#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # This file is distributed under the MIT license, see below. # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import glob import string import sys import os try: from pyparsing import (Word, White, Literal, ParserElement, Regex, LineEnd, OneOrMore, Combine, Or, Optional, Suppress, Group, nums, alphanums, printables, stringEnd, pythonStyleComment, QuotedString, ParseBaseException) except ImportError: print('pyparsing is not available') sys.exit(77) try: from evdev.ecodes import ecodes except ImportError: ecodes = None print('WARNING: evdev is not available') try: from functools import lru_cache except ImportError: # don't do caching on old python lru_cache = lambda: (lambda f: f) EOL = LineEnd().suppress() EMPTYLINE = LineEnd() COMMENTLINE = pythonStyleComment + EOL INTEGER = Word(nums) STRING = QuotedString('"') REAL = Combine((INTEGER + Optional('.' + Optional(INTEGER))) ^ ('.' + INTEGER)) SIGNED_REAL = Combine(Optional(Word('-+')) + REAL) UDEV_TAG = Word(string.ascii_uppercase, alphanums + '_') TYPES = {'mouse': ('usb', 'bluetooth', 'ps2', '*'), 'evdev': ('name', 'atkbd', 'input'), 'id-input': ('modalias'), 'touchpad': ('i8042', 'rmi', 'bluetooth', 'usb'), 'joystick': ('i8042', 'rmi', 'bluetooth', 'usb'), 'keyboard': ('name', ), 'sensor': ('modalias', ), } @lru_cache() def hwdb_grammar(): ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars('') prefix = Or(category + ':' + Or(conn) + ':' for category, conn in TYPES.items()) matchline = Combine(prefix + Word(printables + ' ' + '®')) + EOL propertyline = (White(' ', exact=1).suppress() + Combine(UDEV_TAG - '=' - Word(alphanums + '_=:@*.!-;, "') - Optional(pythonStyleComment)) + EOL) propertycomment = White(' ', exact=1) + pythonStyleComment + EOL group = (OneOrMore(matchline('MATCHES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()) - OneOrMore(propertyline('PROPERTIES*') ^ propertycomment.suppress()) - (EMPTYLINE ^ stringEnd()).suppress()) commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() - EMPTYLINE.suppress() grammar = OneOrMore(group('GROUPS*') ^ commentgroup) + stringEnd() return grammar @lru_cache() def property_grammar(): ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ') dpi_setting = (Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress('@') + INTEGER('HZ'))('SETTINGS*') mount_matrix_row = SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL mount_matrix = (mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row)('MOUNT_MATRIX') props = (('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(dpi_setting))), ('MOUSE_WHEEL_CLICK_ANGLE', INTEGER), ('MOUSE_WHEEL_CLICK_ANGLE_HORIZONTAL', INTEGER), ('MOUSE_WHEEL_CLICK_COUNT', INTEGER), ('MOUSE_WHEEL_CLICK_COUNT_HORIZONTAL', INTEGER), ('ID_INPUT', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_ACCELEROMETER', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_KEY', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_MOUSE', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_POINTINGSTICK', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_SWITCH', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_TABLET', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_TABLET_PAD', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN', Literal('1')), ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Literal('1')), ('MOUSE_WHEEL_TILT_HORIZONTAL', Literal('1')), ('MOUSE_WHEEL_TILT_VERTICAL', Literal('1')), ('POINTINGSTICK_SENSITIVITY', INTEGER), ('POINTINGSTICK_CONST_ACCEL', REAL), ('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))), ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))), ('XKB_FIXED_LAYOUT', STRING), ('XKB_FIXED_VARIANT', STRING), ('KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK', Literal('0')), ('KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK', Literal('0')), ('ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX', mount_matrix), ('ACCEL_LOCATION', Or(('display', 'base'))), ) fixed_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE') for name, val in props] kbd_props = [Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') - ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE') ] abs_props = [Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME') - Suppress('=') - Word(nums + ':')('VALUE') ] grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props) + EOL return grammar ERROR = False def error(fmt, *args, **kwargs): global ERROR ERROR = True print(fmt.format(*args, **kwargs)) def convert_properties(group): matches = [m[0] for m in group.MATCHES] props = [p[0] for p in group.PROPERTIES] return matches, props def parse(fname): grammar = hwdb_grammar() try: with open(fname, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: parsed = grammar.parseFile(f) except ParseBaseException as e: error('Cannot parse {}: {}', fname, e) return [] return [convert_properties(g) for g in parsed.GROUPS] def check_match_uniqueness(groups): matches = sum((group[0] for group in groups), []) matches.sort() prev = None for match in matches: if match == prev: error('Match {!r} is duplicated', match) prev = match def check_one_default(prop, settings): defaults = [s for s in settings if s.DEFAULT] if len(defaults) > 1: error('More than one star entry: {!r}', prop) def check_one_mount_matrix(prop, value): numbers = [s for s in value if s not in {';', ','}] if len(numbers) != 9: error('Wrong accel matrix: {!r}', prop) try: numbers = [abs(float(number)) for number in numbers] except ValueError: error('Wrong accel matrix: {!r}', prop) bad_x, bad_y, bad_z = max(numbers[0:3]) == 0, max(numbers[3:6]) == 0, max(numbers[6:9]) == 0 if bad_x or bad_y or bad_z: error('Mount matrix is all zero in {} row: {!r}', 'x' if bad_x else ('y' if bad_y else 'z'), prop) def check_one_keycode(prop, value): if value != '!' and ecodes is not None: key = 'KEY_' + value.upper() if key not in ecodes: key = value.upper() if key not in ecodes: error('Keycode {} unknown', key) def check_properties(groups): grammar = property_grammar() for matches, props in groups: prop_names = set() for prop in props: # print('--', prop) prop = prop.partition('#')[0].rstrip() try: parsed = grammar.parseString(prop) except ParseBaseException as e: error('Failed to parse: {!r}', prop) continue # print('{!r}'.format(parsed)) if parsed.NAME in prop_names: error('Property {} is duplicated', parsed.NAME) prop_names.add(parsed.NAME) if parsed.NAME == 'MOUSE_DPI': check_one_default(prop, parsed.VALUE.SETTINGS) elif parsed.NAME == 'ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX': check_one_mount_matrix(prop, parsed.VALUE) elif parsed.NAME.startswith('KEYBOARD_KEY_'): check_one_keycode(prop, parsed.VALUE) def print_summary(fname, groups): n_matches = sum(len(matches) for matches, props in groups) n_props = sum(len(props) for matches, props in groups) print('{}: {} match groups, {} matches, {} properties' .format(fname, len(groups), n_matches, n_props)) if n_matches == 0 or n_props == 0: error('{}: no matches or props'.format(fname)) if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] or glob.glob(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/[67]0-*.hwdb') for fname in args: groups = parse(fname) print_summary(fname, groups) check_match_uniqueness(groups) check_properties(groups) sys.exit(ERROR)