mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 00:58:20 +03:00
boot: Make all efivar util functions take the guid as an argument
Let's make these functions a little more generic so we can have them work on more than one GUID. More specifically, this allows using them with the global guid which will be used a bit more to extend the secure boot support.
This commit is contained in:
@ -421,14 +421,14 @@ static VOID print_status(Config *config, CHAR16 *loaded_image_path) {
Print(L"entry EFI var idx: %d\n", config->idx_default_efivar);
if (efivar_get_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", &i) == EFI_SUCCESS)
if (efivar_get_int(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeout", &i) == EFI_SUCCESS)
Print(L"LoaderConfigTimeout: %u\n", i);
if (config->entry_oneshot)
Print(L"LoaderEntryOneShot: %s\n", config->entry_oneshot);
if (efivar_get(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", &partstr) == EFI_SUCCESS)
if (efivar_get(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", &partstr) == EFI_SUCCESS)
Print(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID: %s\n", partstr);
if (efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryDefault", &defaultstr) == EFI_SUCCESS)
if (efivar_get(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderEntryDefault", &defaultstr) == EFI_SUCCESS)
Print(L"LoaderEntryDefault: %s\n", defaultstr);
Print(L"\n--- press key ---\n\n");
@ -762,12 +762,16 @@ static BOOLEAN menu_run(
case KEYPRESS(0, 0, 'd'):
if (config->idx_default_efivar != (INTN)idx_highlight) {
/* store the selected entry in a persistent EFI variable */
efivar_set(L"LoaderEntryDefault", config->entries[idx_highlight]->id, TRUE);
config->idx_default_efivar = idx_highlight;
status = StrDuplicate(L"Default boot entry selected.");
} else {
/* clear the default entry EFI variable */
efivar_set(L"LoaderEntryDefault", NULL, TRUE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderEntryDefault", NULL, TRUE);
config->idx_default_efivar = -1;
status = StrDuplicate(L"Default boot entry cleared.");
@ -778,14 +782,15 @@ static BOOLEAN menu_run(
case KEYPRESS(0, 0, 'T'):
if (config->timeout_sec_efivar > 0) {
efivar_set_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", config->timeout_sec_efivar, TRUE);
LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeout", config->timeout_sec_efivar, TRUE);
if (config->timeout_sec_efivar > 0)
status = PoolPrint(L"Menu timeout set to %d sec.", config->timeout_sec_efivar);
status = StrDuplicate(L"Menu disabled. Hold down key at bootup to show menu.");
} else if (config->timeout_sec_efivar <= 0){
config->timeout_sec_efivar = -1;
efivar_set(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", NULL, TRUE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeout", NULL, TRUE);
if (config->timeout_sec_config > 0)
status = PoolPrint(L"Menu timeout of %d sec is defined by configuration file.",
@ -799,7 +804,7 @@ static BOOLEAN menu_run(
if (config->timeout_sec_efivar == -1 && config->timeout_sec_config == 0)
efivar_set_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", config->timeout_sec_efivar, TRUE);
efivar_set_int(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeout", config->timeout_sec_efivar, TRUE);
if (config->timeout_sec_efivar > 0)
status = PoolPrint(L"Menu timeout set to %d sec.",
@ -1291,7 +1296,7 @@ static VOID config_entry_bump_counters(
/* Let's tell the OS that we renamed this file, so that it knows what to rename to the counter-less name on
* success */
new_path = PoolPrint(L"%s\\%s", entry->path, entry->next_name);
efivar_set(L"LoaderBootCountPath", new_path, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderBootCountPath", new_path, FALSE);
/* If the file we just renamed is the loader path, then let's update that. */
if (StrCmp(entry->loader, old_path) == 0) {
@ -1456,17 +1461,17 @@ static VOID config_load_defaults(Config *config, EFI_FILE *root_dir) {
if (!EFI_ERROR(err))
config_defaults_load_from_file(config, content);
err = efivar_get_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeout", &sec);
err = efivar_get_int(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeout", &sec);
if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) {
config->timeout_sec_efivar = sec > INTN_MAX ? INTN_MAX : sec;
config->timeout_sec = sec;
} else
config->timeout_sec_efivar = -1;
err = efivar_get_int(L"LoaderConfigTimeoutOneShot", &sec);
err = efivar_get_int(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeoutOneShot", &sec);
if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) {
/* Unset variable now, after all it's "one shot". */
(void) efivar_set(L"LoaderConfigTimeoutOneShot", NULL, TRUE);
(void) efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderConfigTimeoutOneShot", NULL, TRUE);
config->timeout_sec = sec;
config->force_menu = TRUE; /* force the menu when this is set */
@ -1593,11 +1598,11 @@ static VOID config_default_entry_select(Config *config) {
* The EFI variable to specify a boot entry for the next, and only the
* next reboot. The variable is always cleared directly after it is read.
err = efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryOneShot", &entry_oneshot);
err = efivar_get(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderEntryOneShot", &entry_oneshot);
if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) {
config->entry_oneshot = StrDuplicate(entry_oneshot);
efivar_set(L"LoaderEntryOneShot", NULL, TRUE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderEntryOneShot", NULL, TRUE);
i = config_entry_find(config, entry_oneshot);
if (i >= 0) {
@ -1612,7 +1617,7 @@ static VOID config_default_entry_select(Config *config) {
* the 'd' key in the loader selection menu, the entry is marked with
* an '*'.
err = efivar_get(L"LoaderEntryDefault", &entry_default);
err = efivar_get(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderEntryDefault", &entry_default);
if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) {
i = config_entry_find(config, entry_default);
@ -2278,7 +2283,7 @@ static EFI_STATUS image_start(
efivar_set_time_usec(L"LoaderTimeExecUSec", 0);
efivar_set_time_usec(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderTimeExecUSec", 0);
err = uefi_call_wrapper(BS->StartImage, 3, image, NULL, NULL);
uefi_call_wrapper(BS->UnloadImage, 1, image);
@ -2366,14 +2371,14 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
InitializeLib(image, sys_table);
init_usec = time_usec();
efivar_set_time_usec(L"LoaderTimeInitUSec", init_usec);
efivar_set(L"LoaderInfo", L"systemd-boot " GIT_VERSION, FALSE);
efivar_set_time_usec(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderTimeInitUSec", init_usec);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderInfo", L"systemd-boot " GIT_VERSION, FALSE);
infostr = PoolPrint(L"%s %d.%02d", ST->FirmwareVendor, ST->FirmwareRevision >> 16, ST->FirmwareRevision & 0xffff);
efivar_set(L"LoaderFirmwareInfo", infostr, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderFirmwareInfo", infostr, FALSE);
typestr = PoolPrint(L"UEFI %d.%02d", ST->Hdr.Revision >> 16, ST->Hdr.Revision & 0xffff);
efivar_set(L"LoaderFirmwareType", typestr, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderFirmwareType", typestr, FALSE);
(void) efivar_set_raw(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderFeatures", &loader_features, sizeof(loader_features), FALSE);
@ -2387,7 +2392,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
/* export the device path this image is started from */
if (disk_get_part_uuid(loaded_image->DeviceHandle, uuid) == EFI_SUCCESS)
efivar_set(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", uuid, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", uuid, FALSE);
root_dir = LibOpenRoot(loaded_image->DeviceHandle);
if (!root_dir) {
@ -2407,7 +2412,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
/* the filesystem path to this image, to prevent adding ourselves to the menu */
loaded_image_path = DevicePathToStr(loaded_image->FilePath);
efivar_set(L"LoaderImageIdentifier", loaded_image_path, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderImageIdentifier", loaded_image_path, FALSE);
config_load_defaults(&config, root_dir);
@ -2493,7 +2498,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
entry = config.entries[config.idx_default];
if (menu) {
efivar_set_time_usec(L"LoaderTimeMenuUSec", 0);
efivar_set_time_usec(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderTimeMenuUSec", 0);
uefi_call_wrapper(BS->SetWatchdogTimer, 4, 0, 0x10000, 0, NULL);
if (!menu_run(&config, &entry, loaded_image_path))
@ -2508,7 +2513,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
config_entry_bump_counters(entry, root_dir);
/* Export the selected boot entry to the system */
(VOID) efivar_set(L"LoaderEntrySelected", entry->id, FALSE);
(VOID) efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderEntrySelected", entry->id, FALSE);
/* Optionally, read a random seed off the ESP and pass it to the OS */
(VOID) process_random_seed(root_dir, config.random_seed_mode);
@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
/* Export the device path this image is started from, if it's not set yet */
if (efivar_get_raw(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", NULL, NULL) != EFI_SUCCESS)
if (disk_get_part_uuid(loaded_image->DeviceHandle, uuid) == EFI_SUCCESS)
efivar_set(L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", uuid, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderDevicePartUUID", uuid, FALSE);
/* if LoaderImageIdentifier is not set, assume the image with this stub was loaded directly from UEFI */
if (efivar_get_raw(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderImageIdentifier", NULL, NULL) != EFI_SUCCESS) {
_cleanup_freepool_ CHAR16 *s;
s = DevicePathToStr(loaded_image->FilePath);
efivar_set(L"LoaderImageIdentifier", s, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderImageIdentifier", s, FALSE);
/* if LoaderFirmwareInfo is not set, let's set it */
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
_cleanup_freepool_ CHAR16 *s;
s = PoolPrint(L"%s %d.%02d", ST->FirmwareVendor, ST->FirmwareRevision >> 16, ST->FirmwareRevision & 0xffff);
efivar_set(L"LoaderFirmwareInfo", s, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderFirmwareInfo", s, FALSE);
/* ditto for LoaderFirmwareType */
@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ EFI_STATUS efi_main(EFI_HANDLE image, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *sys_table) {
_cleanup_freepool_ CHAR16 *s;
s = PoolPrint(L"UEFI %d.%02d", ST->Hdr.Revision >> 16, ST->Hdr.Revision & 0xffff);
efivar_set(L"LoaderFirmwareType", s, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"LoaderFirmwareType", s, FALSE);
/* add StubInfo */
if (efivar_get_raw(LOADER_GUID, L"StubInfo", NULL, NULL) != EFI_SUCCESS)
efivar_set(L"StubInfo", L"systemd-stub " GIT_VERSION, FALSE);
efivar_set(LOADER_GUID, L"StubInfo", L"systemd-stub " GIT_VERSION, FALSE);
if (szs[3] > 0)
graphics_splash((UINT8 *)((UINTN)loaded_image->ImageBase + addrs[3]), szs[3], NULL);
@ -85,24 +85,25 @@ EFI_STATUS efivar_set_raw(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, const VOID
return uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, (CHAR16*) name, (EFI_GUID *)vendor, flags, size, (VOID*) buf);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set(const CHAR16 *name, const CHAR16 *value, BOOLEAN persistent) {
return efivar_set_raw(LOADER_GUID, name, value, value ? (StrLen(value)+1) * sizeof(CHAR16) : 0, persistent);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, const CHAR16 *value, BOOLEAN persistent) {
return efivar_set_raw(
vendor, name, value, value ? (StrLen(value) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16) : 0, persistent);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set_int(CHAR16 *name, UINTN i, BOOLEAN persistent) {
EFI_STATUS efivar_set_int(const EFI_GUID *vendor, CHAR16 *name, UINTN i, BOOLEAN persistent) {
CHAR16 str[32];
SPrint(str, 32, L"%u", i);
return efivar_set(name, str, persistent);
return efivar_set(vendor, name, str, persistent);
EFI_STATUS efivar_get(const CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value) {
EFI_STATUS efivar_get(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value) {
_cleanup_freepool_ CHAR8 *buf = NULL;
CHAR16 *val;
UINTN size;
err = efivar_get_raw(LOADER_GUID, name, &buf, &size);
err = efivar_get_raw(vendor, name, &buf, &size);
if (EFI_ERROR(err))
return err;
@ -131,11 +132,11 @@ EFI_STATUS efivar_get(const CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value) {
EFI_STATUS efivar_get_int(const CHAR16 *name, UINTN *i) {
EFI_STATUS efivar_get_int(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, UINTN *i) {
_cleanup_freepool_ CHAR16 *val = NULL;
err = efivar_get(name, &val);
err = efivar_get(vendor, name, &val);
if (!EFI_ERROR(err) && i)
*i = Atoi(val);
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ EFI_STATUS efivar_get_raw(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, CHAR8 **bu
return err;
VOID efivar_set_time_usec(CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec) {
VOID efivar_set_time_usec(const EFI_GUID *vendor, CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec) {
CHAR16 str[32];
if (usec == 0)
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ VOID efivar_set_time_usec(CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec) {
SPrint(str, 32, L"%ld", usec);
efivar_set(name, str, FALSE);
efivar_set(vendor, name, str, FALSE);
static INTN utf8_to_16(CHAR8 *stra, CHAR16 *c) {
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ UINT64 ticks_read(void);
UINT64 ticks_freq(void);
UINT64 time_usec(void);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set(const CHAR16 *name, const CHAR16 *value, BOOLEAN persistent);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, const CHAR16 *value, BOOLEAN persistent);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set_raw(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, const VOID *buf, UINTN size, BOOLEAN persistent);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set_int(CHAR16 *name, UINTN i, BOOLEAN persistent);
VOID efivar_set_time_usec(CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec);
EFI_STATUS efivar_set_int(const EFI_GUID *vendor, CHAR16 *name, UINTN i, BOOLEAN persistent);
VOID efivar_set_time_usec(const EFI_GUID *vendor, CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec);
EFI_STATUS efivar_get(const CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value);
EFI_STATUS efivar_get(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value);
EFI_STATUS efivar_get_raw(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, CHAR8 **buffer, UINTN *size);
EFI_STATUS efivar_get_int(const CHAR16 *name, UINTN *i);
EFI_STATUS efivar_get_int(const EFI_GUID *vendor, const CHAR16 *name, UINTN *i);
CHAR8 *strchra(CHAR8 *s, CHAR8 c);
CHAR16 *stra_to_path(CHAR8 *stra);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user