mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 00:58:20 +03:00
As in the parent commit, this makes the name consistent with the rest of the source tree and the actuall installation path.
370 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
370 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
from pyparsing import (Word, White, Literal, Regex,
LineEnd, SkipTo,
ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, Combine, Optional, Suppress,
stringEnd, pythonStyleComment)
EOL = LineEnd().suppress()
NUM1 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=1)
NUM2 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=2)
NUM3 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=3)
NUM4 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=4)
NUM6 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=6)
TAB = White('\t', exact=1).suppress()
COMMENTLINE = pythonStyleComment + EOL
text_eol = lambda name: Regex(r'[^\n]+')(name) + EOL
def klass_grammar():
klass_line = Literal('C ').suppress() + NUM2('klass') + text_eol('text')
subclass_line = TAB + NUM2('subclass') + text_eol('text')
protocol_line = TAB + TAB + NUM2('protocol') + text_eol('name')
subclass = (subclass_line('SUBCLASS') -
^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = (klass_line('KLASS') -
^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
return klass
def usb_ids_grammar():
vendor_line = NUM4('vendor') + text_eol('text')
device_line = TAB + NUM4('device') + text_eol('text')
vendor = (vendor_line('VENDOR') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(device_line)('VENDOR_DEV*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = klass_grammar()
other_line = (Literal('AT ') ^ Literal('HID ') ^ Literal('R ')
^ Literal('PHY ') ^ Literal('BIAS ') ^ Literal('HUT ')
^ Literal('L ') ^ Literal('VT ') ^ Literal('HCC ')) + text_eol('text')
other_group = (other_line - ZeroOrMore(TAB + text_eol('text')))
commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() ^ EMPTYLINE.suppress()
grammar = OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')
^ Group(klass)('CLASSES*')
^ other_group.suppress() ^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()
return grammar
def pci_ids_grammar():
vendor_line = NUM4('vendor') + text_eol('text')
device_line = TAB + NUM4('device') + text_eol('text')
subvendor_line = TAB + TAB + NUM4('a') + White(' ') + NUM4('b') + text_eol('name')
device = (device_line('DEVICE') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(subvendor_line)('SUBVENDORS*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
vendor = (vendor_line('VENDOR') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(device)('DEVICES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = klass_grammar()
commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() ^ EMPTYLINE.suppress()
grammar = OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')
^ Group(klass)('CLASSES*')
^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()
return grammar
def sdio_ids_grammar():
vendor_line = NUM4('vendor') + text_eol('text')
device_line = TAB + NUM4('device') + text_eol('text')
vendor = (vendor_line('VENDOR') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(device_line)('DEVICES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = klass_grammar()
commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() ^ EMPTYLINE.suppress()
grammar = OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')
^ Group(klass)('CLASSES*')
^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()
return grammar
def oui_grammar(type):
prefix_line = (Combine(NUM2 - Suppress('-') - NUM2 - Suppress('-') - NUM2)('prefix')
- Literal('(hex)') - text_eol('text'))
if type == 'small':
vendor_line = (NUM3('start') - '000-' - NUM3('end') - 'FFF'
- Literal('(base 16)') - text_eol('text2'))
elif type == 'medium':
vendor_line = (NUM1('start') - '00000-' - NUM1('end') - 'FFFFF'
- Literal('(base 16)') - text_eol('text2'))
assert type == 'large'
vendor_line = (NUM6('start')
- Literal('(base 16)') - text_eol('text2'))
extra_line = TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB - SkipTo(EOL)
vendor = prefix_line + vendor_line + ZeroOrMore(extra_line) + Optional(EMPTYLINE)
grammar = (Literal('OUI') + text_eol('header')
+ text_eol('header') + text_eol('header') + EMPTYLINE
+ OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')) + stringEnd())
return grammar
def header(file, *sources):
# This file is part of systemd.
# Data imported from:{}{}'''.format(' ' if len(sources) == 1 else '\n# ',
'\n# '.join(sources)),
def add_item(items, key, value):
if key in items:
print(f'Ignoring duplicate entry: {key} = "{items[key]}", "{value}"')
items[key] = value
def usb_vendor_model(p):
items = {}
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
vendor = vendor_group.vendor.upper()
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor,), text)
for vendor_dev in vendor_group.VENDOR_DEV:
device = vendor_dev.device.upper()
text = vendor_dev.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor, device), text)
with open('20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'usb:v{}*', 'VENDOR'
p, n = 'usb:v{}p{}*', 'MODEL',
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def usb_classes(p):
items = {}
for klass_group in p.CLASSES:
klass = klass_group.klass.upper()
text = klass_group.text.strip()
if klass != '00' and not re.match(r'(\?|None|Unused)\s*$', text):
add_item(items, (klass,), text)
for subclass_group in klass_group.SUBCLASSES:
subclass = subclass_group.subclass.upper()
text = subclass_group.text.strip()
if subclass != '00' and not re.match(r'(\?|None|Unused)\s*$', text):
add_item(items, (klass, subclass), text)
for protocol_group in subclass_group.PROTOCOLS:
protocol = protocol_group.protocol.upper()
text = protocol_group.name.strip()
if klass != '00' and not re.match(r'(\?|None|Unused)\s*$', text):
add_item(items, (klass, subclass, protocol), text)
with open('20-usb-classes.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'usb:v*p*d*dc{}*', 'CLASS'
elif len(key) == 2:
p, n = 'usb:v*p*d*dc{}dsc{}*', 'SUBCLASS'
p, n = 'usb:v*p*d*dc{}dsc{}dp{}*', 'PROTOCOL'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_USB_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def pci_vendor_model(p):
items = {}
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
vendor = vendor_group.vendor.upper()
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor,), text)
for device_group in vendor_group.DEVICES:
device = device_group.device.upper()
text = device_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor, device), text)
for subvendor_group in device_group.SUBVENDORS:
sub_vendor = subvendor_group.a.upper()
sub_model = subvendor_group.b.upper()
sub_text = subvendor_group.name.strip()
if sub_text.startswith(text):
sub_text = sub_text[len(text):].lstrip()
if sub_text:
sub_text = f' ({sub_text})'
add_item(items, (vendor, device, sub_vendor, sub_model), text + sub_text)
with open('20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'pci:v0000{}*', 'VENDOR'
elif len(key) == 2:
p, n = 'pci:v0000{}d0000{}*', 'MODEL'
p, n = 'pci:v0000{}d0000{}sv0000{}sd0000{}*', 'MODEL'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def pci_classes(p):
items = {}
for klass_group in p.CLASSES:
klass = klass_group.klass.upper()
text = klass_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (klass,), text)
for subclass_group in klass_group.SUBCLASSES:
subclass = subclass_group.subclass.upper()
text = subclass_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (klass, subclass), text)
for protocol_group in subclass_group.PROTOCOLS:
protocol = protocol_group.protocol.upper()
text = protocol_group.name.strip()
add_item(items, (klass, subclass, protocol), text)
with open('20-pci-classes.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc{}*', 'CLASS'
elif len(key) == 2:
p, n = 'pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc{}sc{}*', 'SUBCLASS'
p, n = 'pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc{}sc{}i{}*', 'INTERFACE'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_PCI_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def sdio_vendor_model(p):
items = {}
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
vendor = vendor_group.vendor.upper()
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor,), text)
for device_group in vendor_group.DEVICES:
device = device_group.device.upper()
text = device_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor, device), text)
with open('20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'hwdb.d/sdio.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'sdio:c*v{}*', 'VENDOR'
p, n = 'sdio:c*v{}d{}*', 'MODEL'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def sdio_classes(p):
items = {}
for klass_group in p.CLASSES:
klass = klass_group.klass.upper()
text = klass_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, klass, text)
with open('20-sdio-classes.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'hwdb.d/sdio.ids')
for klass in sorted(items):
f' ID_SDIO_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE={items[klass]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
# MAC Address Block Large/Medium/Small
# Large MA-L 24/24 bit (OUI)
# Medium MA-M 28/20 bit (OUI prefix owned by IEEE)
# Small MA-S 36/12 bit (OUI prefix owned by IEEE)
def oui(p1, p2, p3):
prefixes = set()
items = {}
for p, check in ((p1, False), (p2, False), (p3, True)):
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
prefix = vendor_group.prefix.upper()
if check:
if prefix in prefixes:
start = vendor_group.start.upper()
end = vendor_group.end.upper()
if end and start != end:
print(f'{prefix:} {start} != {end}', file=sys.stderr)
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
key = prefix + start if end else prefix
add_item(items, key, text)
with open('20-OUI.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
for pattern in sorted(items):
f' ID_OUI_FROM_DATABASE={items[pattern]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv[1:]
if not args or 'usb' in args:
p = usb_ids_grammar().parseFile(open('usb.ids', errors='replace'))
if not args or 'pci' in args:
p = pci_ids_grammar().parseFile(open('pci.ids', errors='replace'))
if not args or 'sdio' in args:
p = pci_ids_grammar().parseFile(open('sdio.ids', errors='replace'))
if not args or 'oui' in args:
p = oui_grammar('small').parseFile(open('ma-small.txt'))
p2 = oui_grammar('medium').parseFile(open('ma-medium.txt'))
p3 = oui_grammar('large').parseFile(open('ma-large.txt'))
oui(p, p2, p3)