diff --git a/man/systemd.journal-fields.xml b/man/systemd.journal-fields.xml
index c079274c324..942c6ba91a3 100644
--- a/man/systemd.journal-fields.xml
+++ b/man/systemd.journal-fields.xml
@@ -103,16 +103,34 @@
- Syslog compatibility fields containing the facility
- (formatted as decimal string), the identifier string (i.e.
- "tag"), and the client PID. (Note that the tag is usually
- derived from glibc's
- program_invocation_short_name variable,
- see
+ Syslog compatibility fields containing the facility (formatted as
+ decimal string), the identifier string (i.e. "tag"), the client PID, and
+ the timestamp as specified in the original datagram. (Note that the tag is
+ usually derived from glibc's
+ program_invocation_short_name variable, see
+ The original contents of the syslog line as received in the syslog
+ datagram. This field is only included if the MESSAGE=
+ field was modified compared to the original payload or the timestamp could
+ not be located properly and is not included in
+ SYSLOG_TIMESTAMP=. Message truncation occurs when when
+ the message contains leading or trailing whitespace (trailing and leading
+ whitespace is stripped), or it contains an embedded
+ NUL byte (the NUL byte and
+ anything after it is not included). Thus, the original syslog line is
+ either stored as SYSLOG_RAW= or it can be recreated
+ based on the stored priority and facility, timestamp, identifier, and the
+ message payload in MESSAGE=.
diff --git a/src/journal/journald-syslog.c b/src/journal/journald-syslog.c
index 01b8bf608da..08b4fcb1c2d 100644
--- a/src/journal/journald-syslog.c
+++ b/src/journal/journald-syslog.c
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ size_t syslog_parse_identifier(const char **buf, char **identifier, char **pid)
return e;
-static void syslog_skip_date(char **buf) {
+static int syslog_skip_timestamp(const char **buf) {
enum {
@@ -244,24 +244,21 @@ static void syslog_skip_date(char **buf) {
- char *p;
+ const char *p, *t;
unsigned i;
- p = *buf;
- for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(sequence); i++, p++) {
+ for (i = 0, p = *buf; i < ELEMENTSOF(sequence); i++, p++) {
if (!*p)
- return;
+ return 0;
switch (sequence[i]) {
case SPACE:
if (*p != ' ')
- return;
+ return 0;
@@ -271,48 +268,56 @@ static void syslog_skip_date(char **buf) {
case NUMBER:
if (*p < '0' || *p > '9')
- return;
+ return 0;
case LETTER:
if (!(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') &&
!(*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z'))
- return;
+ return 0;
case COLON:
if (*p != ':')
- return;
+ return 0;
+ t = *buf;
*buf = p;
+ return p - t;
void server_process_syslog_message(
Server *s,
const char *buf,
- size_t buf_len,
+ size_t raw_len,
const struct ucred *ucred,
const struct timeval *tv,
const char *label,
size_t label_len) {
- char syslog_priority[sizeof("PRIORITY=") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)],
- syslog_facility[sizeof("SYSLOG_FACILITY=") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)], *msg;
- const char *message = NULL, *syslog_identifier = NULL, *syslog_pid = NULL;
+ char *t, syslog_priority[sizeof("PRIORITY=") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)],
+ syslog_facility[sizeof("SYSLOG_FACILITY=") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(int)];
+ const char *msg, *syslog_ts, *a;
_cleanup_free_ char *identifier = NULL, *pid = NULL;
int priority = LOG_USER | LOG_INFO, r;
ClientContext *context = NULL;
struct iovec *iovec;
- size_t n = 0, m, i;
+ size_t n = 0, m, i, leading_ws, syslog_ts_len;
+ bool store_raw;
+ /* The message cannot be empty. */
+ assert(raw_len > 0);
+ /* The buffer NUL-terminated and can be used a string. raw_len is the length
+ * without the terminating NUL byte, the buffer is actually one bigger. */
+ assert(buf[raw_len] == '\0');
if (ucred && pid_is_valid(ucred->pid)) {
r = client_context_get(s, ucred->pid, ucred, label, label_len, NULL, &context);
@@ -320,26 +325,42 @@ void server_process_syslog_message(
log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to retrieve credentials for PID " PID_FMT ", ignoring: %m", ucred->pid);
- /* We are creating copy of the message because we want to forward original message verbatim to the legacy
- syslog implementation */
- for (i = buf_len; i > 0; i--)
+ /* We are creating a copy of the message because we want to forward the original message
+ verbatim to the legacy syslog implementation */
+ for (i = raw_len; i > 0; i--)
if (!strchr(WHITESPACE, buf[i-1]))
- msg = newa(char, i + 1);
- *((char *) mempcpy(msg, buf, i)) = 0;
- msg = skip_leading_chars(msg, WHITESPACE);
+ leading_ws = strspn(buf, WHITESPACE);
- syslog_parse_priority((const char **)&msg, &priority, true);
+ if (i == raw_len)
+ /* Nice! No need to strip anything on the end, let's optimize this a bit */
+ msg = buf + leading_ws;
+ else {
+ msg = t = newa(char, i - leading_ws + 1);
+ memcpy(t, buf + leading_ws, i - leading_ws);
+ t[i - leading_ws] = 0;
+ }
+ /* We will add the SYSLOG_RAW= field when we stripped anything
+ * _or_ if the input message contained NUL bytes. */
+ store_raw = msg != buf || strlen(msg) != raw_len;
+ syslog_parse_priority(&msg, &priority, true);
if (!client_context_test_priority(context, priority))
- if (s->forward_to_syslog)
- forward_syslog_raw(s, priority, buf, buf_len, ucred, tv);
+ syslog_ts = msg;
+ syslog_ts_len = syslog_skip_timestamp(&msg);
+ if (syslog_ts_len == 0)
+ /* We failed to parse the full timestamp, store the raw message too */
+ store_raw = true;
- syslog_skip_date(&msg);
- syslog_parse_identifier((const char**)&msg, &identifier, &pid);
+ syslog_parse_identifier(&msg, &identifier, &pid);
+ if (s->forward_to_syslog)
+ forward_syslog_raw(s, priority, buf, raw_len, ucred, tv);
if (s->forward_to_kmsg)
server_forward_kmsg(s, priority, identifier, msg, ucred);
@@ -350,7 +371,7 @@ void server_process_syslog_message(
if (s->forward_to_wall)
server_forward_wall(s, priority, identifier, msg, ucred);
- m = N_IOVEC_META_FIELDS + 6 + client_context_extra_fields_n_iovec(context);
+ m = N_IOVEC_META_FIELDS + 8 + client_context_extra_fields_n_iovec(context);
iovec = newa(struct iovec, m);
iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING("_TRANSPORT=syslog");
@@ -364,18 +385,37 @@ void server_process_syslog_message(
if (identifier) {
- syslog_identifier = strjoina("SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=", identifier);
- iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING(syslog_identifier);
+ a = strjoina("SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=", identifier);
+ iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING(a);
if (pid) {
- syslog_pid = strjoina("SYSLOG_PID=", pid);
- iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING(syslog_pid);
+ a = strjoina("SYSLOG_PID=", pid);
+ iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING(a);
- message = strjoina("MESSAGE=", msg);
- if (message)
- iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING(message);
+ if (syslog_ts_len > 0) {
+ const size_t hlen = strlen("SYSLOG_TIMESTAMP=");
+ t = newa(char, hlen + raw_len);
+ memcpy(t, "SYSLOG_TIMESTAMP=", hlen);
+ memcpy(t + hlen, syslog_ts, syslog_ts_len);
+ iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE(t, hlen + syslog_ts_len);
+ }
+ a = strjoina("MESSAGE=", msg);
+ iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE_STRING(a);
+ if (store_raw) {
+ const size_t hlen = strlen("SYSLOG_RAW=");
+ t = newa(char, hlen + raw_len);
+ memcpy(t, "SYSLOG_RAW=", hlen);
+ memcpy(t + hlen, buf, raw_len);
+ iovec[n++] = IOVEC_MAKE(t, hlen + raw_len);
+ }
server_dispatch_message(s, iovec, n, m, context, tv, priority, 0);
diff --git a/src/systemctl/systemctl.c b/src/systemctl/systemctl.c
index 0b5def60f3a..eec1ee93d19 100644
--- a/src/systemctl/systemctl.c
+++ b/src/systemctl/systemctl.c
@@ -7838,7 +7838,8 @@ static int parse_shutdown_time_spec(const char *t, usec_t *_u) {
tm.tm_min = (int) minute;
tm.tm_sec = 0;
- assert_se(s = mktime(&tm));
+ s = mktime(&tm);
+ assert(s >= 0);
*_u = (usec_t) s * USEC_PER_SEC;