lib/pull: Tweak update_timeout logic again

I was hitting `SIGSEGV` when running `cosa build` and narrowed it down
to #1954. What's happening here is that because we're using the default
context, when we unref it in the out path, it may not actually destroy
the `GSource` if it (the context) is still ref'ed elsewhere. So then,
we'd still get events from it if subsequent operations iterated the

This patch is mostly a revert of #1954, except that we still keep a ref
on the `GSource`. That way it is always safe to destroy it afterwards.
(And I've also added a comment to explain this better.)
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Lebon 2019-10-28 14:04:55 -04:00
parent bd3f24e6c3
commit 74936f98d8

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@ -3573,6 +3573,7 @@ ostree_repo_pull_with_options (OstreeRepo *self,
g_autofree char **refs_to_fetch = NULL;
g_autoptr(GVariantIter) collection_refs_iter = NULL;
g_autofree char **override_commit_ids = NULL;
g_autoptr(GSource) update_timeout = NULL;
gboolean opt_gpg_verify_set = FALSE;
gboolean opt_gpg_verify_summary_set = FALSE;
gboolean opt_collection_refs_set = FALSE;
@ -3674,6 +3675,10 @@ ostree_repo_pull_with_options (OstreeRepo *self,
pull_data->async_error = &pull_data->cached_async_error;
pull_data->async_error = NULL;
/* Note we're using the thread default (or global) context here, so it may outlive the
* OtPullData object if there's another ref on it. Thus, always detach/destroy sources
* local to the `ostree_repo_pull*` operation rather than trying to transfer ownership. */
pull_data->main_context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default ();
pull_data->flags = flags;
@ -4504,8 +4509,6 @@ ostree_repo_pull_with_options (OstreeRepo *self,
if (pull_data->progress)
g_autoptr(GSource) update_timeout = NULL;
/* Setup a custom frequency if set */
if (update_frequency > 0)
update_timeout = g_timeout_source_new (pull_data->dry_run ? 0 : update_frequency);
@ -4732,6 +4735,8 @@ ostree_repo_pull_with_options (OstreeRepo *self,
if (!inherit_transaction)
ostree_repo_abort_transaction (pull_data->repo, cancellable, NULL);
g_main_context_unref (pull_data->main_context);
if (update_timeout)
g_source_destroy (update_timeout);
g_strfreev (configured_branches);
g_clear_object (&pull_data->fetcher);
g_clear_pointer (&pull_data->extra_headers, (GDestroyNotify)g_variant_unref);