tests/sizes: Improve metadata validation

Ensure all 3 of the checksum, compressed size and uncompressed size are
correct. For repeatable objects, skip xattrs and use canonical
permissions for the commit. For the sizes, read a varint rather than
assuming they will be a single byte. To work around bugs in gjs with
byte array unpacking, manually build the array byte by byte. Split out
some helper functions to use in subsequent tests.
This commit is contained in:
Dan Nicholson 2019-10-22 14:59:19 -06:00
parent 37045b4b46
commit 694b741a36

View File

@ -28,6 +28,96 @@ function assertEquals(a, b) {
throw new Error("assertion failed " + JSON.stringify(a) + " == " + JSON.stringify(b)); throw new Error("assertion failed " + JSON.stringify(a) + " == " + JSON.stringify(b));
} }
function assertGreater(a, b) {
if (a <= b)
throw new Error("assertion failed " + JSON.stringify(a) + " > " + JSON.stringify(b));
function assertGreaterEquals(a, b) {
if (a < b)
throw new Error("assertion failed " + JSON.stringify(a) + " >= " + JSON.stringify(b));
// Adapted from _ostree_read_varuint64()
function readVarint(buffer) {
let result = 0;
let count = 0;
let len = buffer.length;
let cur;
do {
assertGreater(len, 0);
cur = buffer[count];
result = result | ((cur & 0x7F) << (7 * count));
} while (cur & 0x80);
return [result, count];
// There have been various bugs with byte array unpacking in GJS, so
// just do it manually.
function unpackByteArray(variant) {
let array = [];
let nBytes = variant.n_children();
for (let i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) {
return array;
function validateSizes(repo, commit, expectedFiles) {
let [,commitVariant] = repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, commit);
let metadata = commitVariant.get_child_value(0);
let sizes = metadata.lookup_value('ostree.sizes', GLib.VariantType.new('aay'));
let nSizes = sizes.n_children();
let expectedNSizes = Object.keys(expectedFiles).length
assertEquals(nSizes, expectedNSizes);
for (let i = 0; i < nSizes; i++) {
let sizeEntry = sizes.get_child_value(i);
assertGreaterEquals(sizeEntry.n_children(), 34);
let entryBytes = unpackByteArray(sizeEntry);
let checksumBytes = entryBytes.slice(0, 32);
let checksumString = OSTree.checksum_from_bytes(checksumBytes);
print("checksum = " + checksumString);
// Read the sizes from the next 2 varints
let remainingBytes = entryBytes.slice(32);
assertGreaterEquals(remainingBytes.length, 2);
let varintRead;
let compressedSize;
let uncompressedSize;
[compressedSize, varintRead] = readVarint(remainingBytes);
remainingBytes = remainingBytes.slice(varintRead);
assertGreaterEquals(remainingBytes.length, 1);
[uncompressedSize, varintRead] = readVarint(remainingBytes);
remainingBytes = remainingBytes.slice(varintRead);
assertEquals(remainingBytes.length, 0);
print("compressed = " + compressedSize);
print("uncompressed = " + uncompressedSize);
if (!(checksumString in expectedFiles)) {
throw new Error("Checksum " + checksumString + " not in " +
let expectedSizes = expectedFiles[checksumString];
let expectedCompressedSize = expectedSizes[0];
let expectedUncompressedSize = expectedSizes[1];
if (compressedSize != expectedCompressedSize) {
throw new Error("Compressed size " + compressedSize +
" for checksum " + checksumString +
" does not match expected " + expectedCompressedSize);
if (uncompressedSize != expectedUncompressedSize) {
throw new Error("Uncompressed size " + uncompressedSize +
" for checksum " + checksumString +
" does not match expected " + expectedUncompressedSize);
print('1..1') print('1..1')
let testDataDir = Gio.File.new_for_path('test-data'); let testDataDir = Gio.File.new_for_path('test-data');
@ -41,7 +131,10 @@ repo.create(OSTree.RepoMode.ARCHIVE_Z2, null);
repo.open(null); repo.open(null);
let commitModifier = OSTree.RepoCommitModifier.new(OSTree.RepoCommitModifierFlags.GENERATE_SIZES, null); let commitModifierFlags = (OSTree.RepoCommitModifierFlags.GENERATE_SIZES |
OSTree.RepoCommitModifierFlags.SKIP_XATTRS |
let commitModifier = OSTree.RepoCommitModifier.new(commitModifierFlags, null);
assertEquals(repo.get_mode(), OSTree.RepoMode.ARCHIVE_Z2); assertEquals(repo.get_mode(), OSTree.RepoMode.ARCHIVE_Z2);
@ -56,31 +149,10 @@ print("commit => " + commit);
repo.commit_transaction(null); repo.commit_transaction(null);
// Test the sizes metadata // Test the sizes metadata
let [,commitVariant] = repo.load_variant(OSTree.ObjectType.COMMIT, commit); let expectedFiles = {
let metadata = commitVariant.get_child_value(0); 'f5ee222a21e2c96edbd6f2543c4bc8a039f827be3823d04777c9ee187778f1ad': [54, 18],
let sizes = metadata.lookup_value('ostree.sizes', GLib.VariantType.new('aay')); 'd35bfc50864fca777dbeead3ba3689115b76674a093210316589b1fe5cc3ff4b': [48, 12],
let nSizes = sizes.n_children(); };
assertEquals(nSizes, 2); validateSizes(repo, commit, expectedFiles);
let expectedUncompressedSizes = [12, 18];
let foundExpectedUncompressedSizes = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nSizes; i++) {
let sizeEntry = sizes.get_child_value(i);
assertEquals(sizeEntry.n_children(), 34);
let compressedSize = sizeEntry.get_child_value(32).get_byte();
let uncompressedSize = sizeEntry.get_child_value(33).get_byte();
print("compressed = " + compressedSize);
print("uncompressed = " + uncompressedSize);
for (let j = 0; j < expectedUncompressedSizes.length; j++) {
let expected = expectedUncompressedSizes[j];
if (expected == uncompressedSize) {
print("Matched expected uncompressed size " + expected);
expectedUncompressedSizes.splice(j, 1);
if (expectedUncompressedSizes.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Failed to match expectedUncompressedSizes: " + JSON.stringify(expectedUncompressedSizes));
print("ok test-sizes"); print("ok test-sizes");