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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# udevd-test
# Copyright (C) Intel Corp, 2004
# Author: Yin Hu <hu.yin@intel.com>
# Kay Sievers <kay.sievers@vrfy.org>
# Provides automated testing of the udevd binary.This test script is self-contained.
# Before you run this script please modify $sysfs to locate your sysfs filesystem,
# modify $udevd_bin to locate your udevsend binary,
# modify $udev_bin to locate dummy udev script,
# modify $udev_bin2 to locate another dummy udev script ( amplify the execution time for test),
# modify $log_file to locate where udev script have placed the log file,
# modify $time_out to decide the time out for events,
# modify $udev_exe_time to decide the execution time for dummy udev script.
# Detail information of each test case please refer to the header of corresponding
# test case function.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
use warnings;
use strict;
# modifiable settings
my $sysfs = "../sys";
my $udevd_bin = "../../udevsend";
my $udev_bin = "$ENV{PWD}/udev-log-script.pl";
my $udev_bin2 = "$ENV{PWD}/udev-log-amplify.pl";
my $log_file = "/tmp/udev_log.txt";
my $time_out = 10;
my $udev_exe_time = 5;
# global variables
my $test_case = 0;
# common functions
sub kill_daemon {
system("killall udevd");
system("rm -f $log_file");
sleep 1;
sub udevsend {
# This function prepares corresponding environment variables
# and then call $udevd_bin to send event.
my ($seqnum, $devpath, $action, $subsystem, $udev_bin_tmp) = @_;
$ENV{DEVPATH} = $devpath;
$ENV{ACTION} = $action;
$udev_bin_tmp = $udev_bin if ( not $udev_bin_tmp );
$ENV{UDEV_BIN} = $udev_bin_tmp;
if ( $seqnum != -1) {
$ENV{SEQNUM} = $seqnum;
} else {
delete $ENV{SEQNUM};
return system("$udevd_bin $subsystem");
sub getDate {
# Get current date function
# If we want GTM time, simply pass GMT as first argument to this function.
my $format = @_;
my $date;
if( $format =~ /GMT/i ) {
$date = gmtime() . " GMT";
} else {
$date = localtime();
return $date;
sub cmpDate {
# This function should return a difference betweent date1 and date2
my ($date1, $date2) = @_;
my @monList = ( "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" );
my ( $m1, $m2, $tmp );
$date1 =~ s/([\D]*)$//g;
$date2 =~ s/([\D]*)$//g;
return if( (not $date1) or (not $date2) );
my $mon = 0;
my ( @T1 ) =
( $date1 =~ /([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+):([\d]+):([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)/g );
my ( @T2 ) =
( $date2 =~ /([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+):([\d]+):([\d]+)[\s]+([\d]+)/g );
foreach $tmp (@monList) {
$m1 = sprintf("%2.2d",$mon) if( $date1 =~ /$tmp/i );
$m2 = sprintf("%2.2d",$mon) if( $date2 =~ /$tmp/i );
my $dt1 = sprintf("%4.4d%s%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d", $T1[4], $m1, $T1[0],
$T1[1], $T1[2], $T1[3]);
my $dt2 = sprintf("%4.4d%s%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d", $T2[4], $m2, $T2[0],
$T2[1], $T2[2], $T2[3]);
my $ret = $dt1 - $dt2;
if ( $ret > 40 ) {
$ret = abs($ret-40);
return $ret;
sub check_count_and_time {
my $event_recv_time;
my $udev_fork_time;
my $log_ln_count = 0;
my $line;
my @content;
my @line_items;
my $diff;
($event_recv_time) = @_;
print " event receiving time: $event_recv_time\n\n";
open(LOGF, $log_file) || die "Opening file $log_file: $!";
@content = <LOGF>;
foreach $line ( @content ) {
@line_items = split(/,/,$line);
print " device: $line_items[0], action: $line_items[1] \n";
print " forking udev time: $line_items[-1]";
$diff = cmpDate($line_items[-1], $event_recv_time);
print " the delay time is: $diff s \n\n";
if ( $diff > $time_out ) {
print " the delay time is: $diff \n";
print " udevd doesn't act properly. \n";
exit 1;
return $log_ln_count;
sub check_sysfs_device_exist {
# check if the designated devices exist
my @dev_list = @_;
my $dev;
foreach $dev (@dev_list) {
if (! -e $dev) {
print "the designated device $dev doesn't exist. please change a device!\n";
exit 1;
sub show_result {
my $event_recv_time;
my $udev_fork_time;
my $line;
my @content;
my @line_items;
my $diff;
($event_recv_time) = @_;
print " event receiving time: $event_recv_time\n\n";
open(LOGF, $log_file) || die "Opening file $log_file: $!";
@content = <LOGF>;
foreach $line ( @content ) {
@line_items = split(/,/,$line);
print " device: $line_items[0], action: $line_items[1] \n";
print " forking udev time: $line_items[-1]";
$diff = cmpDate($line_items[-1], $event_recv_time);
print " the delay time is: $diff s \n\n";
sub show_result_tm_out {
my $event_recv_time;
my $udev_fork_time;
my $line;
my @content;
my @line_items;
my $diff;
($event_recv_time) = @_;
print " event receiving time: $event_recv_time\n\n";
open(LOGF, $log_file) || die "Opening file $log_file: $!";
@content = <LOGF>;
foreach $line ( @content ) {
@line_items = split(/,/,$line);
print " device: $line_items[0], action: $line_items[1] \n";
print " forking udev time: $line_items[-1]";
$diff = cmpDate($line_items[-1], $event_recv_time);
print " the delay time is: $diff s \n\n";
if ( $diff < $time_out ) {
print " the delay time is: $diff \n";
print " udevd doesn't act properly. \n";
exit 1;
sub show_result_immediate {
my $event_recv_time;
my $udev_fork_time;
my $line;
my @content;
my @line_items;
my $diff;
($event_recv_time) = @_;
print " event receiving time: $event_recv_time\n\n";
open(LOGF, $log_file) || die "Opening file $log_file: $!";
@content = <LOGF>;
foreach $line ( @content ) {
@line_items = split(/,/,$line);
print " device: $line_items[0], action: $line_items[1] \n";
print " forking udev time: $line_items[-1]";
$diff = cmpDate($line_items[-1], $event_recv_time);
print " the delay time is: $diff s \n\n";
if ( $diff > $time_out ) {
print " the delay time is: $diff \n";
print " udevd doesn't act properly. \n";
exit 1;
sub check_exe_time {
my @exe_time;
my $i = 0;
my $line;
my @content;
my @line_items;
my $diff;
open(LOGF, $log_file) || die "Opening file $log_file: $!";
@content = <LOGF>;
foreach $line ( @content ) {
@line_items = split(/,/,$line);
$exe_time[$i] = $line_items[-1];
$diff = cmpDate($exe_time[1], $exe_time[0]);
if ( $diff < $udev_exe_time ) {
print " there are more than one udev instance for a single device at the same time. \n";
exit 1;
} else {
print " there is just one udev instance for a single device at the same time. \n";
# test case functions
sub run_no_seq_test {
print "Test case name: no sequence number test\n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd forks udev immediately when environment variable SEQNUM is null.\n";
print "Test expected visible results: \n";
print " the delay time between event receiving and forking udev for udevd should be negligible, \n";
print " that is, udev should be forked at once. please notice the following time...\n\n";
# local variables
my $time;
# add devices event test
# check if devices /block/sda exist
# log current system date/time
$time = getDate();
# fork udevd
udevsend(-1, "/block/sda", "add", "block");
# check if execution is successful in time
sleep 1;
print " fork udev (add device) at once successfully.\n\n";
# remove devices event test
system("rm -f $log_file");
# log current system date/time
$time = getDate();
# fork udevd
udevsend(-1, "/block/sda", "remove", "block");
# check if execution is successful in time
sleep 1;
print " fork udev (remove device) at once successfully.\n\n";
print "this case is ok\n\n";
sub run_normal_seq_test {
print "Test case name: normal sequence number stress test\n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd can fork massive udev instances for \n";
print " massive sequential events successfully. \n";
print "Test expected visible results: \n";
print " Populate all the devices in directory $sysfs/class/tty, fork udved to send add/remove \n";
print " event to udev for each device. \n";
print " We can see the delay time for each device should be negligible. \n\n";
# local variables
my @file_list;
my $file;
my $seq = 0;
my $time;
my $ret_seq;
# prepare
@file_list = glob "$sysfs/class/tty/*";
# log current system date/time for device add events
$time = getDate();
# add devices event test
print "add device events test: \n";
foreach $file (@file_list) {
udevsend($seq, substr($file, length($sysfs), length($file)-length($sysfs)), "add", "tty");
# check if execution is successful
if ($? == 0) {
} else {
print "add event: error\n\n";
exit 1;
# we'd better wait the udev to create all the device for a few seconds
print " wait for udevd processing about $time_out s... \n\n";
sleep $time_out;
$ret_seq = check_count_and_time($time);
if ( $ret_seq != $seq ) {
print " add event: failed. some device-adding events fail to execute.\n\n";
exit 1;
} else {
print " $seq pieces of device-adding events have executed successfully.\n\n";
# log current system date/time for device remove events
$time = getDate();
# remove devices event test
print "remove device events test: \n";
@file_list = glob "$sysfs/class/tty/*";
$seq = 0;
foreach $file (@file_list) {
udevsend($seq, substr($file, length($sysfs), length($file)-length($sysfs)), "remove", "tty");
# check if execution is successful
if ($? == 0) {
} else {
print "remove event: error\n\n";
exit 1;
# we'd better wait the udev to create all the device for a few seconds
print " waiting for udev removing devices (about $time_out s)...\n";
sleep $time_out;
# show results
$ret_seq = check_count_and_time($time);
if ( $ret_seq != $seq ) {
print " remove event: failed. some device-removing events fail to execute.\n\n";
exit 1;
} else {
print " $seq pieces of device-removing events have executed successfully.\n\n";
print "this case is ok.\n\n";
sub run_random_seq_test {
print "Test case name: random sequence number test case,\n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd can order the events with random sequence number \n";
print " and fork udev correctly. \n";
print "Test expected visible results: \n";
print " We have disordered the events sent to udevd, if udevd can order them correctly, the devices' \n";
print " add/remove sequence should be tty0, tty1, tty2. \n\n";
# local variables
my $time;
# check if devices /class/tty/tty0, tty1, tty2 exist
check_sysfs_device_exist("$sysfs/class/tty/tty0", "$sysfs/class/tty/tty1", "$sysfs/class/tty/tty2");
# add device events test
print "add device events test: \n";
# log current system date/time for device remove events
$time = getDate();
# parameters: 1 sequence number, 2 device, 3 action, 4 subsystem
udevsend(3, "/class/tty/tty2", "add", "tty");
udevsend(1, "/class/tty/tty0", "add", "tty");
udevsend(2, "/class/tty/tty1", "add", "tty");
print " wait for udevd processing about $time_out s... \n\n";
sleep $time_out+1;
# remove device events test
print "\nremove device events test: \n";
# log current system date/time for device remove events
$time = getDate();
# fork udevd
udevsend(3, "/class/tty/tty2", "remove", "tty");
udevsend(2, "/class/tty/tty1", "remove", "tty");
udevsend(1, "/class/tty/tty0", "remove", "tty");
# show results
print " wait for udevd processing about $time_out s... \n\n";
sleep $time_out+1;
print "this case is ok.\n\n";
sub run_expected_seq_test {
print "Test case name: expected sequence number test \n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd fork udev immediately when the incoming event\n";
print " is exactly the expected event sequence number.\n";
print "Test expected visible results:\n";
print " first, udevd disposes disorder events(sequence number is 3,1,2,5,4,6),\n";
print " thus after disposed the expected event number for udevd is 7, when incoming event is 7, udevd\n";
print " should fork udev immediately, the delay time should be negligible. \n";
print " where: event 7 is (add device /class/tty/tty2) \n\n";
# local variables
my $time;
# check if devices /class/tty0, tty1, tty2 exist
check_sysfs_device_exist("$sysfs/class/tty/tty0", "$sysfs/class/tty/tty1", "$sysfs/class/tty/tty2");
# prepare
# parameters: 1 sequence number, 2 device, 3 action, 4 subsystem
udevsend(3, "/class/tty/tty2", "add", "tty");
udevsend(1, "/class/tty/tty0", "add", "tty");
udevsend(2, "/class/tty/tty1", "add", "tty");
udevsend(5, "/class/tty/tty1", "remove", "tty");
udevsend(4, "/class/tty/tty0", "remove", "tty");
udevsend(6, "/class/tty/tty2", "remove", "tty");
print " wait for udevd timing out for disorder events (about $time_out s) \n\n";
sleep $time_out+1;
system("rm -f $log_file");
# log current system date/time for device remove events
$time = getDate();
# show results
udevsend(7, "/class/tty/tty2", "add", "tty");
sleep 1;
print " event sequence number: 7 \n";
print "this case is ok.\n\n";
sub run_single_instance_test {
print "Test case name: single instance running for a single device test \n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd only fork one udev instance for a single\n";
print " device at the same time. For each event a udev instance is \n";
print " executed in the background. All further events for the same \n";
print " device are delayed until the execution is finished. This way \n";
print " there will never be more than one instance running for a single \n";
print " device at the same time.\n";
print "Test expected visible results:\n";
print " In this test we amplify the execution time of udev (about 5 seconds), first, \n";
print " we send a add event for device /block/sda, and then we send a remove event, so the \n";
print " execution of remove event should be delayed until add is finished. \n\n";
# local variables
my $time;
# prepare
# check if device exists
# log current system date/time
$time = getDate();
# fork udved
udevsend(-1, "/block/sda", "add", "block", $udev_bin2);
udevsend(-1, "/block/sda", "remove", "block", $udev_bin2);
# show results
print " wait for udevd processing about $udev_exe_time s... \n\n";
sleep $udev_exe_time+1;
print "this case is ok\n\n";
sub run_same_events_test {
print "Test case name: event sequence number overlap test \n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd doesn't fork udev untill time out\n";
print " when encountering a event with sequence number same as the pevious event. \n";
print "Test expected visible results:\n";
print " event ( remove device /block/sda ) should be no delay, \n";
print " event ( add device /class/tty/tty1 ) should be delayed for $time_out s than its previous \n";
print " event ( remove device /block/sda ) \n\n";
# local variables
my $time;
# prepare
# check if device exist
check_sysfs_device_exist("$sysfs/block/sda", "$sysfs/class/tty/tty1");
# fork udevd
udevsend(0, "/block/sda", "add", "block");
# log current system date/time
sleep 1;
$time = getDate();
system("rm -f $log_file");
# fork udevd
udevsend(1, "/block/sda", "remove", "block");
udevsend(1, "/class/tty/tty1", "add", "tty");
# show results
print " wait for udevd processing about $time_out s... \n\n";
sleep $time_out+1;
print "this case is ok\n\n";
sub run_missing_seq_test {
print "Test case name: missing sequence number test \n";
print "Test case purpose: check whether udevd doesn't fork udev untill time out\n";
print " when certain event sequence number is missing.\n";
print "Test expected visible results:\n";
print " the delay time for event(add device /block/sda) should be about $time_out s.\n\n";
# local variables
my $time;
# prepare
# check if device exist
check_sysfs_device_exist("$sysfs/block/sda", "$sysfs/class/tty/tty1");
# fork udevd
udevsend(0, "/class/tty/tty1", "add", "tty");
udevsend(1, "/class/tty/tty1", "remove", "tty");
sleep 1;
# log current system date/time
$time = getDate();
system("rm -f $log_file");
# fork udevd
udevsend(3, "/block/sda", "add", "block");
# show results
print " wait for udevd processing about $time_out s... \n\n";
sleep $time_out+1;
print "this case is ok\n\n";
sub run_all_cases_test {
# main program
if ($ARGV[0]) {
$test_case = $ARGV[0];
if ($test_case == 1) {
} elsif ($test_case == 2) {
} elsif ($test_case == 3) {
} elsif ($test_case == 4) {
} elsif ($test_case == 5) {
} elsif ($test_case == 6) {
} elsif ($test_case == 7) {
} else {
} else {
# echo usage
print "command format: perl udevd-test.pl <case number>\n";
print " test case:\n";
print " 1: no event sequence number\n";
print " 2: sequential event sequence number\n";
print " 3: random event sequence number\n";
print " 4: missing event sequence number\n";
print " 5: the incoming event sequence number is right the expected sequence number\n";
print " 6: single udev instance on a single device at the same time\n";
print " 7: test event sequence number overlap\n";
print " 9: all the cases\n\n";