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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
set -eux
set -o pipefail
# shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh
. "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh
export PAGER=
at_exit() {
set +e
machinectl status long-running &>/dev/null && machinectl kill --signal=KILL long-running
mountpoint -q /var/lib/machines && timeout 10 sh -c "until umount /var/lib/machines; do sleep .5; done"
[[ -n "${NSPAWN_FRAGMENT:-}" ]] && rm -f "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" "/var/lib/machines/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
rm -f /run/systemd/nspawn/*.nspawn
trap at_exit EXIT
systemctl service-log-level systemd-machined debug
systemctl service-log-level systemd-importd debug
# Mount temporary directory over /var/lib/machines to not pollute the image
mkdir -p /var/lib/machines
mount --bind "$(mktemp --tmpdir=/var/tmp -d)" /var/lib/machines
# Create a couple of containers we can refer to in tests
for i in {0..4}; do
create_dummy_container "/var/lib/machines/container$i"
machinectl start "container$i"
# Create one "long running" container with some basic signal handling
create_dummy_container /var/lib/machines/long-running
cat >/var/lib/machines/long-running/sbin/init <<\EOF
2024-05-17 14:14:00 +09:00
trap "touch /terminate; kill $PID" RTMIN+3
trap "touch /poweroff" RTMIN+4
trap "touch /reboot" INT
trap "touch /trap" TRAP
trap 'kill $PID' EXIT
# We need to wait for the sleep process asynchronously in order to allow
# bash to process signals
sleep infinity &
# notify that the process is ready
touch /ready
while :; do
wait || :
long_running_machine_start() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2015
machinectl status long-running &>/dev/null && return 0 || true
# Ensure the service stopped.
systemctl stop systemd-nspawn@long-running.service 2>/dev/null || :
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/ready
machinectl start long-running
# The test makes sure that the long-running's init script has enough time to start and registered signal traps
timeout 30 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/ready; do sleep .5; done"
machinectl --no-pager --help
machinectl --version
machinectl list
machinectl list --no-legend --no-ask-password
machinectl status long-running long-running long-running
machinectl status --full long-running
machinectl status --quiet --lines=1 long-running
machinectl status --lines=0 --max-addresses=0 long-running
machinectl status --machine=testuser@.host long-running
machinectl status --output=help long-running
while read -r output; do
machinectl status --output="$output" long-running
done < <(machinectl --output=help)
machinectl show
machinectl show --all
machinectl show --all --machine=root@
machinectl show --all --machine=testuser@
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=PoolPath --value)" == "/var/lib/machines" ]]
machinectl show long-running
machinectl show long-running long-running long-running --all
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=RootDirectory --value long-running)" == "/var/lib/machines/long-running" ]]
machinectl enable long-running
test -L /etc/systemd/system/machines.target.wants/systemd-nspawn@long-running.service
machinectl enable long-running long-running long-running container1
machinectl disable long-running
test ! -L /etc/systemd/system/machines.target.wants/systemd-nspawn@long-running.service
machinectl disable long-running long-running long-running container1
[[ "$(machinectl shell testuser@ /usr/bin/bash -c 'echo -ne $FOO')" == "" ]]
[[ "$(machinectl shell --setenv=FOO=bar testuser@ /usr/bin/bash -c 'echo -ne $FOO')" == "bar" ]]
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=State --value long-running)" == "running" ]]
# Equivalent to machinectl kill --signal=SIGRTMIN+4 --kill-whom=leader
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/poweroff
machinectl poweroff long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/poweroff; do sleep .5; done"
# Equivalent to machinectl kill --signal=SIGINT --kill-whom=leader
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/reboot
machinectl reboot long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/reboot; do sleep .5; done"
# Test for 'machinectl terminate'
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/terminate
machinectl terminate long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/terminate; do sleep .5; done"
timeout 10 bash -c "while machinectl status long-running &>/dev/null; do sleep .5; done"
# Restart container
# Test for 'machinectl kill'
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/trap
machinectl kill --signal=SIGTRAP --kill-whom=leader long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/trap; do sleep .5; done"
# Multiple machines at once
machinectl poweroff long-running long-running long-running
machinectl reboot long-running long-running long-running
machinectl kill --signal=SIGTRAP --kill-whom=leader long-running long-running long-running
# All used signals should've been caught by a handler
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=State --value long-running)" == "running" ]]
cp /etc/machine-id /tmp/foo
machinectl copy-to long-running /tmp/foo /root/foo
test -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/root/foo
machinectl copy-from long-running /root/foo /tmp/bar
diff /tmp/foo /tmp/bar
rm -f /tmp/{foo,bar}
# machinectl bind is covered by testcase_check_machinectl_bind() in nspawn tests
machinectl list-images
machinectl list-images --no-legend
machinectl image-status
machinectl image-status container1
machinectl image-status container1 container1 container{0..4}
machinectl show-image
machinectl show-image container1
machinectl show-image container1 container1 container{0..4}
machinectl clone container1 clone1
machinectl show-image clone1
machinectl rename clone1 clone2
(! machinectl show-image clone1)
machinectl show-image clone2
# `machinectl read-only` uses chattr (ioctl(FS_IOC_SETFLAGS)) when the container is backed by a directory,
# and this operation might not be implemented on certain filesystems (i.e. tmpfs on older kernels), so check
# if we have chattr support before running following tests
if lsattr -d /var/lib/machines >/dev/null; then
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=ReadOnly --value clone2)" == no ]]
machinectl read-only clone2 yes
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=ReadOnly --value clone2)" == yes ]]
machinectl read-only clone2 no
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=ReadOnly --value clone2)" == no ]]
machinectl remove clone2
for i in {0..4}; do
machinectl clone container1 "clone$i"
machinectl remove clone{0..4}
for i in {0..4}; do
machinectl clone container1 ".hidden$i"
machinectl list-images --all
test -d /var/lib/machines/.hidden1
machinectl clean
test ! -d /var/lib/machines/.hidden1
# Prepare a simple raw container
mkdir -p /tmp/mnt
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/container.raw bs=1M count=256
mkfs.ext4 /var/tmp/container.raw
mount -o loop /var/tmp/container.raw /tmp/mnt
cp -r /var/lib/machines/container1/* /tmp/mnt
umount /tmp/mnt
# Try to import it, run it, export it, and re-import it
machinectl import-raw /var/tmp/container.raw container-raw
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-raw)" == "raw" ]]
machinectl start container-raw
machinectl export-raw container-raw /var/tmp/container-export.raw
machinectl import-raw /var/tmp/container-export.raw container-raw-reimport
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-raw-reimport)" == "raw" ]]
rm -f /var/tmp/container{,-export}.raw
# Prepare a simple tar.gz container
tar -pczf /var/tmp/container.tar.gz -C /var/lib/machines/container1 .
# Try to import it, run it, export it, and re-import it
machinectl import-tar /var/tmp/container.tar.gz container-tar
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-tar)" =~ directory|subvolume ]]
machinectl start container-tar
machinectl export-tar container-tar /var/tmp/container-export.tar.gz
machinectl import-tar /var/tmp/container-export.tar.gz container-tar-reimport
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-tar-reimport)" =~ directory|subvolume ]]
rm -f /var/tmp/container{,-export}.tar.gz
# Try to import a container directory & run it
cp -r /var/lib/machines/container1 /var/tmp/container.dir
machinectl import-fs /var/tmp/container.dir container-dir
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-dir)" =~ directory|subvolume ]]
machinectl start container-dir
rm -fr /var/tmp/container.dir
timeout 10 bash -c "until machinectl clean --all; do sleep .5; done"
cat >"/var/lib/machines/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" <<EOF
machinectl cat "$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
EDITOR=true script -qec "machinectl edit $NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" /dev/null
test -f "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
diff "/var/lib/machines/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
cat >/tmp/fragment.nspawn <<EOF
machinectl cat /tmp/fragment.nspawn
EDITOR="cp /tmp/fragment.nspawn" script -qec "machinectl edit $NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" /dev/null
diff /tmp/fragment.nspawn "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
for opt in format lines machine max-addresses output setenv verify; do
(! machinectl status "--$opt=" long-running)
(! machinectl status "--$opt=-1" long-running)
(! machinectl status "--$opt=''" long-running)
(! machinectl show "")
(! machinectl enable)
(! machinectl enable "")
(! machinectl disable)
(! machinectl disable "")
(! machinectl read-only container1 "")
(! machinectl read-only container1 foo)
(! machinectl read-only container1 -- -1)
# varlinkctl tests #
# ##################
varlinkctl introspect /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine
varlinkctl introspect /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.MachineImage
varlinkctl introspect /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.Machine
varlinkctl introspect /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage
# test io.systemd.Machine.List
varlinkctl --more call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{}' | grep 'long-running'
varlinkctl --more call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{}' | grep '.host'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":"long-running"}'
pid=$(varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":"long-running"}' | jq '.leader')
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":"long-running"}' >/tmp/expected
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List "{\"pid\":$pid}" | diff /tmp/expected -
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List "{\"name\":\"long-running\", \"pid\":$pid}" | diff /tmp/expected -
(! varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List "{\"name\":\"non-existent\", \"pid\":$pid}")
(! varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":""}')
(! varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":"ah@??.hmm"}')
# test io.systemd.Machine.Kill
# sending TRAP signal
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/trap
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.Kill '{"name":"long-running", "whom": "leader", "signal": 5}'
timeout 30 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/trap; do sleep .5; done"
# test io.systemd.Machine.Terminate
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/terminate
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.Terminate '{"name":"long-running"}'
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/terminate; do sleep .5; done"
timeout 30 bash -c "while varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{\"name\":\"long-running\"}'; do sleep 0.5; done"
# test io.systemd.Machine.Register
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.Register '{"name": "registered-container", "class": "container"}'
timeout 30 bash -c "until varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{\"name\":\"registered-container\"}'; do sleep 0.5; done"
# test io.systemd.Machine.Unregister
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.Unregister '{"name": "registered-container"}'
timeout 30 bash -c "while varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{\"name\":\"registered-container\"}'; do sleep 0.5; done"
# test io.systemd.Machine.List with sshAddress and sshPrivateKeyPath fields
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.Register '{"name": "registered-container", "class": "container", "sshAddress": "localhost", "sshPrivateKeyPath": "/non-existent"}'
timeout 30 bash -c "until varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{\"name\":\"registered-container\"}'; do sleep 0.5; done"
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":"registered-container"}' | jq '.sshAddress' | grep -q 'localhost'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.List '{"name":"registered-container"}' | jq '.sshPrivateKeyPath' | grep -q 'non-existent'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.Machine io.systemd.Machine.Unregister '{"name": "registered-container"}'
# test io.systemd.MachineImage.List
varlinkctl --more call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{}' | grep 'long-running'
varlinkctl --more call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{}' | grep '.host'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{"name":"long-running"}'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{"name":"long-running", "acquireMetadata": true}' | grep 'OSRelease'
# test io.systemd.MachineImage.Update
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.Update '{"name":"long-running", "newName": "long-running-renamed", "readOnly": true}'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{"name":"long-running-renamed"}'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{"name":"long-running-renamed"}' | jq '.readOnly' | grep 'true'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.Update '{"name":"long-running-renamed", "newName": "long-running", "readOnly": false}'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{"name":"long-running"}'
varlinkctl call /run/systemd/machine/io.systemd.MachineImage io.systemd.MachineImage.List '{"name":"long-running"}' | jq '.readOnly' | grep 'false'