# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # This is lame, I know, but meson has no other include mechanism subdir('rules') want_man = get_option('man') want_html = get_option('html') xsltproc = find_program('xsltproc', required : want_man == 'true' or want_html == 'true') want_man = want_man != 'false' and xsltproc.found() want_html = want_html != 'false' and xsltproc.found() xsltproc_flags = [ '--nonet', '--xinclude', '--maxdepth', '9000', '--stringparam', 'man.output.quietly', '1', '--stringparam', 'funcsynopsis.style', 'ansi', '--stringparam', 'man.authors.section.enabled', '0', '--stringparam', 'man.copyright.section.enabled', '0', '--stringparam', 'systemd.version', '@0@'.format(meson.project_version()), '--path', '@0@:@1@'.format(meson.current_build_dir(), meson.current_source_dir())] custom_man_xsl = files('custom-man.xsl') custom_html_xsl = files('custom-html.xsl') xslt_cmd = [xsltproc, '-o', '@OUTPUT0@'] + xsltproc_flags custom_entities_ent = custom_target( 'custom-entities.ent', input : 'custom-entities.ent.in', output : 'custom-entities.ent', command : [meson_render_jinja2, config_h, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']) man_pages = [] html_pages = [] source_xml_files = [] dbus_docs = [] foreach tuple : manpages stem = tuple[0] section = tuple[1] aliases = tuple[2] condition = tuple[3] xml = stem + '.xml' html = stem + '.html' man = stem + '.' + section manaliases = [] htmlaliases = [] foreach alias : aliases manaliases += alias + '.' + section htmlaliases += alias + '.html' endforeach mandirn = get_option('mandir') / ('man' + section) if condition == '' or conf.get(condition) == 1 file = files(tuple[0] + '.xml') source_xml_files += file if tuple[0].startswith('org.freedesktop.') dbus_docs += file endif if xsltproc.found() p1 = custom_target( man, input : xml, output : [man] + manaliases, command : xslt_cmd + [custom_man_xsl, '@INPUT@'], depends : custom_entities_ent, install : want_man, install_dir : mandirn) man_pages += p1 p2 = [] foreach htmlalias : htmlaliases link = custom_target( htmlalias, output : htmlalias, command : [ln, '-fs', html, '@OUTPUT@']) if want_html dst = docdir / 'html' / htmlalias cmd = 'ln -fs @0@ $DESTDIR@1@'.format(html, dst) meson.add_install_script('sh', '-c', cmd) p2 += link endif html_pages += link endforeach p3 = custom_target( html, input : xml, output : html, command : xslt_cmd + [custom_html_xsl, '@INPUT@'], depends : [custom_entities_ent, p2], install : want_html, install_dir : docdir / 'html') html_pages += p3 endif else message('Skipping @0@.@1@ because @2@ is false'.format(stem, section, condition)) endif endforeach ############################################################ have_lxml = run_command(xml_helper_py, check: false).returncode() == 0 if not have_lxml message('python-lxml not available, not making man page indices') endif systemd_directives_xml = custom_target( 'systemd.directives.xml', input : ['directives-template.xml', source_xml_files], output : 'systemd.directives.xml', depends : custom_entities_ent, command : [make_directive_index_py, '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) nonindex_xml_files = source_xml_files + [systemd_directives_xml] systemd_index_xml = custom_target( 'systemd.index.xml', input : nonindex_xml_files, output : 'systemd.index.xml', command : [make_man_index_py, '@OUTPUT@'] + nonindex_xml_files) foreach tuple : xsltproc.found() ? [['systemd.directives', '7', systemd_directives_xml], ['systemd.index', '7', systemd_index_xml]] : [] stem = tuple[0] section = tuple[1] xml = tuple[2] html = stem + '.html' man = stem + '.' + section mandirn = get_option('mandir') / ('man' + section) p1 = custom_target( man, input : xml, output : man, command : xslt_cmd + [custom_man_xsl, '@INPUT@'], install : want_man and have_lxml, install_dir : mandirn) man_pages += p1 p2 = [] if html == 'systemd.index.html' htmlalias = 'index.html' link = custom_target( htmlalias, input : p2, output : htmlalias, command : [ln, '-fs', html, '@OUTPUT@']) if want_html dst = docdir / 'html' / htmlalias cmd = 'ln -fs @0@ $DESTDIR@1@'.format(html, dst) meson.add_install_script('sh', '-c', cmd) p2 += link endif html_pages += link endif p3 = custom_target( html, input : xml, output : html, command : xslt_cmd + [custom_html_xsl, '@INPUT@'], depends : [custom_entities_ent, p2], install : want_html and have_lxml, install_dir : docdir / 'html') html_pages += p3 endforeach # Cannot use run_target because those targets are used in depends # Also see https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/368. man = custom_target( 'man', output : 'man', depends : man_pages, command : [echo]) html = custom_target( 'html', output : 'html', depends : html_pages, command : [echo]) if rsync.found() run_target( 'doc-sync', depends : man_pages + html_pages, command : [rsync, '-rlv', '--delete-excluded', '--include=man', '--include=*.html', '--exclude=*', '--omit-dir-times', meson.current_build_dir(), get_option('www-target')]) endif ############################################################ buildroot_substs = configuration_data() buildroot_substs.set_quoted('BUILD_ROOT', project_build_root) configure_file( input : 'man.in', output : 'man', configuration : buildroot_substs) configure_file( input : 'html.in', output : 'html', configuration : buildroot_substs) ############################################################ update_dbus_docs = custom_target( 'update-dbus-docs', output : 'update-dbus-docs', command : [update_dbus_docs_py, '--build-dir', project_build_root, '@INPUT@'], input : dbus_docs) if conf.get('BUILD_MODE_DEVELOPER') == 1 test('dbus-docs-fresh', update_dbus_docs_py, args : ['--build-dir', project_build_root, '--test', dbus_docs], depends : dbus_programs) endif update_man_rules = custom_target( 'update-man-rules', output : 'update-man-rules', command : [sh, '-c', 'cd @0@ && '.format(project_build_root) + 'python3 @0@/tools/update-man-rules.py $(find @0@ -wholename "*/man/*.xml") >t && '.format(project_source_root) + 'mv t @0@/rules/meson.build'.format(meson.current_source_dir())], depends : custom_entities_ent)