#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later set -ex set -o pipefail # shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh . "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh systemctl log-level debug # Test that a path unit continuously triggering a service that fails condition checks eventually fails with # the trigger-limit-hit error. rm -f /tmp/nonexistent systemctl start test63.path touch /tmp/test63 # Make sure systemd has sufficient time to hit the trigger limit for test63.path. # shellcheck disable=SC2016 timeout 30 bash -c 'while ! test "$(systemctl show test63.path -P ActiveState)" = failed; do sleep .2; done' test "$(systemctl show test63.service -P ActiveState)" = inactive test "$(systemctl show test63.service -P Result)" = success test "$(systemctl show test63.path -P Result)" = trigger-limit-hit # Test that starting the service manually doesn't affect the path unit. rm -f /tmp/test63 systemctl reset-failed systemctl start test63.path systemctl start test63.service test "$(systemctl show test63.service -P ActiveState)" = inactive test "$(systemctl show test63.service -P Result)" = success test "$(systemctl show test63.path -P ActiveState)" = active test "$(systemctl show test63.path -P Result)" = success # Test that glob matching works too, with $TRIGGER_PATH systemctl start test63-glob.path touch /tmp/test63-glob-foo timeout 60 bash -c 'while ! systemctl -q is-active test63-glob.service; do sleep .2; done' test "$(systemctl show test63-glob.service -P ActiveState)" = active test "$(systemctl show test63-glob.service -P Result)" = success test "$(busctl --json=short get-property org.freedesktop.systemd1 /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/test63_2dglob_2eservice org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit ActivationDetails)" = '{"type":"a(ss)","data":[["trigger_unit","test63-glob.path"],["trigger_path","/tmp/test63-glob-foo"]]}' systemctl stop test63-glob.path test63-glob.service test "$(busctl --json=short get-property org.freedesktop.systemd1 /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/test63_2dglob_2eservice org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit ActivationDetails)" = '{"type":"a(ss)","data":[]}' # tests for issue https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/24577#issuecomment-1522628906 rm -f /tmp/hoge systemctl start test63-issue-24577.path systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.path systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.service || : systemctl list-jobs output=$(systemctl list-jobs --no-legend) assert_not_in "test63-issue-24577.service" "$output" assert_not_in "test63-issue-24577-dep.service" "$output" touch /tmp/hoge systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.path systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.service || : systemctl list-jobs output=$(systemctl list-jobs --no-legend) assert_in "test63-issue-24577.service" "$output" assert_in "test63-issue-24577-dep.service" "$output" # even if the service is stopped, it will be soon retriggered. systemctl stop test63-issue-24577.service systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.path systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.service || : systemctl list-jobs output=$(systemctl list-jobs --no-legend) assert_in "test63-issue-24577.service" "$output" assert_in "test63-issue-24577-dep.service" "$output" rm -f /tmp/hoge systemctl stop test63-issue-24577.service systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.path systemctl status -n 0 test63-issue-24577.service || : systemctl list-jobs output=$(systemctl list-jobs --no-legend) assert_not_in "test63-issue-24577.service" "$output" assert_in "test63-issue-24577-dep.service" "$output" systemctl log-level info touch /testok