AC_PREREQ([2.63]) dnl To perform a release, follow the instructions in `docs/`. m4_define([year_version], [2024]) m4_define([release_version], [9]) m4_define([package_version], [year_version.release_version]) AC_INIT([libostree], [package_version], []) is_release_build=no AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([buildutil]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.13 -Wno-portability foreign no-define tar-ustar no-dist-gzip dist-xz color-tests subdir-objects]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]) AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS AC_SYS_LARGEFILE AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_PROG_YACC dnl Versioning information AC_SUBST([YEAR_VERSION], [year_version]) AC_SUBST([RELEASE_VERSION], [release_version]) AC_SUBST([PACKAGE_VERSION], [package_version]) dnl automake variables we want in pkg-config pkglibexecdir=$libexecdir/$PACKAGE AC_SUBST(pkglibexecdir) AS_IF([echo "$CFLAGS" | grep -q -E -e '-Werror($| )'], [], [ CC_CHECK_FLAGS_APPEND([WARN_CFLAGS], [CFLAGS], [\ -pipe \ -Wall \ -Werror=shadow \ -Werror=empty-body \ -Werror=strict-prototypes \ -Werror=missing-prototypes \ -Werror=implicit-function-declaration \ "-Werror=format=2 -Werror=format-security -Werror=format-nonliteral" \ -Werror=pointer-arith -Werror=init-self \ -Werror=missing-declarations \ -Werror=return-type \ -Werror=switch \ -Werror=overflow \ -Werror=int-conversion \ -Werror=parentheses \ -Werror=undef \ -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types \ -Werror=misleading-indentation \ -Werror=missing-include-dirs \ -Wstrict-aliasing=2 \ -Werror=unused-result \ ])]) AC_SUBST(WARN_CFLAGS) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sanitizers, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-sanitizers], [Enable ASAN and UBSAN (default: no)]),, [enable_sanitizers=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_ASAN, [test x$enable_sanitizers != xno]) AM_COND_IF([BUILDOPT_ASAN], [ sanitizer_flags="-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS ${sanitizer_flags}" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS ${sanitizer_flags}" AC_DEFINE([BUILDOPT_ASAN], 1, [Define if we are building with asan and ubsan]) ]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for -fsanitize=thread in CFLAGS]) if echo $CFLAGS | grep -q -e -fsanitize=thread; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) using_tsan=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_TSAN, [test x$using_tsan = xyes]) AM_COND_IF([BUILDOPT_TSAN], [AC_DEFINE([BUILDOPT_TSAN], 1, [Define if we are building with -fsanitize=thread])]) # Initialize libtool LT_PREREQ([2.2.4]) LT_INIT([disable-static]) dnl We have an always-on feature now to signify the fix for dnl dnl "commit: fix ostree deployment on 64-bit inode fs" dnl initial-var signifies this version of ostree propagates /var OSTREE_FEATURES="inode64 initial-var" AC_SUBST([OSTREE_FEATURES]) GLIB_TESTS LIBGLNX_CONFIGURE dnl These bits attempt to mirror AC_CHECK_FUNCS([nanotime clock_gettime]) AC_STRUCT_TIMEZONE AC_CHECK_HEADER([sys/xattr.h],,[AC_MSG_ERROR([You must have sys/xattr.h from glibc])]) AS_IF([test "$YACC" != "bison -y"], [AC_MSG_ERROR([bison not found but required])]) PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG # PKG_CHECK_VAR added to pkg-config 0.28 m4_define_default( [PKG_CHECK_VAR], [AC_ARG_VAR([$1], [value of $3 for $2, overriding pkg-config]) AS_IF([test -z "$$1"], [$1=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable="$3" "$2"`]) AS_IF([test -n "$$1"], [$4], [$5])]) PKG_CHECK_VAR(BASH_COMPLETIONSDIR, [bash-completion], [completionsdir], , BASH_COMPLETIONSDIR="${datadir}/bash-completion/completions") AC_SUBST(BASH_COMPLETIONSDIR) AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0(,,AC_MSG_ERROR([GLib not found])) dnl When bumping the gio-unix-2.0 dependency (or glib-2.0 in general), dnl remember to bump GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED and dnl GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED in GIO_DEPENDENCY="gio-unix-2.0 >= 2.66.0" PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_GIO_UNIX, $GIO_DEPENDENCY) dnl 5.1.0 is an arbitrary version here PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_LZMA, liblzma >= 5.0.5) dnl Needed for rollsum PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_ZLIB, zlib) dnl We're not actually linking to this, just using the header PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_E2P, e2p) dnl Arbitrary version that's in CentOS7.2 now CURL_DEPENDENCY=7.29.0 AC_ARG_WITH(curl, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-curl], [Use libcurl @<:@default=no@:>@]), [], [with_curl=no]) AS_IF([test x$with_curl != xno ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_CURL, libcurl >= $CURL_DEPENDENCY) with_curl=yes AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBCURL], 1, [Define if we have libcurl.pc]) dnl Currently using libcurl requires soup for trivial-httpd for tests with_soup_default=yes ], [with_soup_default=check]) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_CURL, test x$with_curl != xno) if test x$with_curl = xyes; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES libcurl"; fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(http2, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-http2], [Disable use of http2 (default: no)]),, [enable_http2=yes]) AS_IF([test x$enable_http2 != xno ], [ AC_DEFINE([BUILDOPT_HTTP2], 1, [Define if we enable http2 by default]) ], [ OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES no-http2" ]) SOUP3_DEPENDENCY="libsoup-3.0 >= 3.0.0" AC_ARG_WITH(soup3, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-soup3], [Use libsoup3 @<:@default=no@:>@]), [], [with_soup3=check]) AS_IF([test x$with_soup3 != xno], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $SOUP3_DEPENDENCY]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS($SOUP3_DEPENDENCY, have_soup3=yes, have_soup3=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_soup3]) AS_IF([ test x$have_soup3 = xno && test x$with_soup3 != xcheck], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([libsoup3 is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([test x$have_soup3 = xyes], [ with_soup3=yes PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_SOUP3, $SOUP3_DEPENDENCY) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSOUP3], 1, [Define if we have libsoup3]) OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES libsoup3" dnl And disable libsoup2 with_soup_default=no dnl soup3 always supports client certs have_libsoup_client_certs=yes ], [with_soup3=no]) ], [with_soup_default=check]) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBSOUP3, test x$with_soup3 = xyes) dnl When bumping the libsoup-2.4 dependency, remember to bump dnl SOUP_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED and SOUP_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED in dnl SOUP_DEPENDENCY="libsoup-2.4 >= 2.39.1" AC_ARG_WITH(soup, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-soup], [Use libsoup @<:@default=yes@:>@]), [], [with_soup=$with_soup_default]) AS_IF([test x$with_soup != xno], [ AC_ARG_ENABLE(libsoup_client_certs, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-libsoup-client-certs], [Require availability of new enough libsoup TLS client cert API (default: auto)]),, [enable_libsoup_client_certs=auto]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $SOUP_DEPENDENCY]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS($SOUP_DEPENDENCY, have_soup=yes, have_soup=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_soup]) AS_IF([ test x$have_soup = xno && test x$with_soup != xcheck], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([libsoup is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([test x$have_soup = xyes], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_SOUP, $SOUP_DEPENDENCY) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSOUP], 1, [Define if we have libsoup.pc]) with_soup=yes save_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS CFLAGS=$OT_DEP_SOUP_CFLAGS have_libsoup_client_certs=no AC_CHECK_DECL([SOUP_SESSION_TLS_INTERACTION], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSOUP_CLIENT_CERTS], 1, [Define if we have libsoup client certs]) have_libsoup_client_certs=yes ], [], [#include ]) AS_IF([test x$enable_libsoup_client_certs = xyes && test x$have_libsoup_client_certs != xyes], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([libsoup client certs explicitly requested but not found]) ]) CFLAGS=$save_CFLAGS ], [ with_soup=no ]) ], [ with_soup=no ]) if test x$with_soup != xno; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES libsoup"; fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBSOUP, test x$with_soup != xno) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBSOUP_CLIENT_CERTS, test x$have_libsoup_client_certs = xyes) dnl Some components use either soup2 or soup3. AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_LIBSOUP_OR_LIBSOUP3], [test x$with_soup = xyes || test x$with_soup3 = xyes]) AS_IF([test x$with_soup = xyes || test x$with_soup3 = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSOUP_OR_LIBSOUP3], 1, [Define if we have libsoup.pc or libsoup3.pc]) ]) AS_IF([test x$with_curl = xyes && test x$with_soup = xno && test x$with_soup3 = xno], [ AC_MSG_WARN([Curl enabled, but libsoup is not; libsoup is needed for tests (make check, etc.)]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_CURL_OR_SOUP, test x$with_curl != xno || test x$with_soup != xno || test x$with_soup3 != xno) AS_IF([test x$with_curl != xno || test x$with_soup != xno || test x$with_soup3 != xno], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBCURL_OR_LIBSOUP], 1, [Define if we have soup or curl])]) AS_IF([test x$with_curl = xyes], [fetcher_backend=curl], [test x$with_soup = xyes], [fetcher_backend=libsoup], [test x$with_soup3 = xyes], [fetcher_backend=libsoup3], [fetcher_backend=none]) m4_ifdef([GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK], [ GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK([1.51.5]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_INTROSPECTION, test "x$found_introspection" = xyes) LIBGPGME_DEPENDENCY="1.8.0" LIBGPGME_PTHREAD_DEPENDENCY="1.1.8" AC_ARG_WITH(gpgme, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gpgme], [Use gpgme @<:@default=yes@:>@]), [], [with_gpgme=yes]) AS_IF([test x$with_gpgme != xno], [ have_gpgme=yes PKG_CHECK_MODULES([OT_DEP_GPGME], [gpgme >= $LIBGPGME_DEPENDENCY gpg-error], [have_gpgme=yes], [have_gpgme=no]) ] ) AS_IF([test x$with_gpgme != xno && test x$have_gpgme != xyes], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_GPGME, gpgme-pthread >= $LIBGPGME_PTHREAD_DEPENDENCY, have_gpgme=yes, [ m4_ifdef([AM_PATH_GPGME_PTHREAD], [ AM_PATH_GPGME_PTHREAD($LIBGPGME_PTHREAD_DEPENDENCY, have_gpgme=yes, have_gpgme=no) ],[ have_gpgme=no ]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_gpgme = xno ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([Need GPGME_PTHREAD version $LIBGPGME_PTHREAD_DEPENDENCY or later]) ]) OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES gpgme" PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_GPG_ERROR, [gpg-error], [], [ dnl This apparently doesn't ship a pkg-config file either, and we need dnl to link to it directly. AC_PATH_PROG(GPG_ERROR_CONFIG, [gpg-error-config], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Missing gpg-error-config])]) OT_DEP_GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS="$( $GPG_ERROR_CONFIG --cflags )" OT_DEP_GPG_ERROR_LIBS="$( $GPG_ERROR_CONFIG --libs )" ]) OT_DEP_GPGME_CFLAGS="${OT_DEP_GPGME_CFLAGS} ${OT_DEP_GPG_ERROR_CFLAGS}" OT_DEP_GPGME_LIBS="${OT_DEP_GPGME_LIBS} ${OT_DEP_GPG_ERROR_LIBS}" ] ) AS_IF([test x$with_gpgme != xno && test x$have_gpgme != xyes], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Need GPGME_PTHREAD and GPG_ERROR])] ) AS_IF([test x$have_gpgme = xyes], [ OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES gpgme" ], [ AC_DEFINE([OSTREE_DISABLE_GPGME], 1, [Define to disable internal GPGME support]) have_gpgme=no ] ) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GPGME, test "x$have_gpgme" = xyes) AC_ARG_WITH(composefs, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-composefs], [Support composefs (default yes)]), :, with_composefs=maybe) have_composefs=no AS_IF([ test x$with_composefs != xno ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for composefs]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(composefs, have_composefs=yes, have_composefs=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_composefs]) AS_IF([ test x$have_composefs = xno && test x$with_composefs != xmaybe ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([composefs is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_composefs = xyes], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_COMPOSEFS, [composefs]) OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES composefs"; AC_DEFINE([HAVE_COMPOSEFS], 1, [Define if we have libcomposefs]) ]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_COMPOSEFS, test x$have_composefs = xyes) LIBSODIUM_DEPENDENCY="1.0.14" AC_ARG_WITH(ed25519_libsodium, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ed25519-libsodium], [Use libsodium for ed25519 @<:@default=no@:>@]), [], [with_ed25519_libsodium=no]) AS_IF([test x$with_ed25519_libsodium != xno], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSODIUM], 1, [Define if using libsodium]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_LIBSODIUM, libsodium >= $LIBSODIUM_DEPENDENCY, have_libsodium=yes, have_libsodium=no) AS_IF([ test x$have_libsodium = xno ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([Need LIBSODIUM version $LIBSODIUM_DEPENDENCY or later]) ]) ], with_ed25519_libsodium=no ) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBSODIUM, test "x$have_libsodium" = xyes) LIBARCHIVE_DEPENDENCY="libarchive >= 2.8.0" FUSE3_DEPENDENCY="fuse3 >= 3.1.1" # What's in RHEL7.2. FUSE_DEPENDENCY="fuse >= 2.9.2" AC_CHECK_HEADERS([linux/fsverity.h]) AS_IF([test x$ac_cv_header_linux_fsverity_h = xyes ], [OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES ex-fsverity"]) # check for gtk-doc m4_ifdef([GTK_DOC_CHECK], [ GTK_DOC_CHECK([1.15], [--flavour no-tmpl]) ],[ enable_gtk_doc=no AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_GTK_DOC], false) ]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(man, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-man], [generate man pages [default=auto]])],, enable_man=maybe) AS_IF([test "$enable_man" != no], [ AC_PATH_PROG([XSLTPROC], [xsltproc]) AS_IF([test -z "$XSLTPROC"], [ AS_IF([test "$enable_man" = yes], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([xsltproc is required for --enable-man]) ]) enable_man=no ],[ enable_man=yes ]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MAN, test "$enable_man" != no) AC_ARG_ENABLE([man-html], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-man-html], [generate man HTML pages [default=no]])],, enable_man_html=no) AS_IF([test "$enable_man_html" = yes && test "$enable_man" = no], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-man is required for --enable-man-html]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MAN_HTML, test "$enable_man_html" = yes) AC_ARG_WITH(libarchive, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-libarchive], [Do not use libarchive]), :, with_libarchive=maybe) AS_IF([ test x$with_libarchive != xno ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $LIBARCHIVE_DEPENDENCY]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS($LIBARCHIVE_DEPENDENCY, have_libarchive=yes, have_libarchive=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_libarchive]) AS_IF([ test x$have_libarchive = xno && test x$with_libarchive != xmaybe ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([libarchive is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_libarchive = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBARCHIVE], 1, [Define if we have libarchive.pc]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_LIBARCHIVE, $LIBARCHIVE_DEPENDENCY) save_LIBS=$LIBS LIBS=$OT_DEP_LIBARCHIVE_LIBS AC_CHECK_FUNCS(archive_read_support_filter_all) LIBS=$save_LIBS with_libarchive=yes ], [ with_libarchive=no ]) ], [ with_libarchive=no ]) if test x$with_libarchive != xno; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES libarchive"; fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBARCHIVE, test $with_libarchive != no) dnl This is what is in RHEL7 anyways SELINUX_DEPENDENCY="libselinux >= 2.1.13" AC_ARG_WITH(selinux, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-selinux], [Do not use SELinux]), :, with_selinux=maybe) AS_IF([ test x$with_selinux != xno ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $SELINUX_DEPENDENCY]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS($SELINUX_DEPENDENCY, have_selinux=yes, have_selinux=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_selinux]) AS_IF([ test x$have_selinux = xno && test x$with_selinux != xmaybe ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([SELinux is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_selinux = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SELINUX], 1, [Define if we have libselinux.pc]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_SELINUX, $SELINUX_DEPENDENCY) with_selinux=yes ], [ with_selinux=no ]) ], [ with_selinux=no ]) if test x$with_selinux != xno; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES selinux"; fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SELINUX, test $with_selinux != no) AC_ARG_WITH(smack, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-smack], [Enable smack]), :, with_smack=no) AS_IF([ test x$with_smack = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([WITH_SMACK], 1, [Define if we have smack.pc]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SMACK, test $with_smack != no) dnl crypto AC_ARG_WITH(crypto, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-crypto], [Choose library for checksums, one of glib, openssl, gnutls (default: glib)]), :, with_crypto=glib) AS_IF([test $with_crypto = glib], [], [test $with_crypto = openssl], [with_openssl=yes], [test $with_crypto = gnutls], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid --with-crypto $with_crypto])] ) dnl begin openssl (really just libcrypto right now) dnl Note this option is now deprecated in favor of --with-crypto=openssl OPENSSL_DEPENDENCY="libcrypto >= 1.0.1" AC_ARG_WITH(openssl, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-openssl], [Enable use of OpenSSL libcrypto (checksums)]),with_openssl=$withval,with_openssl=no) AS_IF([ test x$with_openssl != xno ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_CRYPTO, $OPENSSL_DEPENDENCY) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_OPENSSL], 1, [Define if we have openssl]) with_crypto=openssl with_openssl=yes ], [ with_openssl=no ]) if test x$with_openssl != xno; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES openssl"; fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_OPENSSL, test $with_openssl != no) dnl end openssl if test x$with_openssl != xno || test x$with_ed25519_libsodium != xno; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_ED25519], 1, [Define if ed25519 is supported ]) OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES sign-ed25519" fi dnl begin gnutls; in contrast to openssl this one only dnl supports --with-crypto=gnutls GNUTLS_DEPENDENCY="gnutls >= 3.5.0" AS_IF([ test $with_crypto = gnutls ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_CRYPTO, $GNUTLS_DEPENDENCY) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GNUTLS], 1, [Define if we have gnutls]) OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES gnutls" ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_GNUTLS, test $with_crypto = gnutls) dnl end gnutls dnl we always inject libsodium into our crypto deps in addition to openssl/gnutls OT_DEP_CRYPTO_CFLAGS="${OT_DEP_CRYPTO_CFLAGS} ${OT_DEP_LIBSODIUM_CFLAGS}" OT_DEP_CRYPTO_LIBS="${OT_DEP_CRYPTO_LIBS} ${OT_DEP_LIBSODIUM_LIBS}" dnl Avahi dependency for finding repos AVAHI_DEPENDENCY="avahi-client >= 0.6.31 avahi-glib >= 0.6.31" AC_ARG_WITH(avahi, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-avahi], [Do not use Avahi]), :, with_avahi=maybe) AS_IF([ test x$with_avahi != xno ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $AVAHI_DEPENDENCY]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS($AVAHI_DEPENDENCY, have_avahi=yes, have_avahi=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_avahi]) AS_IF([ test x$have_avahi = xno && test x$with_avahi != xmaybe ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([Avahi is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_avahi = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_AVAHI], 1, [Define if we have avahi-client.pc and avahi-glib.pc]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_AVAHI, $AVAHI_DEPENDENCY) with_avahi=yes ], [ with_avahi=no ]) ], [ with_avahi=no ]) if test x$with_avahi != xno; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES avahi"; fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_AVAHI, test $with_avahi != no) dnl This is what is in RHEL7.2 right now, picking it arbitrarily LIBMOUNT_DEPENDENCY="mount >= 2.23.0" AC_ARG_WITH(libmount, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-libmount], [Do not use libmount]), :, with_libmount=maybe) AS_IF([ test x$with_libmount != xno ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $LIBMOUNT_DEPENDENCY]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS($LIBMOUNT_DEPENDENCY, have_libmount=yes, have_libmount=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_libmount]) AS_IF([ test x$have_libmount = xno && test x$with_libmount != xmaybe ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([libmount is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_libmount = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBMOUNT], 1, [Define if we have libmount.pc]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OT_DEP_LIBMOUNT, $LIBMOUNT_DEPENDENCY) with_libmount=yes save_LIBS=$LIBS LIBS=$OT_DEP_LIBMOUNT_LIBS AC_CHECK_FUNCS(mnt_unref_cache) LIBS=$save_LIBS ], [ with_libmount=no ]) ], [ with_libmount=no ]) if test x$with_libmount != xno; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES libmount"; fi AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBMOUNT, test $with_libmount != no) # Enabled by default because I think people should use it. AC_ARG_ENABLE(rofiles-fuse, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-rofiles-fuse], [generate rofiles-fuse helper [default=yes]])],, enable_rofiles_fuse=yes) AS_IF([ test x$enable_rofiles_fuse != xno ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([FUSE3], [$FUSE3_DEPENDENCY], [ FUSE_USE_VERSION=31 BUILDOPT_FUSE_CFLAGS="$FUSE3_CFLAGS" BUILDOPT_FUSE_LIBS="$FUSE3_LIBS" ], [PKG_CHECK_MODULES([FUSE], [$FUSE_DEPENDENCY], [ FUSE_USE_VERSION=26 BUILDOPT_FUSE_CFLAGS="$FUSE_CFLAGS" BUILDOPT_FUSE_LIBS="$FUSE_LIBS" ])]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([FUSE_USE_VERSION], [$FUSE_USE_VERSION], [Define to the FUSE API version]) AC_SUBST([BUILDOPT_FUSE_CFLAGS]) AC_SUBST([BUILDOPT_FUSE_LIBS]) ], [enable_rofiles_fuse=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_FUSE, test x$enable_rofiles_fuse = xyes) AC_ARG_WITH(dracut, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dracut], [Install dracut module (default: no)]),, [with_dracut=no]) case x$with_dracut in xno) ;; xyes) ;; xyesbutnoconf) ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Unknown --with-dracut value $with_dracut]) esac AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_DRACUT, test x$with_dracut = xyes || test x$with_dracut = xyesbutnoconf) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_DRACUT_CONF, test x$with_dracut = xyes) AC_ARG_WITH(mkinitcpio, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mkinitcpio], [Install mkinitcpio module (default: no)]),, [with_mkinitcpio=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_MKINITCPIO, test x$with_mkinitcpio = xyes) dnl We have separate checks for libsystemd and the unit dir for historical reasons AC_ARG_WITH(libsystemd, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-libsystemd], [Do not use libsystemd]), :, with_libsystemd=maybe) AS_IF([ test x$with_libsystemd != xno ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libsystemd]) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(libsystemd, have_libsystemd=yes, have_libsystemd=no) AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_libsystemd]) AS_IF([ test x$have_libsystemd = xno && test x$with_libsystemd != xmaybe ], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([libsystemd is enabled but could not be found]) ]) AS_IF([ test x$have_libsystemd = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSYSTEMD], 1, [Define if we have libsystemd.pc]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBSYSTEMD], [libsystemd]) with_libsystemd=yes ], [ with_libsystemd=no ]) ], [ with_libsystemd=no ]) AS_IF([test "x$with_libsystemd" = "xyes"], [ AC_ARG_WITH([systemdsystemunitdir], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-systemdsystemunitdir=DIR], [Directory for systemd service files]), [], [with_systemdsystemunitdir=$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd)]) AS_IF([test "x$with_systemdsystemunitdir" != "xno"], [ AC_SUBST([systemdsystemunitdir], [$with_systemdsystemunitdir]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([SYSTEM_DATA_UNIT_PATH], ["$with_systemdsystemunitdir"], ["unit path"]) ]) AC_ARG_WITH([systemdsystemgeneratordir], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-systemdsystemgeneratordir=DIR], [Directory for systemd generators]), [], [with_systemdsystemgeneratordir=$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=systemdsystemgeneratordir systemd)]) AS_IF([test "x$with_systemdsystemgeneratordir" != "xno"], [ AC_SUBST([systemdsystemgeneratordir], [$with_systemdsystemgeneratordir]) ]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_SYSTEMD, test x$with_libsystemd = xyes) dnl If we have both, we use the "new /var" model with ostree-system-generator AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_SYSTEMD_AND_LIBMOUNT,[test x$with_libsystemd = xyes && test x$with_libmount = xyes]) AM_COND_IF(BUILDOPT_SYSTEMD_AND_LIBMOUNT, AC_DEFINE([BUILDOPT_LIBSYSTEMD_AND_LIBMOUNT], 1, [Define if systemd and libmount])) if test x$with_libsystemd = xyes; then OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES systemd"; fi AC_ARG_WITH(modern-grub, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-modern-grub], [Omit grub linux and initrd suffixes for EFI/BIOS booting on GRUB >2.02 (default: no)]),, [with_modern_grub=no]) AS_IF([ test x$with_modern_grub = xyes], [ AC_DEFINE([WITH_MODERN_GRUB], 1, [Define if we have a GRUB version newer than 2.02]) ]) AC_ARG_WITH(builtin-grub2-mkconfig, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-builtin-grub2-mkconfig], [Use a builtin minimal grub2-mkconfig to generate a GRUB2 configuration file (default: no)]),, [with_builtin_grub2_mkconfig=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_BUILTIN_GRUB2_MKCONFIG, test x$with_builtin_grub2_mkconfig = xyes) AM_COND_IF(BUILDOPT_BUILTIN_GRUB2_MKCONFIG, AC_DEFINE([USE_BUILTIN_GRUB2_MKCONFIG], 1, [Define if using internal ostree-grub-generator])) AC_ARG_WITH(grub2-mkconfig-path, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-grub2-mkconfig-path], [Path to grub2-mkconfig])) AS_IF([test x$with_grub2_mkconfig_path = x], [ dnl Otherwise, look for the path to the system generator. On some dnl distributions GRUB2 *-mkconfig executable has 'grub2' prefix and dnl on some 'grub'. We default to grub2-mkconfig. AC_CHECK_PROGS(GRUB2_MKCONFIG, [grub2-mkconfig grub-mkconfig], [grub2-mkconfig]) ],[GRUB2_MKCONFIG=$with_grub2_mkconfig_path]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([GRUB2_MKCONFIG_PATH], ["$GRUB2_MKCONFIG"], [The system grub2-mkconfig executable name]) AC_ARG_WITH(static-compiler, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-static-compiler], [Use the given compiler to build ostree-prepare-root statically linked (default: no)]),, [with_static_compiler=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_USE_STATIC_COMPILER, test "x$with_static_compiler" != xno) AC_SUBST(STATIC_COMPILER, $with_static_compiler) dnl for tests (but we can't use asan with gjs or any introspection, dnl see for more info) AS_IF([test "x$found_introspection" = xyes && test x$using_asan != xyes], [ AC_PATH_PROG(GJS, [gjs]) if test -n "$GJS"; then have_gjs=yes else have_gjs=no fi ], [have_gjs=no]) AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILDOPT_GJS, test x$have_gjs = xyes) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILDOPT_IS_DEVEL_BUILD],[test x$is_release_build != xyes]) AM_COND_IF([BUILDOPT_IS_DEVEL_BUILD], AC_DEFINE([BUILDOPT_IS_DEVEL_BUILD], [1], [Define if doing a development build]) release_build_type=devel, release_build_type=release) OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES $release_build_type" # P2P API is public in OSTree >= 2018.6 OSTREE_FEATURES="$OSTREE_FEATURES p2p" # Strip leading whitespace OSTREE_FEATURES=$(echo ${OSTREE_FEATURES}) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile apidoc/Makefile src/libostree/ostree-1.pc src/libostree/ostree-version.h ]) AC_OUTPUT echo " libostree $VERSION ($release_build_type) features: $OSTREE_FEATURES =============== introspection: $found_introspection rofiles-fuse: $enable_rofiles_fuse HTTP backend: $fetcher_backend libsoup: $with_soup libsoup3: $with_soup3 SELinux: $with_selinux fs-verity: $ac_cv_header_linux_fsverity_h cryptographic checksums: $with_crypto systemd: $with_libsystemd libmount: $with_libmount libsodium (ed25519 signatures): $with_ed25519_libsodium openssl (ed25519 signatures): $with_openssl libarchive (parse tar files directly): $with_libarchive static deltas: yes (always enabled now) O_TMPFILE: $enable_otmpfile wrpseudo-compat: $enable_wrpseudo_compat man pages (xsltproc): $enable_man api docs (gtk-doc): $enable_gtk_doc installed tests: $enable_installed_tests gjs-based tests: $have_gjs dracut: $with_dracut mkinitcpio: $with_mkinitcpio Static compiler for ostree-prepare-root: $with_static_compiler Composefs: $have_composefs" AS_IF([test x$with_builtin_grub2_mkconfig = xyes], [ echo " builtin grub2-mkconfig (instead of system): $with_builtin_grub2_mkconfig" ], [ echo " grub2-mkconfig path: $GRUB2_MKCONFIG" ]) echo ""