The XDG base dir spec adopted ~/.local/state/ as a thing a while back, and we updated our docs in b4d6bc63e602048188896110a585aa7de1c70c9b, but forgot to to update the table at the bottom to fully reflect the update. Fix that. (cherry picked from commit 72a6296b16a75d4e26eec972f2999e69c9967b9d) (cherry picked from commit df1ed3fbe2d03e9c1d0eed7d836c5aa541f4fb52) (cherry picked from commit 15352fa22315cd76582ae33a63d065c808b9e958) (cherry picked from commit 083380e814ac5dc773a849315702d0707088aa8b) (cherry picked from commit 0c4605e902ead3b7e3aff7ae8aa7556a27c001f8)
System and Service Manager
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