LLD 13 and GNU ld 2.37 support -z start-stop-gc which allows garbage collection of C identifier name sections despite the __start_/__stop_ references. Simply set the retain attribute so that GCC 11 (if configure-time binutils is 2.36 or newer)/Clang 13 will set the SHF_GNU_RETAIN section attribute to prevent garbage collection. Without the patch, there are linker errors like the following with -z start-stop-gc. ``` ld: error: undefined symbol: __start_SYSTEMD_BUS_ERROR_MAP >>> referenced by bus-error.c:93 (../src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-error.c:93) >>> sd-bus_bus-error.c.o:(bus_error_name_to_errno) in archive src/libsystemd/libsystemd_static.a ``` (cherry picked from commit 945317a4b69d33752c9513bb8994fe8d5a786ea6) (cherry picked from commit a360526852eadb2f14f5d4632771c3719a1c4dcf)
System and Service Manager
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