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synced 2025-02-22 09:57:44 +03:00
SPDX License List is a list of (common) open source licenses that can be referred to by a “short identifier”. It has several advantages compared to the common "license header texts" usually found in source files. Some of the advantages: * It is precise; there is no ambiguity due to variations in license header text * It is language neutral * It is easy to machine process * It is concise * It is simple and can be used without much cost in interpreted environments like java Script, etc. * An SPDX license identifier is immutable. * It provides simple guidance for developers who want to make sure the license for their code is respected See http://spdx.org for further reading. Signed-off-by: Marcus Folkesson <marcus.folkesson@gmail.com> Closes: #1439 Approved by: cgwalters