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Только зарегистрированные пользователи имеют доступ к сервису!
Для получения аккаунта, обратитесь к администратору.
using _wanted instead of calling compadd directly. this allows the user to customize
possible matches.
An example being, grouping units by type:
autoload -Uz compinit; compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d'
zstyle -e ':completion:*:*:systemctl-(((re|)en|dis)able|(*re|)start|reload*):*' \
tag-order 'local type; for type in service template target socket;
reply+=( systemd-units:-${type}:${type} ); reply=( "$reply systemd-units:-misc:misc" )'
zstyle ':completion:*:systemd-units-template' ignored-patterns '^*@'
zstyle ':completion:*:systemd-units-target' ignored-patterns '^*.target'
zstyle ':completion:*:systemd-units-socket' ignored-patterns '^*.socket'
zstyle ':completion:*:systemd-units-service' ignored-patterns '^*.service'
zstyle ':completion:*:systemd-units-misc' ignored-patterns '*(@|.(service|socket|target))'
also, <poke> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2015-May/032012.html
By the time __systemctl is called, --user/--system are shifted out of
`words' by _arguments. This patch queries the array sooner.
In the case that both --user and --system are on the line when compsys runs,
_sys_service_mgr is set to the latter. Which is seemingly how systemctl behaves.
If neither are on the line, --system is set; for system services to be completed.
compadd's -a option treats non-option arguments as arrays. So
$(_systemctl_get_template_names) expands to some words that aren't
legal array names. Even if there were, they would be empty; thus adding
deduplicated a few functions too.
This makes all functions that rely on _filter_units_by_property() (like
_systemctl_{stop,kill,try_restart}) work with unit names that contain backslash
escaped sequences (like automount units with spaces that are escaped to
We really don't want to get lost in adding fridge, car, plane, drone, or
whatever else, hence add a generic term "embedded" cover all the cases
where the computer is just part of something bigger, and not at the
focus of things.
Templates can be [re]enabled, on their own if the have DefaultInstance set,
and with an instance suffix in all cases. Propose just the template name
ending in @, to underline the instance suffix may have to be appended.
Likewise for start/restart.
This means that sometimes superflous units that one will not really
want to operate on will be proposed, but this seems better than
proposing a very incomplete set of names.
removed pointless index sort of bootids.
use `compadd -a' to add each array, instead of expanding possibly hundreds of words needlessly.
optional completion of -b