diff --git a/man/systemd.network.xml b/man/systemd.network.xml
index 52043789ed9..77ed77918cf 100644
--- a/man/systemd.network.xml
+++ b/man/systemd.network.xml
@@ -488,53 +488,6 @@ Gateway=
- IPv6Token=
- Specifies an optional address generation mode for the Stateless Address
- Autoconfiguration (SLAAC). Supported modes are prefixstable and
- static.
- When the mode is set to static, an IPv6 address must be
- specified after a colon (:), and the lower bits of the supplied
- address are combined with the upper bits of a prefix received in a Router Advertisement
- (RA) message to form a complete address. Note that if multiple prefixes are received in an
- RA message, or in multiple RA messages, addresses will be formed from each of them using
- the supplied address. This mode implements SLAAC but uses a static interface identifier
- instead of an identifier generated by using the EUI-64 algorithm. Because the interface
- identifier is static, if Duplicate Address Detection detects that the computed address is a
- duplicate (in use by another node on the link), then this mode will fail to provide an
- address for that prefix. If an IPv6 address without mode is specified, then
- static mode is assumed.
- When the mode is set to prefixstable the
- RFC 7217 algorithm for generating
- interface identifiers will be used. This mode can optionally take an IPv6 address separated
- with a colon (:). If an IPv6 address is specified, then an interface
- identifier is generated only when a prefix received in an RA message matches the supplied
- address.
- If no address generation mode is specified (which is the default), or a received
- prefix does not match any of the addresses provided in prefixstable
- mode, then the EUI-64 algorithm will be used to form an interface identifier for that
- prefix. This mode is also SLAAC, but with a potentially stable interface identifier which
- does not directly map to the interface's hardware address.
- Note that the prefixstable algorithm uses both the interface
- name and MAC address as input to the hash to compute the interface identifier, so if either
- of those are changed the resulting interface identifier (and address) will change, even if
- the prefix received in the RA message has not changed.
- This setting can be specified multiple times. If an empty string is assigned, then
- the all previous assignments are cleared.
- Examples:
- IPv6Token=::1a:2b:3c:4d
@@ -2205,11 +2158,9 @@ IPv6Token=prefixstable:2002:da8:1::
Specifies an optional address generation mode for assigning an address in each
- delegated prefix. Takes an IPv6 address. When set, the lower bits of the supplied address is
- combined with the upper bits of each delegatad prefix received from the WAN interface by the
- DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation to form a complete address. When Assign= is
- disabled, this setting is ignored. When unset, the EUI-64 algorithm will be used to form
- addresses. Defaults to unset.
+ delegated prefix. This accepts the same syntax as Token= in the
+ [IPv6AcceptRA] section. If Assign= is set to false, then this setting will
+ be ignored. Defaults to unset, which means the EUI-64 algorithm will be used.
@@ -2236,6 +2187,57 @@ IPv6Token=prefixstable:2002:da8:1::
with the IPv6AcceptRA= setting described above:
+ Token=
+ Specifies an optional address generation mode for the Stateless Address
+ Autoconfiguration (SLAAC). Supported modes are eui64,
+ static, and prefixstable.
+ When the mode is set to eui64, then the EUI-64 algorithm will be
+ used to generate an address for that prefix.
+ When the mode is set to static, an IPv6 address must be
+ specified after a colon (:), and the lower bits of the supplied
+ address are combined with the upper bits of a prefix received in a Router Advertisement
+ (RA) message to form a complete address. Note that if multiple prefixes are received in an
+ RA message, or in multiple RA messages, addresses will be formed from each of them using
+ the supplied address. This mode implements SLAAC but uses a static interface identifier
+ instead of an identifier generated by using the EUI-64 algorithm. Because the interface
+ identifier is static, if Duplicate Address Detection detects that the computed address is a
+ duplicate (in use by another node on the link), then this mode will fail to provide an
+ address for that prefix. If an IPv6 address without mode is specified, then
+ static mode is assumed.
+ When the mode is set to prefixstable the
+ RFC 7217 algorithm for generating
+ interface identifiers will be used. This mode can optionally take an IPv6 address separated
+ with a colon (:). If an IPv6 address is specified, then an interface
+ identifier is generated only when a prefix received in an RA message matches the supplied
+ address.
+ If no address generation mode is specified (which is the default), or a received
+ prefix does not match any of the addresses provided in prefixstable
+ mode, then the EUI-64 algorithm will be used to form an interface identifier for that
+ prefix.
+ Note that the prefixstable algorithm uses both the interface
+ name and MAC address as input to the hash to compute the interface identifier, so if either
+ of those are changed the resulting interface identifier (and address) will be changed, even
+ if the prefix received in the RA message has not been changed.
+ This setting can be specified multiple times. If an empty string is assigned, then
+ the all previous assignments are cleared.
+ Examples:
+ Token=eui64
@@ -2727,6 +2729,16 @@ IPv6Token=prefixstable:2002:da8:1::
+ Token=
+ Specifies an optional address generation mode for assigning an address in each
+ prefix. This accepts the same syntax as Token= in the [IPv6AcceptRA]
+ section. If Assign= is set to false, then this setting will be ignored.
+ Defaults to unset, which means the EUI-64 algorithm will be used.
diff --git a/src/basic/in-addr-util.c b/src/basic/in-addr-util.c
index 3d392afc082..a43a8319912 100644
--- a/src/basic/in-addr-util.c
+++ b/src/basic/in-addr-util.c
@@ -621,64 +621,119 @@ int in4_addr_default_subnet_mask(const struct in_addr *addr, struct in_addr *mas
return 0;
+int in4_addr_mask(struct in_addr *addr, unsigned char prefixlen) {
+ struct in_addr mask;
+ assert(addr);
+ if (!in4_addr_prefixlen_to_netmask(&mask, prefixlen))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ addr->s_addr &= mask.s_addr;
+ return 0;
+int in6_addr_mask(struct in6_addr *addr, unsigned char prefixlen) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ uint8_t mask;
+ if (prefixlen >= 8) {
+ mask = 0xFF;
+ prefixlen -= 8;
+ } else if (prefixlen > 0) {
+ mask = 0xFF << (8 - prefixlen);
+ prefixlen = 0;
+ } else {
+ assert(prefixlen == 0);
+ mask = 0;
+ }
+ addr->s6_addr[i] &= mask;
+ }
+ return 0;
int in_addr_mask(int family, union in_addr_union *addr, unsigned char prefixlen) {
- if (family == AF_INET) {
- struct in_addr mask;
- if (!in4_addr_prefixlen_to_netmask(&mask, prefixlen))
- return -EINVAL;
- addr->in.s_addr &= mask.s_addr;
- return 0;
+ switch (family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ return in4_addr_mask(&addr->in, prefixlen);
+ case AF_INET6:
+ return in6_addr_mask(&addr->in6, prefixlen);
+ default:
- if (family == AF_INET6) {
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- uint8_t mask;
- if (prefixlen >= 8) {
- mask = 0xFF;
- prefixlen -= 8;
- } else {
- mask = 0xFF << (8 - prefixlen);
- prefixlen = 0;
- }
- addr->in6.s6_addr[i] &= mask;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-int in_addr_prefix_covers(int family,
- const union in_addr_union *prefix,
- unsigned char prefixlen,
- const union in_addr_union *address) {
+int in4_addr_prefix_covers(
+ const struct in_addr *prefix,
+ unsigned char prefixlen,
+ const struct in_addr *address) {
- union in_addr_union masked_prefix, masked_address;
+ struct in_addr masked_prefix, masked_address;
int r;
masked_prefix = *prefix;
- r = in_addr_mask(family, &masked_prefix, prefixlen);
+ r = in4_addr_mask(&masked_prefix, prefixlen);
if (r < 0)
return r;
masked_address = *address;
- r = in_addr_mask(family, &masked_address, prefixlen);
+ r = in4_addr_mask(&masked_address, prefixlen);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- return in_addr_equal(family, &masked_prefix, &masked_address);
+ return in4_addr_equal(&masked_prefix, &masked_address);
+int in6_addr_prefix_covers(
+ const struct in6_addr *prefix,
+ unsigned char prefixlen,
+ const struct in6_addr *address) {
+ struct in6_addr masked_prefix, masked_address;
+ int r;
+ assert(prefix);
+ assert(address);
+ masked_prefix = *prefix;
+ r = in6_addr_mask(&masked_prefix, prefixlen);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ masked_address = *address;
+ r = in6_addr_mask(&masked_address, prefixlen);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ return in6_addr_equal(&masked_prefix, &masked_address);
+int in_addr_prefix_covers(
+ int family,
+ const union in_addr_union *prefix,
+ unsigned char prefixlen,
+ const union in_addr_union *address) {
+ assert(prefix);
+ assert(address);
+ switch (family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ return in4_addr_prefix_covers(&prefix->in, prefixlen, &address->in);
+ case AF_INET6:
+ return in6_addr_prefix_covers(&prefix->in6, prefixlen, &address->in6);
+ default:
+ }
int in_addr_parse_prefixlen(int family, const char *p, unsigned char *ret) {
@@ -846,3 +901,9 @@ int in6_addr_compare_func(const struct in6_addr *a, const struct in6_addr *b) {
DEFINE_HASH_OPS(in6_addr_hash_ops, struct in6_addr, in6_addr_hash_func, in6_addr_compare_func);
+ in6_addr_hash_ops_free,
+ struct in6_addr,
+ in6_addr_hash_func,
+ in6_addr_compare_func,
+ free);
diff --git a/src/basic/in-addr-util.h b/src/basic/in-addr-util.h
index c74b0d512b4..97715a230cd 100644
--- a/src/basic/in-addr-util.h
+++ b/src/basic/in-addr-util.h
@@ -89,7 +89,11 @@ unsigned char in4_addr_netmask_to_prefixlen(const struct in_addr *addr);
struct in_addr* in4_addr_prefixlen_to_netmask(struct in_addr *addr, unsigned char prefixlen);
int in4_addr_default_prefixlen(const struct in_addr *addr, unsigned char *prefixlen);
int in4_addr_default_subnet_mask(const struct in_addr *addr, struct in_addr *mask);
+int in4_addr_mask(struct in_addr *addr, unsigned char prefixlen);
+int in6_addr_mask(struct in6_addr *addr, unsigned char prefixlen);
int in_addr_mask(int family, union in_addr_union *addr, unsigned char prefixlen);
+int in4_addr_prefix_covers(const struct in_addr *prefix, unsigned char prefixlen, const struct in_addr *address);
+int in6_addr_prefix_covers(const struct in6_addr *prefix, unsigned char prefixlen, const struct in6_addr *address);
int in_addr_prefix_covers(int family, const union in_addr_union *prefix, unsigned char prefixlen, const union in_addr_union *address);
int in_addr_parse_prefixlen(int family, const char *p, unsigned char *ret);
int in_addr_prefix_from_string(const char *p, int family, union in_addr_union *ret_prefix, unsigned char *ret_prefixlen);
@@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ int in6_addr_compare_func(const struct in6_addr *a, const struct in6_addr *b);
extern const struct hash_ops in_addr_data_hash_ops;
extern const struct hash_ops in6_addr_hash_ops;
+extern const struct hash_ops in6_addr_hash_ops_free;
#define IPV4_ADDRESS_FMT_STR "%u.%u.%u.%u"
#define IPV4_ADDRESS_FMT_VAL(address) \
diff --git a/src/network/meson.build b/src/network/meson.build
index 2ea12c8d030..dedfc90f4df 100644
--- a/src/network/meson.build
+++ b/src/network/meson.build
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ sources = files('''
+ networkd-address-generation.c
+ networkd-address-generation.h
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-address-generation.c b/src/network/networkd-address-generation.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d574ee78bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/networkd-address-generation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+#include "sd-id128.h"
+#include "memory-util.h"
+#include "networkd-address-generation.h"
+#include "networkd-link.h"
+#include "networkd-network.h"
+#include "string-util.h"
+/* https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-interface-ids/ipv6-interface-ids.xml */
+#define SUBNET_ROUTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS ((const struct in6_addr) { .s6_addr = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } })
+#define RESERVED_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIERS_ADDRESS ((const struct in6_addr) { .s6_addr = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x5E, 0xFF, 0xFE } })
+#define RESERVED_SUBNET_ANYCAST_ADDRESSES ((const struct in6_addr) { .s6_addr = { 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80 } })
+#define DHCP6PD_APP_ID SD_ID128_MAKE(fb,b9,37,ca,4a,ed,4a,4d,b0,70,7f,aa,71,c0,c9,85)
+#define NDISC_APP_ID SD_ID128_MAKE(13,ac,81,a7,d5,3f,49,78,92,79,5d,0c,29,3a,bc,7e)
+#define RADV_APP_ID SD_ID128_MAKE(1f,1e,90,c8,5c,78,4f,dc,8e,61,2d,59,0d,53,c1,25)
+typedef enum AddressGenerationType {
+} AddressGenerationType;
+typedef struct IPv6Token {
+ AddressGenerationType type;
+ struct in6_addr address;
+} IPv6Token;
+static void generate_eui64_address(const Link *link, const struct in6_addr *prefix, struct in6_addr *ret) {
+ assert(link);
+ assert(prefix);
+ assert(ret);
+ memcpy(ret->s6_addr, prefix, 8);
+ if (link->iftype == ARPHRD_INFINIBAND)
+ /* Use last 8 byte. See RFC4391 section 8 */
+ memcpy(&ret->s6_addr[8], &link->hw_addr.infiniband[INFINIBAND_ALEN - 8], 8);
+ else {
+ /* see RFC4291 section 2.5.1 */
+ ret->s6_addr[8] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[0];
+ ret->s6_addr[9] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[1];
+ ret->s6_addr[10] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[2];
+ ret->s6_addr[11] = 0xff;
+ ret->s6_addr[12] = 0xfe;
+ ret->s6_addr[13] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[3];
+ ret->s6_addr[14] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[4];
+ ret->s6_addr[15] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[5];
+ }
+ ret->s6_addr[8] ^= 1 << 1;
+static bool stable_private_address_is_valid(const struct in6_addr *addr) {
+ assert(addr);
+ /* According to rfc4291, generated address should not be in the following ranges. */
+ return false;
+ return false;
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static void generate_stable_private_address_one(
+ Link *link,
+ const sd_id128_t *secret_key,
+ const struct in6_addr *prefix,
+ uint8_t dad_counter,
+ struct in6_addr *ret) {
+ struct siphash state;
+ uint64_t rid;
+ assert(link);
+ assert(secret_key);
+ assert(prefix);
+ assert(ret);
+ /* According to RFC7217 section 5.1
+ * RID = F(Prefix, Net_Iface, Network_ID, DAD_Counter, secret_key) */
+ siphash24_init(&state, secret_key->bytes);
+ siphash24_compress(prefix, 8, &state);
+ siphash24_compress_string(link->ifname, &state);
+ if (link->iftype == ARPHRD_INFINIBAND)
+ /* Only last 8 bytes of IB MAC are stable */
+ siphash24_compress(&link->hw_addr.infiniband[INFINIBAND_ALEN - 8], 8, &state);
+ else
+ siphash24_compress(link->hw_addr.bytes, link->hw_addr.length, &state);
+ siphash24_compress(&dad_counter, sizeof(uint8_t), &state);
+ rid = htole64(siphash24_finalize(&state));
+ memcpy(ret->s6_addr, prefix->s6_addr, 8);
+ memcpy(ret->s6_addr + 8, &rid, 8);
+static int generate_stable_private_address(
+ Link *link,
+ const sd_id128_t *app_id,
+ const struct in6_addr *prefix,
+ struct in6_addr *ret) {
+ struct in6_addr addr;
+ sd_id128_t secret_key;
+ uint8_t i;
+ int r;
+ assert(link);
+ assert(app_id);
+ assert(prefix);
+ assert(ret);
+ r = sd_id128_get_machine_app_specific(*app_id, &secret_key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_link_debug_errno(link, r, "Failed to generate secret key for IPv6 stable private address: %m");
+ /* While this loop uses dad_counter and a retry limit as specified in RFC 7217, the loop does
+ * not actually attempt Duplicate Address Detection; the counter will be incremented only when
+ * the address generation algorithm produces an invalid address, and the loop may exit with an
+ * address which ends up being unusable due to duplication on the link. */
+ for (i = 0; i < DAD_CONFLICTS_IDGEN_RETRIES_RFC7217; i++) {
+ generate_stable_private_address_one(link, &secret_key, prefix, i, &addr);
+ if (stable_private_address_is_valid(&addr))
+ break;
+ }
+ /* propagate recognizable errors. */
+ return log_link_debug_errno(link, SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(ENOANO),
+ "Failed to generate stable private address.");
+ *ret = addr;
+ return 0;
+static int generate_addresses(
+ Link *link,
+ Set *tokens,
+ const sd_id128_t *app_id,
+ const struct in6_addr *prefix,
+ uint8_t prefixlen,
+ Set **ret) {
+ _cleanup_set_free_ Set *addresses = NULL;
+ struct in6_addr masked;
+ IPv6Token *j;
+ int r;
+ assert(link);
+ assert(app_id);
+ assert(prefix);
+ assert(prefixlen > 0 && prefixlen <= 64);
+ assert(ret);
+ masked = *prefix;
+ in6_addr_mask(&masked, prefixlen);
+ SET_FOREACH(j, tokens) {
+ struct in6_addr addr, *copy;
+ switch (j->type) {
+ generate_eui64_address(link, &masked, &addr);
+ break;
+ memcpy(addr.s6_addr, masked.s6_addr, 8);
+ memcpy(addr.s6_addr + 8, j->address.s6_addr + 8, 8);
+ break;
+ if (in6_addr_is_set(&j->address) && !in6_addr_equal(&j->address, &masked))
+ continue;
+ if (generate_stable_private_address(link, app_id, &masked, &addr) < 0)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ copy = newdup(struct in6_addr, &addr, 1);
+ if (!copy)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ r = set_ensure_consume(&addresses, &in6_addr_hash_ops_free, copy);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ /* fall back to EUI-64 if no token is provided */
+ if (set_isempty(addresses)) {
+ struct in6_addr *addr;
+ addr = new(struct in6_addr, 1);
+ if (!addr)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ generate_eui64_address(link, &masked, addr);
+ r = set_ensure_consume(&addresses, &in6_addr_hash_ops_free, addr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ *ret = TAKE_PTR(addresses);
+ return 0;
+int dhcp6_pd_generate_addresses(Link *link, const struct in6_addr *prefix, Set **ret) {
+ return generate_addresses(link, link->network->dhcp6_pd_tokens, &DHCP6PD_APP_ID, prefix, 64, ret);
+int ndisc_generate_addresses(Link *link, const struct in6_addr *prefix, uint8_t prefixlen, Set **ret) {
+ return generate_addresses(link, link->network->ndisc_tokens, &NDISC_APP_ID, prefix, prefixlen, ret);
+int radv_generate_addresses(Link *link, Set *tokens, const struct in6_addr *prefix, uint8_t prefixlen, Set **ret) {
+ return generate_addresses(link, tokens, &RADV_APP_ID, prefix, prefixlen, ret);
+static void ipv6_token_hash_func(const IPv6Token *p, struct siphash *state) {
+ siphash24_compress(&p->type, sizeof(p->type), state);
+ siphash24_compress(&p->address, sizeof(p->address), state);
+static int ipv6_token_compare_func(const IPv6Token *a, const IPv6Token *b) {
+ int r;
+ r = CMP(a->type, b->type);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ return memcmp(&a->address, &b->address, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+ ipv6_token_hash_ops,
+ IPv6Token,
+ ipv6_token_hash_func,
+ ipv6_token_compare_func,
+ free);
+static int ipv6_token_add(Set **tokens, AddressGenerationType type, const struct in6_addr *addr) {
+ IPv6Token *p;
+ assert(tokens);
+ assert(type >= 0 && type < _ADDRESS_GENERATION_TYPE_MAX);
+ assert(addr);
+ p = new(IPv6Token, 1);
+ if (!p)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ *p = (IPv6Token) {
+ .type = type,
+ .address = *addr,
+ };
+ return set_ensure_consume(tokens, &ipv6_token_hash_ops, p);
+int config_parse_address_generation_type(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ union in_addr_union buffer = {};
+ AddressGenerationType type;
+ Set **tokens = data;
+ const char *p;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ if (isempty(rvalue)) {
+ *tokens = set_free(*tokens);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((p = startswith(rvalue, "prefixstable"))) {
+ if (*p == ':')
+ p++;
+ else if (*p == '\0')
+ p = NULL;
+ else {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0,
+ "Invalid IPv6 token mode in %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
+ lvalue, rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (streq(rvalue, "eui64")) {
+ p = NULL;
+ } else {
+ p = startswith(rvalue, "static:");
+ if (!p)
+ p = rvalue;
+ }
+ if (p) {
+ r = in_addr_from_string(AF_INET6, p, &buffer);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
+ "Failed to parse IP address in %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
+ lvalue, rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ assert(in6_addr_is_null(&buffer.in6));
+ break;
+ /* Only last 64 bits are used. */
+ memzero(buffer.in6.s6_addr, 8);
+ if (in6_addr_is_null(&buffer.in6)) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0,
+ "IPv6 address in %s= cannot be the ANY address, ignoring assignment: %s",
+ lvalue, rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* At most, the initial 64 bits are used. */
+ (void) in6_addr_mask(&buffer.in6, 64);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ r = ipv6_token_add(tokens, type, &buffer.in6);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-address-generation.h b/src/network/networkd-address-generation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..391a6ccc970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/network/networkd-address-generation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+#pragma once
+#include "conf-parser.h"
+#include "in-addr-util.h"
+#include "set.h"
+typedef struct Link Link;
+int dhcp6_pd_generate_addresses(Link *link, const struct in6_addr *prefix, Set **ret);
+int ndisc_generate_addresses(Link *link, const struct in6_addr *prefix, uint8_t prefixlen, Set **ret);
+int radv_generate_addresses(Link *link, Set *tokens, const struct in6_addr *prefix, uint8_t prefixlen, Set **ret);
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-address.c b/src/network/networkd-address.c
index 002827eb784..33afdb0335d 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-address.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-address.c
@@ -57,32 +57,6 @@ static int address_flags_to_string_alloc(uint32_t flags, int family, char **ret)
return 0;
-int generate_ipv6_eui_64_address(const Link *link, struct in6_addr *ret) {
- assert(link);
- assert(ret);
- if (link->iftype == ARPHRD_INFINIBAND) {
- /* see RFC4391 section 8 */
- memcpy(&ret->s6_addr[8], &link->hw_addr.infiniband[12], 8);
- ret->s6_addr[8] ^= 1 << 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* see RFC4291 section 2.5.1 */
- ret->s6_addr[8] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[0];
- ret->s6_addr[8] ^= 1 << 1;
- ret->s6_addr[9] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[1];
- ret->s6_addr[10] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[2];
- ret->s6_addr[11] = 0xff;
- ret->s6_addr[12] = 0xfe;
- ret->s6_addr[13] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[3];
- ret->s6_addr[14] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[4];
- ret->s6_addr[15] = link->hw_addr.ether.ether_addr_octet[5];
- return 0;
int address_new(Address **ret) {
_cleanup_(address_freep) Address *address = NULL;
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-address.h b/src/network/networkd-address.h
index 0fd3163fc4e..20e957ccafb 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-address.h
+++ b/src/network/networkd-address.h
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ int address_dup(const Address *src, Address **ret);
bool address_is_ready(const Address *a);
void address_set_broadcast(Address *a);
-int generate_ipv6_eui_64_address(const Link *link, struct in6_addr *ret);
int link_drop_addresses(Link *link);
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-dhcp6.c b/src/network/networkd-dhcp6.c
index 23a0f5fb53d..8827d33c2a6 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-dhcp6.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-dhcp6.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "hostname-util.h"
#include "in-addr-prefix-util.h"
#include "missing_network.h"
+#include "networkd-address-generation.h"
#include "networkd-address.h"
#include "networkd-dhcp6.h"
#include "networkd-link.h"
@@ -361,8 +362,8 @@ static int dhcp6_pd_request_address(
uint32_t lifetime_preferred,
uint32_t lifetime_valid) {
- _cleanup_(address_freep) Address *address = NULL;
- Address *existing;
+ _cleanup_set_free_ Set *addresses = NULL;
+ struct in6_addr *a;
int r;
@@ -372,40 +373,40 @@ static int dhcp6_pd_request_address(
if (!link->network->dhcp6_pd_assign)
return 0;
- r = address_new(&address);
+ r = dhcp6_pd_generate_addresses(link, prefix, &addresses);
if (r < 0)
- return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to allocate address for DHCPv6 delegated prefix: %m");
+ return log_link_warning_errno(link, r, "Failed to generate addresses for acquired DHCPv6 delegated prefix: %m");
- address->in_addr.in6 = *prefix;
+ SET_FOREACH(a, addresses) {
+ _cleanup_(address_freep) Address *address = NULL;
+ Address *existing;
- if (in6_addr_is_set(&link->network->dhcp6_pd_token))
- memcpy(address->in_addr.in6.s6_addr + 8, link->network->dhcp6_pd_token.s6_addr + 8, 8);
- else {
- r = generate_ipv6_eui_64_address(link, &address->in_addr.in6);
+ r = address_new(&address);
if (r < 0)
- return log_link_warning_errno(link, r, "Failed to generate EUI64 address for acquired DHCPv6 delegated prefix: %m");
+ return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to allocate address for DHCPv6 delegated prefix: %m");
+ address->source = NETWORK_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP6PD;
+ address->family = AF_INET6;
+ address->in_addr.in6 = *a;
+ address->prefixlen = 64;
+ address->cinfo.ifa_prefered = lifetime_preferred;
+ address->cinfo.ifa_valid = lifetime_valid;
+ SET_FLAG(address->flags, IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR, link->network->dhcp6_pd_manage_temporary_address);
+ address->route_metric = link->network->dhcp6_pd_route_metric;
+ log_dhcp6_pd_address(link, address);
+ if (address_get(link, address, &existing) < 0)
+ link->dhcp6_pd_configured = false;
+ else
+ address_unmark(existing);
+ r = link_request_address(link, TAKE_PTR(address), true, &link->dhcp6_pd_messages,
+ dhcp6_pd_address_handler, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to request DHCPv6 delegated prefix address: %m");
- address->source = NETWORK_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP6PD;
- address->prefixlen = 64;
- address->family = AF_INET6;
- address->cinfo.ifa_prefered = lifetime_preferred;
- address->cinfo.ifa_valid = lifetime_valid;
- SET_FLAG(address->flags, IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR, link->network->dhcp6_pd_manage_temporary_address);
- address->route_metric = link->network->dhcp6_pd_route_metric;
- log_dhcp6_pd_address(link, address);
- if (address_get(link, address, &existing) < 0)
- link->dhcp6_pd_configured = false;
- else
- address_unmark(existing);
- r = link_request_address(link, TAKE_PTR(address), true, &link->dhcp6_pd_messages,
- dhcp6_pd_address_handler, NULL);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to request DHCPv6 delegated prefix address: %m");
return 0;
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-ndisc.c b/src/network/networkd-ndisc.c
index 6e6d6560339..956cc273801 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-ndisc.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-ndisc.c
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
#include "sd-ndisc.h"
#include "missing_network.h"
+#include "networkd-address-generation.h"
#include "networkd-address.h"
#include "networkd-dhcp6.h"
#include "networkd-manager.h"
@@ -25,35 +25,6 @@
-/* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5453 */
-/* https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-interface-ids/ipv6-interface-ids.xml */
-#define SUBNET_ROUTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS_RFC4291 ((struct in6_addr) { .s6_addr = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } })
-#define RESERVED_IPV6_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIERS_ADDRESS_RFC4291 ((struct in6_addr) { .s6_addr = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x5E, 0xFF, 0xFE } })
-#define RESERVED_SUBNET_ANYCAST_ADDRESSES_RFC4291 ((struct in6_addr) { .s6_addr = { 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF } })
-#define NDISC_APP_ID SD_ID128_MAKE(13,ac,81,a7,d5,3f,49,78,92,79,5d,0c,29,3a,bc,7e)
-typedef enum IPv6TokenAddressGeneration {
-} IPv6TokenAddressGeneration;
-typedef struct IPv6Token {
- IPv6TokenAddressGeneration address_generation_type;
- uint8_t dad_counter;
- struct in6_addr prefix;
-} IPv6Token;
bool link_ipv6_accept_ra_enabled(Link *link) {
@@ -408,145 +379,10 @@ static int ndisc_router_process_default(Link *link, sd_ndisc_router *rt) {
return 0;
-static bool stable_private_address_is_valid(const struct in6_addr *addr) {
- assert(addr);
- /* According to rfc4291, generated address should not be in the following ranges. */
- return false;
- return false;
- return false;
- return true;
-static int make_stable_private_address(Link *link, const struct in6_addr *prefix, uint8_t prefix_len, uint8_t dad_counter, struct in6_addr **ret) {
- _cleanup_free_ struct in6_addr *addr = NULL;
- sd_id128_t secret_key;
- struct siphash state;
- uint64_t rid;
- size_t l;
- int r;
- /* According to rfc7217 section 5.1
- * RID = F(Prefix, Net_Iface, Network_ID, DAD_Counter, secret_key) */
- r = sd_id128_get_machine_app_specific(NDISC_APP_ID, &secret_key);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_link_warning_errno(link, r, "Failed to generate key for IPv6 stable private address: %m");
- siphash24_init(&state, secret_key.bytes);
- l = MAX(DIV_ROUND_UP(prefix_len, 8), 8);
- siphash24_compress(prefix, l, &state);
- siphash24_compress_string(link->ifname, &state);
- /* Only last 8 bytes of IB MAC are stable */
- if (link->iftype == ARPHRD_INFINIBAND)
- siphash24_compress(&link->hw_addr.infiniband[12], 8, &state);
- else
- siphash24_compress(link->hw_addr.bytes, link->hw_addr.length, &state);
- siphash24_compress(&dad_counter, sizeof(uint8_t), &state);
- rid = htole64(siphash24_finalize(&state));
- addr = new(struct in6_addr, 1);
- if (!addr)
- return log_oom();
- memcpy(addr->s6_addr, prefix->s6_addr, l);
- memcpy(addr->s6_addr + l, &rid, 16 - l);
- if (!stable_private_address_is_valid(addr)) {
- *ret = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- *ret = TAKE_PTR(addr);
- return 1;
-static int ndisc_router_generate_addresses(Link *link, struct in6_addr *address, uint8_t prefixlen, Set **ret) {
- _cleanup_set_free_free_ Set *addresses = NULL;
- IPv6Token *j;
- int r;
- assert(link);
- assert(address);
- assert(ret);
- addresses = set_new(&in6_addr_hash_ops);
- if (!addresses)
- return log_oom();
- ORDERED_SET_FOREACH(j, link->network->ipv6_tokens) {
- _cleanup_free_ struct in6_addr *new_address = NULL;
- if (j->address_generation_type == IPV6_TOKEN_ADDRESS_GENERATION_PREFIXSTABLE
- && (in6_addr_is_null(&j->prefix) || in6_addr_equal(&j->prefix, address))) {
- /* While this loop uses dad_counter and a retry limit as specified in RFC 7217, the loop
- * does not actually attempt Duplicate Address Detection; the counter will be incremented
- * only when the address generation algorithm produces an invalid address, and the loop
- * may exit with an address which ends up being unusable due to duplication on the link. */
- for (; j->dad_counter < DAD_CONFLICTS_IDGEN_RETRIES_RFC7217; j->dad_counter++) {
- r = make_stable_private_address(link, address, prefixlen, j->dad_counter, &new_address);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (r > 0)
- break;
- }
- } else if (j->address_generation_type == IPV6_TOKEN_ADDRESS_GENERATION_STATIC) {
- new_address = new(struct in6_addr, 1);
- if (!new_address)
- return log_oom();
- memcpy(new_address->s6_addr, address->s6_addr, 8);
- memcpy(new_address->s6_addr + 8, j->prefix.s6_addr + 8, 8);
- }
- if (new_address) {
- r = set_put(addresses, new_address);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to store SLAAC address: %m");
- else if (r == 0)
- log_link_debug_errno(link, r, "Generated SLAAC address is duplicated, ignoring.");
- else
- TAKE_PTR(new_address);
- }
- }
- /* fall back to EUI-64 if no tokens provided addresses */
- if (set_isempty(addresses)) {
- _cleanup_free_ struct in6_addr *new_address = NULL;
- new_address = newdup(struct in6_addr, address, 1);
- if (!new_address)
- return log_oom();
- r = generate_ipv6_eui_64_address(link, new_address);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to generate EUI64 address: %m");
- r = set_put(addresses, new_address);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to store SLAAC address: %m");
- TAKE_PTR(new_address);
- }
- *ret = TAKE_PTR(addresses);
- return 0;
static int ndisc_router_process_autonomous_prefix(Link *link, sd_ndisc_router *rt) {
uint32_t lifetime_valid, lifetime_preferred;
- _cleanup_set_free_free_ Set *addresses = NULL;
- struct in6_addr addr, *a;
+ _cleanup_set_free_ Set *addresses = NULL;
+ struct in6_addr prefix, *a;
unsigned prefixlen;
usec_t time_now;
int r;
@@ -560,10 +396,23 @@ static int ndisc_router_process_autonomous_prefix(Link *link, sd_ndisc_router *r
if (r < 0)
return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to get RA timestamp: %m");
+ r = sd_ndisc_router_prefix_get_address(rt, &prefix);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to get prefix address: %m");
r = sd_ndisc_router_prefix_get_prefixlen(rt, &prefixlen);
if (r < 0)
return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to get prefix length: %m");
+ /* ndisc_generate_addresses() below requires the prefix length <= 64. */
+ if (prefixlen > 64) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *buf = NULL;
+ (void) in6_addr_prefix_to_string(&prefix, prefixlen, &buf);
+ log_link_debug(link, "Prefix is longer than 64, ignoring autonomous prefix %s.", strna(buf));
+ return 0;
+ }
r = sd_ndisc_router_prefix_get_valid_lifetime(rt, &lifetime_valid);
if (r < 0)
return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to get prefix valid lifetime: %m");
@@ -581,13 +430,9 @@ static int ndisc_router_process_autonomous_prefix(Link *link, sd_ndisc_router *r
if (lifetime_preferred > lifetime_valid)
return 0;
- r = sd_ndisc_router_prefix_get_address(rt, &addr);
+ r = ndisc_generate_addresses(link, &prefix, prefixlen, &addresses);
if (r < 0)
- return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to get prefix address: %m");
- r = ndisc_router_generate_addresses(link, &addr, prefixlen, &addresses);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ return log_link_error_errno(link, r, "Failed to generate SLAAC addresses: %m");
SET_FOREACH(a, addresses) {
_cleanup_(address_freep) Address *address = NULL;
@@ -1214,128 +1059,6 @@ void ndisc_flush(Link *link) {
link->ndisc_dnssl = set_free(link->ndisc_dnssl);
-static int ipv6token_new(IPv6Token **ret) {
- IPv6Token *p;
- p = new(IPv6Token, 1);
- if (!p)
- return -ENOMEM;
- *p = (IPv6Token) {
- .address_generation_type = IPV6_TOKEN_ADDRESS_GENERATION_NONE,
- };
- *ret = TAKE_PTR(p);
- return 0;
-static void ipv6_token_hash_func(const IPv6Token *p, struct siphash *state) {
- siphash24_compress(&p->address_generation_type, sizeof(p->address_generation_type), state);
- siphash24_compress(&p->prefix, sizeof(p->prefix), state);
-static int ipv6_token_compare_func(const IPv6Token *a, const IPv6Token *b) {
- int r;
- r = CMP(a->address_generation_type, b->address_generation_type);
- if (r != 0)
- return r;
- return memcmp(&a->prefix, &b->prefix, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- ipv6_token_hash_ops,
- IPv6Token,
- ipv6_token_hash_func,
- ipv6_token_compare_func,
- free);
-int config_parse_address_generation_type(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- _cleanup_free_ IPv6Token *token = NULL;
- union in_addr_union buffer;
- Network *network = data;
- const char *p;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- if (isempty(rvalue)) {
- network->ipv6_tokens = ordered_set_free(network->ipv6_tokens);
- return 0;
- }
- r = ipv6token_new(&token);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- if ((p = startswith(rvalue, "prefixstable"))) {
- token->address_generation_type = IPV6_TOKEN_ADDRESS_GENERATION_PREFIXSTABLE;
- if (*p == ':')
- p++;
- else if (*p == '\0')
- p = NULL;
- else {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0,
- "Invalid IPv6 token mode in %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
- lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- token->address_generation_type = IPV6_TOKEN_ADDRESS_GENERATION_STATIC;
- p = startswith(rvalue, "static:");
- if (!p)
- p = rvalue;
- }
- if (p) {
- r = in_addr_from_string(AF_INET6, p, &buffer);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
- "Failed to parse IP address in %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
- lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- if (token->address_generation_type == IPV6_TOKEN_ADDRESS_GENERATION_STATIC &&
- in_addr_is_null(AF_INET6, &buffer)) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0,
- "IPv6 address in %s= cannot be the ANY address, ignoring assignment: %s",
- lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- token->prefix = buffer.in6;
- }
- r = ordered_set_ensure_put(&network->ipv6_tokens, &ipv6_token_hash_ops, token);
- if (r == -ENOMEM)
- return log_oom();
- if (r == -EEXIST)
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_DEBUG, filename, line, r,
- "IPv6 token '%s' is duplicated, ignoring: %m", rvalue);
- else if (r < 0)
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
- "Failed to store IPv6 token '%s', ignoring: %m", rvalue);
- else
- TAKE_PTR(token);
- return 0;
static const char* const ipv6_accept_ra_start_dhcp6_client_table[_IPV6_ACCEPT_RA_START_DHCP6_CLIENT_MAX] = {
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-ndisc.h b/src/network/networkd-ndisc.h
index 514089c2259..ed50ebbf9a7 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-ndisc.h
+++ b/src/network/networkd-ndisc.h
@@ -44,6 +44,5 @@ int ndisc_start(Link *link);
void ndisc_vacuum(Link *link);
void ndisc_flush(Link *link);
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf b/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf
index 29bb5b3b739..b670038d2ae 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf
+++ b/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wimplicit-fallthrough\"")
#include "in-addr-prefix-util.h"
#include "netem.h"
#include "net-condition.h"
+#include "networkd-address-generation.h"
#include "networkd-address-label.h"
#include "networkd-address.h"
#include "networkd-bridge-fdb.h"
@@ -103,7 +104,6 @@ Network.IPv6LinkLocalAddressGenerationMode, config_parse_ipv6_link_local_addres
Network.IPv6StableSecretAddress, config_parse_in_addr_non_null, AF_INET6, offsetof(Network, ipv6ll_stable_secret)
Network.IPv4LLRoute, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, ipv4ll_route)
Network.DefaultRouteOnDevice, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, default_route_on_device)
-Network.IPv6Token, config_parse_address_generation_type, 0, 0
Network.LLDP, config_parse_lldp_mode, 0, offsetof(Network, lldp_mode)
Network.EmitLLDP, config_parse_lldp_multicast_mode, 0, offsetof(Network, lldp_multicast_mode)
Network.Address, config_parse_address, 0, 0
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ IPv6AcceptRA.PrefixAllowList, config_parse_in_addr_prefixes,
IPv6AcceptRA.PrefixDenyList, config_parse_in_addr_prefixes, AF_INET6, offsetof(Network, ndisc_deny_listed_prefix)
IPv6AcceptRA.RouteAllowList, config_parse_in_addr_prefixes, AF_INET6, offsetof(Network, ndisc_allow_listed_route_prefix)
IPv6AcceptRA.RouteDenyList, config_parse_in_addr_prefixes, AF_INET6, offsetof(Network, ndisc_deny_listed_route_prefix)
+IPv6AcceptRA.Token, config_parse_address_generation_type, 0, offsetof(Network, ndisc_tokens)
DHCPServer.ServerAddress, config_parse_dhcp_server_address, 0, 0
DHCPServer.UplinkInterface, config_parse_uplink, 0, 0
DHCPServer.RelayTarget, config_parse_in_addr_non_null, AF_INET, offsetof(Network, dhcp_server_relay_target)
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.SubnetId, config_parse_dhcp6_pd_subnet_id,
DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.Announce, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, dhcp6_pd_announce)
DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.Assign, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, dhcp6_pd_assign)
DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.ManageTemporaryAddress, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, dhcp6_pd_manage_temporary_address)
-DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.Token, config_parse_in_addr_non_null, AF_INET6, offsetof(Network, dhcp6_pd_token)
+DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.Token, config_parse_address_generation_type, 0, offsetof(Network, dhcp6_pd_tokens)
DHCPv6PrefixDelegation.RouteMetric, config_parse_uint32, 0, offsetof(Network, dhcp6_pd_route_metric)
IPv6SendRA.RouterLifetimeSec, config_parse_sec, 0, offsetof(Network, router_lifetime_usec)
IPv6SendRA.Managed, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, router_managed)
@@ -347,6 +348,7 @@ IPv6Prefix.ValidLifetimeSec, config_parse_prefix_lifetime,
IPv6Prefix.PreferredLifetimeSec, config_parse_prefix_lifetime, 0, 0
IPv6Prefix.Assign, config_parse_prefix_assign, 0, 0
IPv6Prefix.RouteMetric, config_parse_prefix_metric, 0, 0
+IPv6Prefix.Token, config_parse_prefix_token, 0, 0
IPv6RoutePrefix.Route, config_parse_route_prefix, 0, 0
IPv6RoutePrefix.LifetimeSec, config_parse_route_prefix_lifetime, 0, 0
LLDP.MUDURL, config_parse_mud_url, 0, offsetof(Network, lldp_mudurl)
@@ -492,6 +494,7 @@ TrivialLinkEqualizer.Handle, config_parse_qdisc_handle,
TrivialLinkEqualizer.Id, config_parse_trivial_link_equalizer_id, QDISC_KIND_TEQL, 0
/* backwards compatibility: do not add new entries to this section */
Network.IPv4LL, config_parse_ipv4ll, 0, offsetof(Network, link_local)
+Network.IPv6Token, config_parse_address_generation_type, 0, offsetof(Network, ndisc_tokens)
Network.IPv6PrefixDelegation, config_parse_router_prefix_delegation, 0, offsetof(Network, router_prefix_delegation)
IPv6PrefixDelegation.RouterLifetimeSec, config_parse_sec, 0, offsetof(Network, router_lifetime_usec)
IPv6PrefixDelegation.Managed, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, router_managed)
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-network.c b/src/network/networkd-network.c
index 7611476ad66..afbb9d61db4 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-network.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-network.c
@@ -706,9 +706,10 @@ static Network *network_free(Network *network) {
- ordered_set_free(network->ipv6_tokens);
+ set_free(network->dhcp6_pd_tokens);
+ set_free(network->ndisc_tokens);
return mfree(network);
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-network.h b/src/network/networkd-network.h
index fb896598a85..ff9d1338fda 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-network.h
+++ b/src/network/networkd-network.h
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ struct Network {
bool dhcp6_pd_manage_temporary_address;
int64_t dhcp6_pd_subnet_id;
uint32_t dhcp6_pd_route_metric;
- struct in6_addr dhcp6_pd_token;
+ Set *dhcp6_pd_tokens;
/* Bridge Support */
int use_bpdu;
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ struct Network {
Set *ndisc_allow_listed_prefix;
Set *ndisc_deny_listed_route_prefix;
Set *ndisc_allow_listed_route_prefix;
- OrderedSet *ipv6_tokens;
+ Set *ndisc_tokens;
/* LLDP support */
LLDPMode lldp_mode; /* LLDP reception */
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-radv.c b/src/network/networkd-radv.c
index c734c4c3b48..34e6a41c34a 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-radv.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-radv.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "dns-domain.h"
+#include "networkd-address-generation.h"
#include "networkd-address.h"
#include "networkd-link.h"
#include "networkd-manager.h"
@@ -19,6 +20,44 @@
#include "string-table.h"
#include "strv.h"
+void network_adjust_radv(Network *network) {
+ assert(network);
+ /* After this function is called, network->router_prefix_delegation can be treated as a boolean. */
+ if (network->dhcp6_pd < 0)
+ /* For backward compatibility. */
+ network->dhcp6_pd = FLAGS_SET(network->router_prefix_delegation, RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_DHCP6);
+ if (!FLAGS_SET(network->link_local, ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6)) {
+ if (network->router_prefix_delegation != RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_NONE)
+ log_warning("%s: IPv6PrefixDelegation= is enabled but IPv6 link local addressing is disabled. "
+ "Disabling IPv6PrefixDelegation=.", network->filename);
+ network->router_prefix_delegation = RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_NONE;
+ }
+ if (network->router_prefix_delegation == RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_NONE) {
+ network->n_router_dns = 0;
+ network->router_dns = mfree(network->router_dns);
+ network->router_search_domains = ordered_set_free(network->router_search_domains);
+ }
+ if (!FLAGS_SET(network->router_prefix_delegation, RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_STATIC)) {
+ network->prefixes_by_section = hashmap_free_with_destructor(network->prefixes_by_section, prefix_free);
+ network->route_prefixes_by_section = hashmap_free_with_destructor(network->route_prefixes_by_section, route_prefix_free);
+ }
+static bool link_radv_enabled(Link *link) {
+ assert(link);
+ if (!link_ipv6ll_enabled(link))
+ return false;
+ return link->network->router_prefix_delegation;
Prefix *prefix_free(Prefix *prefix) {
if (!prefix)
return NULL;
@@ -30,6 +69,7 @@ Prefix *prefix_free(Prefix *prefix) {
+ set_free(prefix->tokens);
return mfree(prefix);
@@ -155,64 +195,6 @@ static int route_prefix_new_static(Network *network, const char *filename, unsig
return 0;
-void network_drop_invalid_prefixes(Network *network) {
- Prefix *prefix;
- assert(network);
- HASHMAP_FOREACH(prefix, network->prefixes_by_section)
- if (section_is_invalid(prefix->section))
- prefix_free(prefix);
-void network_drop_invalid_route_prefixes(Network *network) {
- RoutePrefix *prefix;
- assert(network);
- HASHMAP_FOREACH(prefix, network->route_prefixes_by_section)
- if (section_is_invalid(prefix->section))
- route_prefix_free(prefix);
-void network_adjust_radv(Network *network) {
- assert(network);
- /* After this function is called, network->router_prefix_delegation can be treated as a boolean. */
- if (network->dhcp6_pd < 0)
- /* For backward compatibility. */
- network->dhcp6_pd = FLAGS_SET(network->router_prefix_delegation, RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_DHCP6);
- if (!FLAGS_SET(network->link_local, ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6)) {
- if (network->router_prefix_delegation != RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_NONE)
- log_warning("%s: IPv6PrefixDelegation= is enabled but IPv6 link local addressing is disabled. "
- "Disabling IPv6PrefixDelegation=.", network->filename);
- network->router_prefix_delegation = RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_NONE;
- }
- if (network->router_prefix_delegation == RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_NONE) {
- network->n_router_dns = 0;
- network->router_dns = mfree(network->router_dns);
- network->router_search_domains = ordered_set_free(network->router_search_domains);
- }
- if (!FLAGS_SET(network->router_prefix_delegation, RADV_PREFIX_DELEGATION_STATIC)) {
- network->prefixes_by_section = hashmap_free_with_destructor(network->prefixes_by_section, prefix_free);
- network->route_prefixes_by_section = hashmap_free_with_destructor(network->route_prefixes_by_section, route_prefix_free);
- }
-static bool link_radv_enabled(Link *link) {
- assert(link);
- if (!link_ipv6ll_enabled(link))
- return false;
- return link->network->router_prefix_delegation;
int link_request_radv_addresses(Link *link) {
Prefix *p;
int r;
@@ -223,347 +205,54 @@ int link_request_radv_addresses(Link *link) {
return 0;
HASHMAP_FOREACH(p, link->network->prefixes_by_section) {
- _cleanup_(address_freep) Address *address = NULL;
+ _cleanup_set_free_ Set *addresses = NULL;
+ struct in6_addr prefix, *a;
+ uint8_t prefixlen;
if (!p->assign)
- r = address_new(&address);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = sd_radv_prefix_get_prefix(p->radv_prefix, &address->in_addr.in6, &address->prefixlen);
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_get_prefix(p->radv_prefix, &prefix, &prefixlen);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = generate_ipv6_eui_64_address(link, &address->in_addr.in6);
+ /* radv_generate_addresses() below requires the prefix length <= 64. */
+ if (prefixlen > 64) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *str = NULL;
+ (void) in6_addr_prefix_to_string(&prefix, prefixlen, &str);
+ log_link_debug(link,
+ "Prefix is longer than 64, refusing to assign an address in %s.",
+ strna(str));
+ continue;
+ }
+ r = radv_generate_addresses(link, p->tokens, &prefix, prefixlen, &addresses);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- address->family = AF_INET6;
- address->route_metric = p->route_metric;
+ SET_FOREACH(a, addresses) {
+ _cleanup_(address_freep) Address *address = NULL;
- r = link_request_static_address(link, TAKE_PTR(address), true);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ r = address_new(&address);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ address->family = AF_INET6;
+ address->in_addr.in6 = *a;
+ address->prefixlen = prefixlen;
+ address->route_metric = p->route_metric;
+ r = link_request_static_address(link, TAKE_PTR(address), true);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
return 0;
-int config_parse_prefix(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
- uint8_t prefixlen = 64;
- union in_addr_union in6addr;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = in_addr_prefix_from_string(rvalue, AF_INET6, &in6addr, &prefixlen);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Prefix is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- r = sd_radv_prefix_set_prefix(p->radv_prefix, &in6addr.in6, prefixlen);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set radv prefix, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- p = NULL;
- return 0;
-int config_parse_prefix_flags(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = parse_boolean(rvalue);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse %s=, ignoring assignment: %s", lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- if (streq(lvalue, "OnLink"))
- r = sd_radv_prefix_set_onlink(p->radv_prefix, r);
- else if (streq(lvalue, "AddressAutoconfiguration"))
- r = sd_radv_prefix_set_address_autoconfiguration(p->radv_prefix, r);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set %s=, ignoring assignment: %m", lvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- p = NULL;
- return 0;
-int config_parse_prefix_lifetime(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
- usec_t usec;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = parse_sec(rvalue, &usec);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Lifetime is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- /* a value of 0xffffffff represents infinity */
- if (streq(lvalue, "PreferredLifetimeSec"))
- r = sd_radv_prefix_set_preferred_lifetime(p->radv_prefix,
- else if (streq(lvalue, "ValidLifetimeSec"))
- r = sd_radv_prefix_set_valid_lifetime(p->radv_prefix,
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set %s=, ignoring assignment: %m", lvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- p = NULL;
- return 0;
-int config_parse_prefix_assign(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = parse_boolean(rvalue);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
- "Failed to parse %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
- lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- p->assign = r;
- p = NULL;
- return 0;
-int config_parse_prefix_metric(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = safe_atou32(rvalue, &p->route_metric);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
- "Failed to parse %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
- lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- TAKE_PTR(p);
- return 0;
-int config_parse_route_prefix(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(route_prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) RoutePrefix *p = NULL;
- uint8_t prefixlen = 64;
- union in_addr_union in6addr;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = route_prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = in_addr_prefix_from_string(rvalue, AF_INET6, &in6addr, &prefixlen);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Route prefix is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- r = sd_radv_prefix_set_route_prefix(p->radv_route_prefix, &in6addr.in6, prefixlen);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set route prefix, ignoring assignment: %m");
- return 0;
- }
- p = NULL;
- return 0;
-int config_parse_route_prefix_lifetime(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Network *network = userdata;
- _cleanup_(route_prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) RoutePrefix *p = NULL;
- usec_t usec;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(section);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(data);
- r = route_prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
- if (r < 0)
- return log_oom();
- r = parse_sec(rvalue, &usec);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
- "Route lifetime is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- /* a value of 0xffffffff represents infinity */
- r = sd_radv_route_prefix_set_lifetime(p->radv_route_prefix, DIV_ROUND_UP(usec, USEC_PER_SEC));
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
- "Failed to set route lifetime, ignoring assignment: %m");
- return 0;
- }
- p = NULL;
- return 0;
static int network_get_ipv6_dns(Network *network, struct in6_addr **ret_addresses, size_t *ret_size) {
_cleanup_free_ struct in6_addr *addresses = NULL;
size_t n_addresses = 0;
@@ -954,6 +643,373 @@ int radv_add_prefix(
return 0;
+void network_drop_invalid_prefixes(Network *network) {
+ Prefix *prefix;
+ assert(network);
+ HASHMAP_FOREACH(prefix, network->prefixes_by_section)
+ if (section_is_invalid(prefix->section))
+ prefix_free(prefix);
+void network_drop_invalid_route_prefixes(Network *network) {
+ RoutePrefix *prefix;
+ assert(network);
+ HASHMAP_FOREACH(prefix, network->route_prefixes_by_section)
+ if (section_is_invalid(prefix->section))
+ route_prefix_free(prefix);
+int config_parse_prefix(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 64;
+ union in_addr_union in6addr;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = in_addr_prefix_from_string(rvalue, AF_INET6, &in6addr, &prefixlen);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Prefix is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_set_prefix(p->radv_prefix, &in6addr.in6, prefixlen);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set radv prefix, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_prefix_flags(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = parse_boolean(rvalue);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse %s=, ignoring assignment: %s", lvalue, rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (streq(lvalue, "OnLink"))
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_set_onlink(p->radv_prefix, r);
+ else if (streq(lvalue, "AddressAutoconfiguration"))
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_set_address_autoconfiguration(p->radv_prefix, r);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set %s=, ignoring assignment: %m", lvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_prefix_lifetime(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
+ usec_t usec;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = parse_sec(rvalue, &usec);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Lifetime is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* a value of 0xffffffff represents infinity */
+ if (streq(lvalue, "PreferredLifetimeSec"))
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_set_preferred_lifetime(p->radv_prefix,
+ else if (streq(lvalue, "ValidLifetimeSec"))
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_set_valid_lifetime(p->radv_prefix,
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set %s=, ignoring assignment: %m", lvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_prefix_assign(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = parse_boolean(rvalue);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
+ "Failed to parse %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
+ lvalue, rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p->assign = r;
+ p = NULL;
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_prefix_metric(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = safe_atou32(rvalue, &p->route_metric);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
+ "Failed to parse %s=, ignoring assignment: %s",
+ lvalue, rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TAKE_PTR(p);
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_prefix_token(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ _cleanup_(prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) Prefix *p = NULL;
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(userdata);
+ r = prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = config_parse_address_generation_type(unit, filename, line, section, section_line,
+ lvalue, ltype, rvalue, &p->tokens, userdata);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ TAKE_PTR(p);
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_route_prefix(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(route_prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) RoutePrefix *p = NULL;
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 64;
+ union in_addr_union in6addr;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = route_prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = in_addr_prefix_from_string(rvalue, AF_INET6, &in6addr, &prefixlen);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Route prefix is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ r = sd_radv_prefix_set_route_prefix(p->radv_route_prefix, &in6addr.in6, prefixlen);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to set route prefix, ignoring assignment: %m");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ return 0;
+int config_parse_route_prefix_lifetime(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ Network *network = userdata;
+ _cleanup_(route_prefix_free_or_set_invalidp) RoutePrefix *p = NULL;
+ usec_t usec;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(section);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ assert(data);
+ r = route_prefix_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = parse_sec(rvalue, &usec);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
+ "Route lifetime is invalid, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* a value of 0xffffffff represents infinity */
+ r = sd_radv_route_prefix_set_lifetime(p->radv_route_prefix, DIV_ROUND_UP(usec, USEC_PER_SEC));
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r,
+ "Failed to set route lifetime, ignoring assignment: %m");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ return 0;
int config_parse_radv_dns(
const char *unit,
const char *filename,
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-radv.h b/src/network/networkd-radv.h
index aec3d3386fb..5c869d8623e 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-radv.h
+++ b/src/network/networkd-radv.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ typedef struct Prefix {
bool assign;
uint32_t route_metric;
+ Set *tokens;
} Prefix;
typedef struct RoutePrefix {
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ CONFIG_PARSER_PROTOTYPE(config_parse_prefix_flags);
diff --git a/test/fuzz/fuzz-network-parser/directives.network b/test/fuzz/fuzz-network-parser/directives.network
index fdd7f73baee..ea02d4c640f 100644
--- a/test/fuzz/fuzz-network-parser/directives.network
+++ b/test/fuzz/fuzz-network-parser/directives.network
@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ PreferredLifetimeSec=
@@ -359,6 +360,7 @@ RouteAllowList=
diff --git a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable-without-address.network b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable-without-address.network
index 5fe68a2810d..cdafe0d91fe 100644
--- a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable-without-address.network
+++ b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable-without-address.network
@@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ Name=veth99
diff --git a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable.network b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable.network
index 4d80e024f9c..e95e139391f 100644
--- a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable.network
+++ b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-prefixstable.network
@@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ Name=veth99
diff --git a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-static.network b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-static.network
index 5c5fdc9d4e9..a239619ec7b 100644
--- a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-static.network
+++ b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6-prefix-veth-token-static.network
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ Name=veth99
diff --git a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6ra-prefix.network b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6ra-prefix.network
index ae74c6e2c6f..d91847bde7d 100644
--- a/test/test-network/conf/ipv6ra-prefix.network
+++ b/test/test-network/conf/ipv6ra-prefix.network
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ Prefix=2001:db8:0:1::/64
diff --git a/test/test-network/systemd-networkd-tests.py b/test/test-network/systemd-networkd-tests.py
index 5de2d3ae032..95d526a7f71 100755
--- a/test/test-network/systemd-networkd-tests.py
+++ b/test/test-network/systemd-networkd-tests.py
@@ -4895,7 +4895,8 @@ class NetworkdIPv6PrefixTests(unittest.TestCase, Utilities):
output = check_output('ip address show dev veth99')
self.assertNotIn('inet6 2001:db8:0:1:', output)
- self.assertIn('inet6 2001:db8:0:2:', output)
+ self.assertIn('inet6 2001:db8:0:2:1a:2b:3c:4d', output)
+ self.assertIn('inet6 2001:db8:0:2:fa:de:ca:fe', output)
self.assertNotIn('inet6 2001:db8:0:3:', output)
output = check_output(*resolvectl_cmd, 'dns', 'veth-peer', env=env)