diff --git a/.semaphore/semaphore-runner.sh b/.semaphore/semaphore-runner.sh index ba21811718..ec95f65315 100755 --- a/.semaphore/semaphore-runner.sh +++ b/.semaphore/semaphore-runner.sh @@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ EOF rm -rf debian/patches # disable autopkgtests which are not for upstream sed -i '/# NOUPSTREAM/ q' debian/tests/control + # TODO: rebooting via autopkgtest-reboot seems to be broken, disable these tests for now + sed -i -n '1,/Tests: boot-and-services/p;/Tests: udev/,$p' debian/tests/control + sed -i '/Tests: boot-and-services/d' debian/tests/control + sed -i '/Tests: boot-smoke/,$d' debian/tests/control # enable more unit tests sed -i '/^CONFFLAGS =/ s/=/= --werror -Dtests=unsafe -Dsplit-usr=true -Dslow-tests=true -Dfuzz-tests=true -Dman=true /' debian/rules # no orig tarball