ostree find-remotesOSTreeDeveloperMatthewLeedsmatthew.leeds@endlessm.comostree find-remotes1ostree-find-remotesFind remotes to serve the given refsostree find-remotesOPTIONSCOLLECTION-IDREFCOLLECTION-ID REFDescription
OSTree has the ability to pull not just from the configured remote
servers but also from peer computers on the LAN and from mounted
filesystems such as USB drives. This functionality requires the use
of collection IDs and GPG verification.
The find-remotes command searches for remotes
which claim to provide one or more of the given COLLECTION-ID REF
pairs and prints information about them, with remotes sorted by
latency (Mounts > LAN > Internet). By default, OSTree searches for
remotes in configuration files, on mounted filesystems (in a
well-known location), and on the LAN using Avahi. Searching for LAN
remotes requires OSTree to have been compiled with Avahi support,
and it requires an Avahi daemon to be running. You can override the
default set of finders (sources for remotes) using the
option documented below.
The create-usb command is the recommended way to
put refs on a USB such that find-remotes will
discover them. See
Do not invoke fsync().
Use the specified comma separated list of finders rather than
the default set. Possible values: config,
lan, and mount (or any
combination thereof).
Pull the most recent commit found for each ref.
Do a mirror pull (see the documentation for
ostree pull --mirror). This option can
only be used in combination with .
Example$ ostree find-remotes --finders=mount,lan com.exampleos.Os exampleos/x86_64/standard
Result 0:
- Finder: OstreeRepoFinderAvahi
- Keyring: exampleos.trustedkeys.gpg
- Priority: 60
- Summary last modified: 2018-01-12T19:00:28Z
- Refs:
- (com.exampleos.Os, exampleos/x86_64/standard) = c91acd964b3fda561b87bfb7f7c80e36220d76b567f0ce90c0e60742ef33c360
1/1 refs were found.