo --mode= archive
mkdir files
for bin in ${ bindatafiles } ; do
cp $( which ${ bin } ) files
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo commit -b test -s test --tree= dir = files
function permuteFile( ) {
permutation = $(( $1 % 2 ))
output = $2
case $permutation in
0) dd if = /dev/zero count = 40 bs = 1 >> $output ; ;
1) echo aheader | cat - $output >> $output .new && mv $output .new $output ; ;
function permuteDirectory( ) {
permutation = $1
dir = $2
for x in ${ dir } /*; do
for z in $( seq ${ permutation } ) ; do
permuteFile ${ z } ${ x }
get_assert_one_direntry_matching( ) {
local path = $1
local r = $2
local child = ""
local bn
for p in ${ path } /*; do
bn = $( basename $p )
if ! echo ${ bn } | grep -q " $r " ; then
if test -z " ${ child } " ; then
child = ${ bn }
assert_not_reached " Expected only one child matching ${ r } in ${ path } " ;
if test -z " ${ child } " ; then
assert_not_reached " Failed to find child matching ${ r } "
echo ${ child }
origrev = $( ${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo rev-parse test )
permuteDirectory 1 files
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo commit -b test -s test --tree= dir = files
newrev = $( ${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo rev-parse test )
# Test ostree sign with 'ed25519' module
SEED = ${ ED25519SEED }
WRONG_PUBLIC = " $( gen_ed25519_random_public) "
SECRETKEYS = " $( mktemp -p ${ test_tmpdir } ed25519_XXXXXX.ed25519) "
echo ${ SECRET } > ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
deltaprefix = $( get_assert_one_direntry_matching repo/deltas '.' )
deltadir = $( get_assert_one_direntry_matching repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } '-' )
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-inline-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-inline-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-inline-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-inline-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-inline-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-inline-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
echo 'ok verified with ed25519 (sign - key)'
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-inline-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-inline-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-inline-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-inline-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-inline-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-inline-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
echo 'ok verified with ed25519 (keyfile - key)'
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-bad-signed.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-bad-signed.txt "Verification fails"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-key-bad-inline-signed.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-key-bad-inline-signed.txt "Verification fails"
echo 'ok Verification fails with ed25519 (sign - bad key)'
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-bad-signed.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-bad-signed.txt "Verification fails"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-keyfile-bad-inline-signed.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-keyfile-bad-inline-signed.txt "Verification fails"
echo 'ok Verification fails with ed25519 (keyfile - bad key)'
# Prepare files with public ed25519 signatures
PUBKEYS = " $( mktemp -p ${ test_tmpdir } ed25519_XXXXXX.ed25519) "
for ( ( i = 0; i<100; i++) ) ; do
# Generate a list with some public signatures
done > ${ PUBKEYS }
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-1.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-1.txt "Verification fails"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-2.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-2.txt "Verification fails"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-1.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-1.txt "Verification fails"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-2.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-2.txt "Verification fails"
echo 'ok Verification fails with ed25519 (sign - bad keys)'
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-3.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-3.txt "Verification fails"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-4.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-bad-signed-4.txt "Verification fails"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-3.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-3.txt "Verification fails"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-4.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-bad-signed-4.txt "Verification fails"
echo 'ok Verification fails with ed25519 (keyfile - bad keys)'
# Add correct key into the list
echo ${ PUBLIC } >> ${ PUBKEYS }
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --sign= ${ SECRET }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
echo 'ok verified with ed25519 (sign - file)'
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-signed-4.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-signed-4.txt "Verification OK"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-4.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-file-inline-signed-4.txt "Verification OK"
echo 'ok verified with ed25519 (keyfile - file)'
# Test ostree sign with multiple 'ed25519' keys
PUBLIC2 = ${ ED25519PUBLIC }
SEED2 = ${ ED25519SEED }
SECRET2 = ${ ED25519SECRET }
echo ${ SECRET2 } >> ${ SECRETKEYS }
echo ${ PUBLIC2 } >> ${ PUBKEYS }
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC2 } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-bad-signed.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-bad-signed.txt "Verification fails"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-4.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-signed-4.txt "Verification OK"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-1.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-1.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ PUBLIC2 } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-2.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-2.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-bad-inline-signed.txt && exit 1
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-bad-inline-signed.txt "Verification fails"
rm -rf repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } /*
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta generate --from= ${ origrev } --to= ${ newrev } --inline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ SECRETKEYS }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-3.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-3.txt "Verification OK"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo static-delta verify --sign-type= ed25519 ${ origrev } -${ newrev } --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } " ${ WRONG_PUBLIC } " > show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-4.txt
assert_file_has_content show-ed25519-multiplekeys-inline-signed-4.txt "Verification OK"
echo 'ok verified with ed25519 (multiple keys)'
2020-08-21 17:24:49 +02:00
rm -rf repo2
ostree_repo_init repo2 --mode= bare-user
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 pull-local repo ${ origrev }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 ls ${ origrev } >/dev/null
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 static-delta apply-offline --sign-type= ed25519 --keys-file= ${ PUBKEYS } repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 fsck
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 ls ${ newrev } >/dev/null
echo 'ok apply offline with ed25519 (keyfile)'
mkdir -p ${ test_tmpdir } /{ trusted,revoked} .ed25519.d
rm -rf repo2
ostree_repo_init repo2 --mode= bare-user
echo ${ PUBLIC } > ${ test_tmpdir } /trusted.ed25519.d/correct
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 pull-local repo ${ origrev }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 ls ${ origrev } >/dev/null
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 static-delta apply-offline --keys-dir= ${ test_tmpdir } repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 fsck
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 ls ${ newrev } >/dev/null
echo 'ok apply offline with ed25519 (keydir)'
rm -rf repo2
ostree_repo_init repo2 --mode= bare-user
echo ${ PUBLIC } > ${ test_tmpdir } /revoked.ed25519.d/correct
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 pull-local repo ${ origrev }
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 ls ${ origrev } >/dev/null
if ${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo2 static-delta apply-offline --keys-dir= ${ test_tmpdir } repo/deltas/${ deltaprefix } /${ deltadir } ; then
exit 1
rm -rf ${ test_tmpdir } /{ trusted,revoked} .ed25519.d
echo 'ok apply offline with ed25519 revoking key mechanism (keydir)'