diff --git a/man/systemd.socket.xml b/man/systemd.socket.xml
index b669e7d15d..1600656fdb 100644
--- a/man/systemd.socket.xml
+++ b/man/systemd.socket.xml
@@ -629,10 +629,12 @@
resulting SELinux context originate from either the target
binary that is effectively triggered by socket unit or from
the value of the SELinuxContext= option.
- This configuration option only affects sockets with
- Accept= mode set to
- yes. Also note that this option is useful
- only when MLS/MCS SELinux policy is deployed. Defaults to
+ This configuration option applies only when activated service
+ is passed in single socket file descriptor, i.e. service
+ instances that have standard input connected to a socket or
+ services triggered by exactly one socket unit. Also note
+ that this option is useful only when MLS/MCS SELinux policy
+ is deployed. Defaults to
diff --git a/src/core/execute.c b/src/core/execute.c
index af24f9f713..2a337b55a2 100644
--- a/src/core/execute.c
+++ b/src/core/execute.c
@@ -4345,11 +4345,22 @@ static int exec_child(
- if (needs_sandboxing && use_selinux && params->selinux_context_net && socket_fd >= 0) {
- r = mac_selinux_get_child_mls_label(socket_fd, executable, context->selinux_context, &mac_selinux_context_net);
- if (r < 0) {
- *exit_status = EXIT_SELINUX_CONTEXT;
- return log_unit_error_errno(unit, r, "Failed to determine SELinux context: %m");
+ if (needs_sandboxing && use_selinux && params->selinux_context_net) {
+ int fd = -1;
+ if (socket_fd >= 0)
+ fd = socket_fd;
+ else if (params->n_socket_fds == 1)
+ /* If stdin is not connected to a socket but we are triggered by exactly one socket unit then we
+ * use context from that fd to compute the label. */
+ fd = params->fds[0];
+ if (fd >= 0) {
+ r = mac_selinux_get_child_mls_label(fd, executable, context->selinux_context, &mac_selinux_context_net);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ *exit_status = EXIT_SELINUX_CONTEXT;
+ return log_unit_error_errno(unit, r, "Failed to determine SELinux context: %m");
+ }