mirror of https://github.com/systemd/systemd.git synced 2024-10-27 10:25:37 +03:00

Add updater for dbus introspection in man pages

Compares to gdbus output, the values of properties are replaced by ellipses.
For arrays and strings, the outer markers are kept. This is obviously also told
by the type string, but it seems a bit easier to read this way.

For any elements which are undocumented, a comment is inserted in sources.
"Undocumented" means that the expected element was not found. This might
require some adjustments if I missed some markup types.

Invocation is manual:
$ tools/update-dbus-docs.py tools/update-dbus-docs.py man/org.freedesktop.login1.xml
$ tools/update-dbus-docs.py tools/update-dbus-docs.py man/org.freedesktop.resolve1.xml
$ tools/update-dbus-docs.py tools/update-dbus-docs.py man/org.freedesktop.systemd1.xml

If some object is not found on the bus, the existing output is retained. So the
user needs to make sure that the appropriate objects have been instantiated
before calling this. We don't change the dbus interface very often, so I think
this manual mode is OK as a starting point. Making this fully automatic later
would be nice of course.
This commit is contained in:
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek 2020-04-07 16:58:58 +02:00
parent dad97f0425
commit e5dd26cc20

tools/update-dbus-docs.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+
import collections
import sys
import shlex
import subprocess
import io
import pprint
from lxml import etree
PARSER = etree.XMLParser(no_network=True,
class NoCommand(Exception):
def find_command(lines):
acc = []
for num, line in enumerate(lines):
# skip empty leading line
if num == 0 and not line:
cont = line.endswith('\\')
if cont:
line = line[:-1].rstrip()
acc.append(line if not acc else line.lstrip())
if not cont:
joined = ' '.join(acc)
if not joined.startswith('$ '):
raise NoCommand
return joined[2:], lines[:num+1] + [''], lines[-1]
def print_method(declarations, elem, *, prefix, file, is_signal=False):
name = elem.get('name')
klass = 'signal' if is_signal else 'method'
print(f'''{prefix}{name}(''', file=file, end='')
lead = ',\n' + prefix + ' ' * len(name) + ' '
for num, arg in enumerate(elem.findall('./arg')):
argname = arg.get('name')
if argname is None:
print(f'method {name}: argument {num+1} has no name', file=sys.stderr)
argname = 'UNNAMED'
type = arg.get('type')
if not is_signal:
direction = arg.get('direction')
print(f'''{lead if num > 0 else ''}{direction:3} {type} {argname}''', file=file, end='')
print(f'''{lead if num > 0 else ''}{type} {argname}''', file=file, end='')
print(f');', file=file)
'read' : 'readonly',
'write' : 'readwrite',
def value_ellipsis(type):
if type == 's':
return "'...'";
if type[0] == 'a':
inner = value_ellipsis(type[1:])
return f"[{inner}{', ...' if inner != '...' else ''}]";
return '...'
def print_property(declarations, elem, *, prefix, file):
name = elem.get('name')
type = elem.get('type')
access = elem.get('access')
# @org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal("false")
# @org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged("true")
# readwrite b EnableWallMessages = false;
for anno in elem.findall('./annotation'):
anno_name = anno.get('name')
anno_value = anno.get('value')
print(f'''{prefix}@{anno_name}("{anno_value}")''', file=file)
access = ACCESS_MAP.get(access, access)
print(f'''{prefix}{access} {type} {name} = {value_ellipsis(type)};''', file=file)
def print_interface(iface, *, prefix, file, print_boring, declarations):
name = iface.get('name')
is_boring = name in BORING_INTERFACES
if is_boring and print_boring:
print(f'''{prefix}interface {name} {{ ... }};''', file=file)
elif not is_boring and not print_boring:
print(f'''{prefix}interface {name} {{''', file=file)
prefix2 = prefix + ' '
for num, elem in enumerate(iface.findall('./method')):
if num == 0:
print(f'''{prefix2}methods:''', file=file)
print_method(declarations, elem, prefix=prefix2 + ' ', file=file)
for num, elem in enumerate(iface.findall('./signal')):
if num == 0:
print(f'''{prefix2}signals:''', file=file)
print_method(declarations, elem, prefix=prefix2 + ' ', file=file, is_signal=True)
for num, elem in enumerate(iface.findall('./property')):
if num == 0:
print(f'''{prefix2}properties:''', file=file)
print_property(declarations, elem, prefix=prefix2 + ' ', file=file)
print(f'''{prefix}}};''', file=file)
def document_has_elem_with_text(document, elem, item_repr):
predicate = f".//{elem}" # [text() = 'foo'] doesn't seem supported :(
for loc in document.findall(predicate):
if loc.text == item_repr:
return True
return False
def check_documented(document, declarations):
missing = []
for klass, items in declarations.items():
for item in items:
if klass == 'method':
elem = 'function'
item_repr = f'{item}()'
elif klass == 'signal':
elem = 'function'
item_repr = item
elif klass == 'property':
elem = 'varname'
item_repr = item
assert False, (klass, item)
if not document_has_elem_with_text(document, elem, item_repr):
print(f'{klass} {item} is not documented :(')
missing.append((klass, item))
return missing
def xml_to_text(destination, xml):
file = io.StringIO()
declarations = collections.defaultdict(list)
print(f'''node {destination} {{''', file=file)
for print_boring in [False, True]:
for iface in xml.findall('./interface'):
print_interface(iface, prefix=' ', file=file,
print(f'''}};''', file=file)
return file.getvalue(), declarations
def subst_output(document, programlisting):
cmd, prefix_lines, footer = find_command(programlisting.text.splitlines())
except NoCommand:
argv = shlex.split(cmd)
argv += ['--xml']
print(f'COMMAND: {shlex.join(argv)}')
object_idx = argv.index('--object-path')
object_path = argv[object_idx + 1]
out = subprocess.check_output(argv, text=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('command failed, ignoring', file=sys.stderr)
xml = etree.fromstring(out, parser=PARSER)
new_text, declarations = xml_to_text(object_path, xml)
programlisting.text = '\n'.join(prefix_lines) + '\n' + new_text + footer
if declarations:
missing = check_documented(document, declarations)
parent = programlisting.getparent()
# delete old comments
for child in parent:
if (child.tag == etree.Comment
and 'not documented' in child.text):
# insert comments for undocumented items
for item in reversed(missing):
comment = etree.Comment(f'{item[0]} {item[1]} is not documented!')
comment.tail = programlisting.tail
parent.insert(parent.index(programlisting) + 1, comment)
def process(page):
src = open(page).read()
xml = etree.fromstring(src, parser=PARSER)
# print('parsing {}'.format(name), file=sys.stderr)
if xml.tag != 'refentry':
pls = xml.findall('.//programlisting')
for pl in pls:
subst_output(xml, pl)
out_text = etree.tostring(xml, encoding='unicode')
# massage format to avoid some lxml whitespace handling idiosyncracies
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/526799
out_text = (src[:src.find('<refentryinfo')] +
out_text[out_text.find('<refentryinfo'):] +
with open(page, 'w') as out:
if __name__ == '__main__':
pages = sys.argv[1:]
for page in pages: