Return the name of each extension and the associated extension-release file, and pretty-print them in 'portablectl inspect', if a new flag is passed. $ portablectl inspect --extension app2 --extension app0 minimal app0 app1 (Matching unit files with prefixes 'app0', 'app1'.) Image: /run/portables/minimal.raw Portable Service: n/a Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Extension: /run/portables/app2.raw Extension Scope: n/a Extension Compatibility Level: n/a Portable Service: n/a Portable Prefixes: n/a Operating System: n/a (debian 10) Extension: /run/portables/app0.raw Extension Scope: n/a Extension Compatibility Level: n/a Portable Service: n/a Portable Prefixes: n/a Operating System: n/a (debian 10) Unit files: app0.service (cherry picked from commit e3f7ed944ae750a40685c52349f3cc850db0876e)
System and Service Manager
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Assorted, older, general information about systemd can be found in the systemd Wiki.
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