title: Code Quality Tools
category: Contributing
layout: default

# Code Quality Tools

The systemd project has a number of code quality tools set up in the source
tree and on the github infrastructure. Here's an incomprehensive list of the
available functionality:

1. Use `ninja -C build test` to run the unit tests. Some tests are skipped if
   no privileges are available, hence consider also running them with `sudo
   ninja -C build test`. A couple of unit tests are considered "unsafe" (as
   they change system state); to run those too, build with `meson
   -Dtests=unsafe`. Finally, some unit tests are considered to be very slow,
   build them too with `meson -Dslow-tests=true`. (Note that there are a couple
   of manual tests in addition to these unit tests.)

2. Use `./test/run-integration-tests.sh` to run the full integration test
   suite. This will build OS images with a number of integration tests and run
   them in nspawn and qemu. Requires root.

3. Use `./coccinelle/run-coccinelle.sh` to run all
   [Coccinelle](http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/) semantic patch scripts we ship. The
   output will show false positives, hence take it with a pinch of salt.

4. Use `./tools/find-double-newline.sh recdiff` to find double newlines. Use
   `./tools/find-double-newline.sh recpatch` to fix them. Take this with a grain
   of salt, in particular as we generally leave foreign header files we include in
   our tree unmodified, if possible.

5. Similar use `./tools/find-tabs.sh recdiff` to find TABs, and
   `./tools/find-tabs.sh recpatch` to fix them. (Again, grain of salt, foreign
   headers should usually be left unmodified.)

6. Use `ninja -C build check-api-docs` to compare the list of exported
   symbols of `libsystemd.so` and `libudev.so` with the list of man pages. Symbols
   lacking documentation are highlighted.

7. Use `ninja -C build hwdb-update` to automatically download and import the
   PCI, USB and OUI databases into hwdb.

8. Use `ninja -C build man/update-man-rules` to update the meson rules for
   building man pages automatically from the docbook XML files included in

9. There are multiple CI systems in use that run on every github PR submission.

10. [Coverity](https://scan.coverity.com/) is analyzing systemd master in
    regular intervals. The reports are available

11. [oss-fuzz](https://oss-fuzz.com/) is continuously fuzzing the
    codebase. Reports are available

12. Our tree includes `.editorconfig`, `.dir-locals.el` and `.vimrc` files, to
    ensure that editors follow the right indentiation styles automatically.

13. When building systemd from a git checkout the build scripts will
    automatically enable a git commit hook that ensures whitespace cleanliness.

14. [LGTM](https://lgtm.com/) analyzes every commit pushed to master. The list
    of active alerts can be found

15. Each PR is automatically tested with [Address Sanitizer](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html)
    and [Undefined Behavior Sanitizer](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html).
    See [Testing systemd using sanitizers](https://systemd.io/TESTING_WITH_SANITIZERS)
    for more information.

16. Fossies provides [source code misspelling reports](https://fossies.org/features.html#codespell).
    The systemd report can be found [here](https://fossies.org/linux/test/systemd-master.tar.gz/codespell.html).

Access to Coverity and oss-fuzz reports is limited. Please reach out to the
maintainers if you need access.