#!/usr/bin/env gjs // // Copyright (C) 2013 Colin Walters // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const OSTree = imports.gi.OSTree; function assertEquals(a, b) { if (a != b) throw new Error("assertion failed " + JSON.stringify(a) + " == " + JSON.stringify(b)); } function assertNotEquals(a, b) { if (a == b) throw new Error("assertion failed " + JSON.stringify(a) + " != " + JSON.stringify(b)); } function libtestExec(shellCode) { let testdatadir = GLib.getenv("TESTDATADIR"); let libtestPath = GLib.build_filenamev([testdatadir, 'libtest.sh']) let cmdline = 'bash -c ' + GLib.shell_quote('. ' + GLib.shell_quote(libtestPath) + '; ' + shellCode); print("shellcode=" +cmdline); let [,stdout,stderr,estatus] = GLib.spawn_command_line_sync(cmdline); print(stderr); GLib.spawn_check_exit_status(estatus); } libtestExec('setup_os_repository archive-z2 syslinux'); let upstreamRepo = OSTree.Repo.new(Gio.File.new_for_path('testos-repo')); upstreamRepo.open(null); let runtimeRef = 'testos/buildmaster/x86_64-runtime'; let [,rev] = upstreamRepo.resolve_rev(runtimeRef, false); print("testos => " + rev); //// TEST: We should have no deployments let sysroot = OSTree.Sysroot.new(Gio.File.new_for_path('sysroot')); sysroot.load(null); let deployments = sysroot.get_deployments(); assertEquals(deployments.length, 0); //// Add the remote, and do a pull let [,sysrootRepo] = sysroot.get_repo(null); let sysrootRepoConfig = sysrootRepo.get_config(); let testosRefSection = 'remote "testos"'; sysrootRepoConfig.set_string(testosRefSection, 'url', 'file://' + upstreamRepo.get_path().get_path()); sysrootRepoConfig.set_boolean(testosRefSection, 'gpg-verify', false); sysrootRepoConfig.set_string_list(testosRefSection, 'branches', [runtimeRef]); sysrootRepo.pull('testos', null, 0, null); //// TEST: We can deploy one tree let mergeDeployment = sysroot.get_merge_deployment('testos'); let origin = sysroot.origin_new_from_refspec(runtimeRef); let [,deployment] = sysroot.deploy_one_tree('testos', rev, origin, null, mergeDeployment, null); let newDeployments = deployments; deployments = null; newDeployments.unshift(deployment); sysroot.write_deployments(newDeployments, null); deployments = sysroot.get_deployments(); assertEquals(deployments.length, newDeployments.length); assertEquals(deployments[0].get_csum(), deployment.get_csum()); let deploymentPath = sysroot.get_deployment_directory(deployment); assertEquals(deploymentPath.query_exists(null), true); print("OK one deployment"); /// TEST: We can delete the deployment, going back to empty sysroot.write_deployments([], null); print("OK empty deployments"); assertEquals(deploymentPath.query_exists(null), false); //// Ok, redeploy, then add a new revision upstream and pull it let [,deployment] = sysroot.deploy_one_tree('testos', rev, origin, null, mergeDeployment, null); newDeployments = deployments; deployments = null; newDeployments.unshift(deployment); print(JSON.stringify(newDeployments)); sysroot.write_deployments(newDeployments, null); libtestExec('os_repository_new_commit'); sysrootRepo.pull('testos', null, 0, null); let [,newRev] = upstreamRepo.resolve_rev(runtimeRef, false); print("testos => " + newRev); assertNotEquals(rev, newRev); mergeDeployment = sysroot.get_merge_deployment('testos'); assertEquals(mergeDeployment.get_csum(), deployment.get_csum()); let [,newDeployment] = sysroot.deploy_one_tree('testos', newRev, origin, null, mergeDeployment, null); newDeployments = [newDeployment, mergeDeployment]; assertNotEquals(mergeDeployment.get_bootcsum(), newDeployment.get_bootcsum()); assertNotEquals(mergeDeployment.get_csum(), newDeployment.get_csum()); sysroot.write_deployments(newDeployments, null); deployments = sysroot.get_deployments(); assertEquals(deployments.length, 2); assertEquals(deploymentPath.query_exists(null), true); let newDeploymentPath = sysroot.get_deployment_directory(newDeployment); assertEquals(newDeploymentPath.query_exists(null), true); print("OK two deployments"); libtestExec('os_repository_new_commit 0 1'); sysrootRepo.pull('testos', null, 0, null); let [,thirdRev] = sysrootRepo.resolve_rev(runtimeRef, false); assertNotEquals(newRev, thirdRev); mergeDeployment = sysroot.get_merge_deployment('testos'); let [,thirdDeployment] = sysroot.deploy_one_tree('testos', thirdRev, origin, null, mergeDeployment, null); assertEquals(mergeDeployment.get_bootcsum(), thirdDeployment.get_bootcsum()); assertNotEquals(mergeDeployment.get_csum(), thirdDeployment.get_csum()); newDeployments = [deployment, newDeployment, thirdDeployment]; sysroot.write_deployments(newDeployments, null); deployments = sysroot.get_deployments(); assertEquals(deployments.length, 3);