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synced 2025-03-28 02:50:16 +03:00
tests: add dropin dependency tests
[zj: tests assertions adjusted to the different logic in which masking of a dependency through one name, does not forbid the dependency being added through another name.]
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Symbolic link
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Executable file
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#! /bin/bash
set -e
set -x
_clear_service () {
systemctl stop $1.service 2>/dev/null || :
rm -f /{etc,run,usr/lib}/systemd/system/$1.service
rm -fr /{etc,run,usr/lib}/systemd/system/$1.service.d
rm -fr /{etc,run,usr/lib}/systemd/system/$1.service.{wants,requires}
clear_services () {
for u in $*; do
_clear_service $u
systemctl daemon-reload
create_service () {
clear_services $1
cat >/etc/systemd/system/$1.service<<EOF
Description=$1 unit
ExecStart=/bin/sleep 100000
mkdir -p /{etc,run,usr/lib}/systemd/system/$1.service.d
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/$1.service.{wants,requires}
mkdir -p /run/systemd/system/$1.service.{wants,requires}
mkdir -p /usr/lib/systemd/system/$1.service.{wants,requires}
create_services () {
for u in $*; do
create_service $u
check_ok () {
[ $# -eq 3 ] || return
x="$(systemctl show --value -p $2 $1)"
case "$x" in
*$3*) return 0 ;;
*) return 1
check_ko () {
! check_ok "$@"
test_basic_dropins () {
echo "Testing basic dropins..."
echo "*** test a wants b wants c"
create_services a b c
ln -s ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/
ln -s ../c.service /etc/systemd/system/b.service.wants/
check_ok a Wants b.service
check_ok b Wants c.service
echo "*** test a wants,requires b"
create_services a b c
ln -s ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/
ln -s ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
check_ok a Wants b.service
check_ok a Requires b.service
echo "*** test a wants nonexistent"
create_service a
ln -s ../nonexistent.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/
check_ok a Wants nonexistent.service
systemctl start a
systemctl stop a
echo "*** test a requires nonexistent"
ln -sf ../nonexistent.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
systemctl daemon-reload
check_ok a Requires nonexistent.service
# 'b' is already loaded when 'c' pulls it in via a dropin.
echo "*** test a,c require b"
create_services a b c
ln -sf ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
ln -sf ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/c.service.requires/
systemctl start a
check_ok c Requires b.service
systemctl stop a b
# 'b' is already loaded when 'c' pulls it in via an alias dropin.
echo "*** test a wants alias"
create_services a b c
ln -sf c.service /etc/systemd/system/c1.service
ln -sf ../c.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/
ln -sf ../c1.service /etc/systemd/system/b.service.wants/
systemctl start a
check_ok a Wants c.service
check_ok b Wants c.service
systemctl stop a c
clear_services a b c
test_template_dropins () {
echo "Testing template dropins..."
create_services foo bar@ yup@
ln -s /etc/systemd/system/bar@.service /etc/systemd/system/foo.service.wants/bar@1.service
check_ok foo Wants bar@1.service
clear_services foo bar@ yup@
test_alias_dropins () {
echo "Testing alias dropins..."
echo "*** test a wants b1 alias of b"
create_services a b
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
ln -sf ../b1.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/
check_ok a Wants b.service
systemctl start a
systemctl --quiet is-active b
systemctl stop a b
rm /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
clear_services a b
# A weird behavior: the dependencies for 'a' may vary. It can be
# changed by loading an alias...
# [1] 'a1' is loaded and then "renamed" into 'a'. 'a1' is therefore
# part of the names set so all its specific dropins are loaded.
# [2] 'a' is already loaded. 'a1' is simply only merged into 'a' so
# none of its dropins are loaded ('y' is missing from the deps).
echo "*** test 2"
create_services a x y
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/a1.service.wants/
ln -sf a.service /etc/systemd/system/a1.service
ln -sf ../x.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/
ln -sf ../y.service /etc/systemd/system/a1.service.wants/
check_ok a1 Wants x.service # see [1]
check_ok a1 Wants y.service
systemctl start a
check_ok a1 Wants x.service # see [2]
check_ko a1 Wants y.service
systemctl stop a x y
rm /etc/systemd/system/a1.service
clear_services a x y
test_masked_dropins () {
echo "Testing masked dropins..."
create_services a b
# 'b' is masked for both deps
echo "*** test a wants,requires b is masked"
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/b.service
check_ko a Wants b.service
check_ko a Requires b.service
# 'a' wants 'b' and 'b' is masked at a lower level
echo "*** test a wants b, mask override"
ln -sf ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
ln -sf /dev/null /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
check_ok a Wants b.service
# 'a' wants 'b' and 'b' is masked at a higher level
echo "*** test a wants b, mask"
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
ln -sf ../b.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
check_ko a Wants b.service
# 'b1' is an alias for 'b': masking 'b' dep should not influence 'b1' dep
echo "*** test a wants b, b1, and one is masked"
create_services a b
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
ln -sf ../b1.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b1.service
systemctl cat a
systemctl show -p Wants,Requires a
systemctl cat b1
systemctl show -p Wants,Requires b1
check_ok a Wants b.service
check_ko a Wants b1.service # the alias does not show up in the list of units
rm /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
# 'b1' is an alias for 'b': masking 'b1' should not influence 'b' dep
echo "*** test a wants b, alias dep is masked"
create_services a b
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b1.service
ln -sf ../b.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
check_ok a Wants b.service
check_ko a Wants b1.service # the alias does not show up in the list of units
rm /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
# 'a' has Wants=b.service but also has a masking
# dropin 'b': 'b' should still be pulled in.
echo "*** test a wants b both ways"
create_services a b
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.wants/b.service
cat >/usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.d/wants-b.conf<<EOF
check_ok a Wants b.service
# mask a dropin that points to an nonexistent unit.
echo "*** test a wants nonexistent is masked"
create_services a
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/nonexistent.service
ln -sf ../nonexistent.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
check_ko a Requires nonexistent.service
# 'b' is already loaded when 'c' pulls it in via a dropin but 'b' is
# masked at a higher level.
echo "*** test a wants b is masked"
create_services a b c
ln -sf ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
ln -sf ../b.service /run/systemd/system/c.service.requires/
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/c.service.requires/b.service
systemctl start a
check_ko c Requires b.service
systemctl stop a b
# 'b' is already loaded when 'c' pulls it in via a dropin but 'b' is
# masked at a lower level.
echo "*** test a requires b is masked"
create_services a b c
ln -sf ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
ln -sf ../b.service /etc/systemd/system/c.service.requires/
ln -sf /dev/null /run/systemd/system/c.service.requires/b.service
systemctl start a
check_ok c Requires b.service
systemctl stop a b
# 'a' requires 2 aliases of 'b' and one of them is a mask.
echo "*** test a requires alias of b, other alias masked"
create_services a b
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b2.service
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/b1.service
ln -sf ../b1.service /run/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
ln -sf ../b2.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
check_ok a Requires b
# Same as above but now 'b' is masked.
echo "*** test a requires alias of b, b dep masked"
create_services a b
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b1.service
ln -sf b.service /etc/systemd/system/b2.service
ln -sf ../b1.service /run/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
ln -sf ../b2.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/a.service.requires/
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/a.service.requires/b.service
check_ok a Requires b
clear_services a b
touch /testok
Executable file
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# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh
. $TEST_BASE_DIR/test-functions
test_run_nspawn() {
if ! run_nspawn; then
dwarn "can't run systemd-nspawn, skipping"
return 0
test_run() {
test_run_nspawn || return
test_setup() {
# create the basic filesystem layout
setup_basic_environment >/dev/null
# mask some services that we do not want to run in these tests
ln -s /dev/null $initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-hwdb-update.service
ln -s /dev/null $initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-journal-catalog-update.service
ln -s /dev/null $initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service
ln -s /dev/null $initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.socket
ln -s /dev/null $initdir/etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service
# import the test scripts in the rootfs and plug them in systemd
cp testsuite.service $initdir/etc/systemd/system/
cp test-dropin.sh $initdir/
# create dedicated rootfs for nspawn (located in $TESTDIR/nspawn-root)
test_cleanup() {
return 0
do_test "$@"
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Description=Testsuite service
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