// Documentation: https://github.com/coreos/coreos-ci/blob/main/README-upstream-ci.md stage("Build") { def n = 5 buildPod(memory: "2Gi", cpu: "${n}") { checkout scm stage("Static analysis") { shwrap("./ci/codestyle.sh") } stage("Core build") { shwrap(""" # fetch tags so `git describe` gives a nice NEVRA when building the RPM git fetch origin --tags git submodule update --init env MAKE_JOBS=${n} SKIP_INSTALLDEPS=1 ./ci/build.sh """) } stage("Unit tests") { try { shwrap(""" make check make syntax-check """) } finally { shwrap("cat test-suite.log || true") archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 'test-suite.log' } } stage("Build installed tests") { shwrap("make -C tests/kolainst") } stage("Generate artifacts") { shwrap(""" make install DESTDIR=\$(pwd)/installed/rootfs make -C tests/kolainst install DESTDIR=\$(pwd)/installed/tests """) } stash includes: "installed/", name: 'build' } } // Build FCOS and run kola tests. // Both kola and kolaTestIso require 4G max. Add 1G for overhead. cosaPod(runAsUser: 0, memory: "5Gi", cpu: "4") { stage("Build FCOS") { checkout scm unstash 'build' shwrap(""" # Move the bits into the cosa pod rsync -rlv installed/rootfs/ / rsync -rlv installed/tests/ / coreos-assembler init --force https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config mkdir -p overrides/rootfs # And override the on-host bits mv installed/rootfs/* overrides/rootfs/ rm installed -rf coreos-assembler fetch coreos-assembler build coreos-assembler buildextend-metal coreos-assembler buildextend-metal4k coreos-assembler buildextend-live --fast """) } kola(cosaDir: "${env.WORKSPACE}") kolaTestIso(cosaDir: "${env.WORKSPACE}", skipMetal4k: true, skipMultipath: true) }