2017-09-15 16:05:12 +01:00
# Copyright © 2017 Endless Mobile, Inc.
2018-01-30 20:26:26 +01:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0+
2017-09-15 16:05:12 +01:00
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Authors:
# - Philip Withnall <withnall@endlessm.com>
set -euo pipefail
. $( dirname $0 ) /libtest.sh
echo "1..5"
cd ${ test_tmpdir }
mkdir repo
ostree_repo_init repo --collection-id org.example.Collection1
mkdir -p tree/root
touch tree/root/a
# Add a few commits
seq 5 | while read i; do
echo a >> tree/root/a
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo commit --branch= test-$i -m test -s test --gpg-homedir= " ${ TEST_GPG_KEYHOME } " --gpg-sign= " ${ TEST_GPG_KEYID_1 } " tree
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= repo summary --update --gpg-homedir= " ${ TEST_GPG_KEYHOME } " --gpg-sign= " ${ TEST_GPG_KEYID_1 } "
# Pull into a ‘ local’ repository, to more accurately represent the situation of
# creating a USB stick from your local machine.
mkdir local-repo
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo init
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo remote add remote1 file://$( pwd ) /repo --collection-id org.example.Collection1 --gpg-import= " ${ test_tmpdir } /gpghome/key1.asc "
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo pull remote1 test-1 test-2 test-3 test-4 test-5
# Simple test to put two refs onto a USB stick.
mkdir dest-mount1
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo create-usb dest-mount1 org.example.Collection1 test-1 org.example.Collection1 test-2
assert_has_dir dest-mount1/.ostree/repo
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= dest-mount1/.ostree/repo refs --collections > dest-refs
assert_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-1) $"
assert_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-2) $"
assert_not_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-3) $"
assert_has_file dest-mount1/.ostree/repo/summary
echo "ok 1 simple usb"
# Test that the repository can be placed in another standard location on the USB stick.
for dest in ostree/repo .ostree/repo; do
rm -rf dest-mount2
mkdir dest-mount2
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo create-usb --destination-repo " $dest " dest-mount2 org.example.Collection1 test-1
assert_has_dir " dest-mount2/ $dest "
if [ -d dest-mount2/.ostree/repos.d ] ; then
ls dest-mount2/.ostree/repos.d | wc -l > repo-links
assert_file_has_content repo-links " ^0 $"
echo "ok 2 usb in standard location"
# Test that the repository can be placed in a non-standard location and gets a symlink to it.
mkdir dest-mount3
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo create-usb --destination-repo some-dest dest-mount3 org.example.Collection1 test-1
assert_has_dir "dest-mount3/some-dest"
assert_symlink_has_content "dest-mount3/.ostree/repos.d/00-generated" " /some-dest $"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= dest-mount3/.ostree/repos.d/00-generated refs --collections > dest-refs
assert_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-1) $"
assert_has_file dest-mount3/.ostree/repos.d/00-generated/summary
echo "ok 3 usb in non-standard location"
# Test that adding an additional ref to an existing USB repository works.
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= local-repo create-usb --destination-repo some-dest dest-mount3 org.example.Collection1 test-2 org.example.Collection1 test-3
assert_has_dir "dest-mount3/some-dest"
assert_symlink_has_content "dest-mount3/.ostree/repos.d/00-generated" " /some-dest $"
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= dest-mount3/.ostree/repos.d/00-generated refs --collections > dest-refs
assert_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-1) $"
assert_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-1) $"
assert_file_has_content dest-refs " ^(org.example.Collection1, test-3) $"
assert_has_file dest-mount3/.ostree/repos.d/00-generated/summary
echo "ok 4 adding ref to an existing usb"
# Check that #OstreeRepoFinderMount works from a volume initialised uing create-usb.
mkdir finder-repo
ostree_repo_init finder-repo
${ CMD_PREFIX } ostree --repo= finder-repo remote add remote1 file://$( pwd ) /just-needed-for-the-keyring --collection-id org.example.Collection1 --gpg-import= " ${ test_tmpdir } /gpghome/key1.asc "
${ test_builddir } /repo-finder-mount finder-repo dest-mount1 org.example.Collection1 test-1 org.example.Collection1 test-2 & > out
assert_file_has_content out " ^0 .*_2Fdest-mount1_2F.ostree_2Frepo_remote1.trustedkeys.gpg org.example.Collection1 test-1 $( ostree --repo= repo show test-1) $"
assert_file_has_content out " ^0 .*_2Fdest-mount1_2F.ostree_2Frepo_remote1.trustedkeys.gpg org.example.Collection1 test-2 $( ostree --repo= repo show test-2) $"
echo "ok 5 find from usb repo"