ostree OSTree Developer Colin Walters walters@verbum.org ostree 1 ostree Manage multiple bootable versioned filesystem trees ostree COMMAND OPTIONS Description OSTree is a tool for managing multiple bootable versioned filesystem trees, or just "tree" for short. In the OSTree model, operating systems no longer live in the physical "/" root directory. Instead, they parallel install to the new toplevel /ostree directory. Unlike rpm or dpkg, OSTree is only aware of complete filesystem trees. It has no built-in knowledge of what components went into creating the filesystem tree. It must be emphasized that OSTree only supports read-only trees. To change to a different tree (upgrade, downgrade, install software), a new tree is checked out, and a 3-way merge of configuration is performed. The currently running tree is not ever modified; the new tree will become active on a system reboot. Options The following options are understood: For most commands, when run as non-root, repository is required. If ostree is run as root, it is assumed operations will be performed on the /sysroot/ostree/repo repository. The following commands are understood: checkout Extract a given branch into the filesystem. checksum Compute the OSTree checksum of the given files. diff Concisely list differences between the given branch revisions, without checking them out into the filesystem. init Initialize a repository. commit Given one or more trees (from the local filesystem, a tarball, or a specified revision for example), create a new commit using those contents. compose A specialized type of commit, intended for merging together many separate filesystem trees such as build artifacts. local-clone Efficiently copy objects and references from one local repository into another. log Show revision log. ls List the contents of a given commit. fsck Check a repository for consistency. remote Manipulate remote archive configuration. rev-parse Show the SHA256 corresponding to a given rev. run-triggers Regenerate cache files in the given operating system tree. show Given an OSTree SHA256 checksum, display its contents. Exit status On success 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. Environment $PAGER ostree respects the traditional pager envrionment variable. See Also ostbuild1