#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2016 set -eux # shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh . "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh systemd-analyze log-level debug run_with_cred_compare() ( local cred="${1:?}" local exp="${2?}" local log_file shift 2 log_file="$(mktemp)" # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "rm -f '$log_file'" RETURN set -o pipefail systemd-run -p SetCredential="$cred" --wait --pipe -- systemd-creds "$@" | tee "$log_file" diff "$log_file" <(echo -ne "$exp") ) # Sanity checks # # Create a dummy "full" disk (similar to /dev/full) to check out-of-space # scenarios mkdir /tmp/full mount -t tmpfs -o size=1,nr_inodes=1 tmpfs /tmp/full # verb: setup # Run this first, otherwise any encrypted credentials wouldn't be decryptable # as we regenerate the host key rm -fv /var/lib/systemd/credential.secret systemd-creds setup test -e /var/lib/systemd/credential.secret rm -fv /var/lib/systemd/credential.secret # Prepare a couple of dummy credentials for the cat/list verbs CRED_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" ENC_CRED_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" echo foo >"$CRED_DIR/secure-or-weak" echo foo >"$CRED_DIR/insecure" echo foo | systemd-creds --name="encrypted" encrypt - "$ENC_CRED_DIR/encrypted" echo foo | systemd-creds encrypt - "$ENC_CRED_DIR/encrypted-unnamed" chmod -R 0400 "$CRED_DIR" "$ENC_CRED_DIR" chmod -R 0444 "$CRED_DIR/insecure" mkdir /tmp/empty/ systemd-creds --system systemd-creds --no-pager --help systemd-creds --version systemd-creds has-tpm2 || : systemd-creds has-tpm2 -q || : # verb: list systemd-creds list --system ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$ENC_CRED_DIR" CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$CRED_DIR" systemd-creds list --no-legend ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$ENC_CRED_DIR" CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$CRED_DIR" systemd-creds list --json=pretty | jq ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$ENC_CRED_DIR" CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$CRED_DIR" systemd-creds list --json=short | jq ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$ENC_CRED_DIR" CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$CRED_DIR" systemd-creds list --json=off ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="/tmp/empty/" CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="/tmp/empty/" systemd-creds list # verb: cat for cred in secure-or-weak insecure encrypted encrypted-unnamed; do ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$ENC_CRED_DIR" CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY="$CRED_DIR" systemd-creds cat "$cred" done run_with_cred_compare "mycred:" "" cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:\n" "\n" cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foofoofoo" cat mycred mycred mycred # Note: --newline= does nothing when stdout is not a tty, which is the case here run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" --newline=yes cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" --newline=no cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" --newline=auto cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" --transcode=no cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" --transcode=0 cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "foo" --transcode=false cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:foo" "Zm9v" --transcode=base64 cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:Zm9v" "foo" --transcode=unbase64 cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:Zm9v" "foofoofoo" --transcode=unbase64 cat mycred mycred mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:Zm9vCg==" "foo\n" --transcode=unbase64 cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:hello world" "68656c6c6f20776f726c64" --transcode=hex cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:68656c6c6f20776f726c64" "hello world" --transcode=unhex cat mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:68656c6c6f20776f726c64" "hello worldhello world" --transcode=unhex cat mycred mycred run_with_cred_compare "mycred:68656c6c6f0a776f726c64" "hello\nworld" --transcode=unhex cat mycred run_with_cred_compare 'mycred:{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : [ 3, 4 ] }' '{"foo":"bar","baz":[3,4]}\n' --json=short cat mycred systemd-run -p SetCredential='mycred:{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : [ 3, 4 ] }' --wait --pipe -- systemd-creds --json=pretty cat mycred | jq # verb: encrypt/decrypt echo "According to all known laws of aviation..." >/tmp/cred.orig systemd-creds --with-key=host encrypt /tmp/cred.orig /tmp/cred.enc systemd-creds decrypt /tmp/cred.enc /tmp/cred.dec diff /tmp/cred.orig /tmp/cred.dec rm -f /tmp/cred.{enc,dec} # --pretty cred_name="fo'''o''bar" cred_option="$(systemd-creds --pretty --name="$cred_name" encrypt /tmp/cred.orig -)" mkdir -p /run/systemd/system cat >/run/systemd/system/test-54-pretty-cred.service </tmp/ts54-concat (cat /etc/passwd /etc/shadow && echo -n wuff) | cmp /tmp/ts54-concat rm /tmp/ts54-concat # Test that SetCredential= acts as fallback for LoadCredential= echo piff >/tmp/ts54-fallback [ "$(systemd-run -p LoadCredential=paff:/tmp/ts54-fallback -p SetCredential=paff:poff --pipe --wait systemd-creds cat paff)" = "piff" ] rm /tmp/ts54-fallback [ "$(systemd-run -p LoadCredential=paff:/tmp/ts54-fallback -p SetCredential=paff:poff --pipe --wait systemd-creds cat paff)" = "poff" ] if systemd-detect-virt -q -c ; then expected_credential=mynspawncredential expected_value=strangevalue elif [ -d /sys/firmware/qemu_fw_cfg/by_name ]; then # Verify that passing creds through kernel cmdline works [ "$(systemd-creds --system cat kernelcmdlinecred)" = "uff" ] [ "$(systemd-creds --system cat waldi)" = "woooofffwufffwuff" ] # And that it also works via SMBIOS [ "$(systemd-creds --system cat smbioscredential)" = "magicdata" ] [ "$(systemd-creds --system cat binarysmbioscredential)" = "magicbinarydata" ] # If we aren't run in nspawn, we are run in qemu systemd-detect-virt -q -v expected_credential=myqemucredential expected_value=othervalue # Verify that writing a sysctl via the kernel cmdline worked [ "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/domainname)" = "sysctltest" ] # Verify that creating a user via sysusers via the kernel cmdline worked grep -q ^credtestuser: /etc/passwd # Verify that writing a file via tmpfiles worked [ "$(cat /tmp/sourcedfromcredential)" = "tmpfilessecret" ] [ "$(cat /etc/motd.d/50-provision.conf)" = "hello" ] [ "$(cat /etc/issue.d/50-provision.conf)" = "welcome" ] # Verify that adding a unit and drop-in via credentials worked systemctl start my-service test -f /tmp/unit-cred test -f /tmp/unit-dropin test -f /tmp/unit-named-dropin else echo "qemu_fw_cfg support missing in kernel. Sniff!" expected_credential="" expected_value="" fi if [ "$expected_credential" != "" ] ; then # If this test is run in nspawn a credential should have been passed to us. See test/TEST-54-CREDS/test.sh [ "$(systemd-creds --system cat "$expected_credential")" = "$expected_value" ] # Test that propagation from system credential to service credential works [ "$(systemd-run -p LoadCredential="$expected_credential" --pipe --wait systemd-creds cat "$expected_credential")" = "$expected_value" ] # Check it also works, if we rename it while propagating it [ "$(systemd-run -p LoadCredential=miau:"$expected_credential" --pipe --wait systemd-creds cat miau)" = "$expected_value" ] # Combine it with a fallback (which should have no effect, given the cred should be passed down) [ "$(systemd-run -p LoadCredential="$expected_credential" -p SetCredential="$expected_credential":zzz --pipe --wait systemd-creds cat "$expected_credential")" = "$expected_value" ] # This should succeed systemd-run -p AssertCredential="$expected_credential" -p Type=oneshot true # And this should fail (! systemd-run -p AssertCredential="undefinedcredential" -p Type=oneshot true) fi # Verify that the creds are immutable (! systemd-run -p LoadCredential=passwd:/etc/passwd \ -p DynamicUser=1 \ --unit=test-54-immutable-touch.service \ --wait \ touch '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/passwd') (! systemd-run -p LoadCredential=passwd:/etc/passwd \ -p DynamicUser=1 \ --unit=test-54-immutable-rm.service \ --wait \ rm '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/passwd') # Check directory-based loading mkdir -p /tmp/ts54-creds/sub echo -n a >/tmp/ts54-creds/foo echo -n b >/tmp/ts54-creds/bar echo -n c >/tmp/ts54-creds/baz echo -n d >/tmp/ts54-creds/sub/qux systemd-run -p LoadCredential=cred:/tmp/ts54-creds \ -p DynamicUser=1 \ --unit=test-54-dir.service \ --wait \ --pipe \ cat '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/cred_foo' \ '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/cred_bar' \ '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/cred_baz' \ '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/cred_sub_qux' >/tmp/ts54-concat cmp /tmp/ts54-concat <(echo -n abcd) rm /tmp/ts54-concat rm -rf /tmp/ts54-creds # Check that globs work as expected mkdir -p /run/credstore echo -n a >/run/credstore/test.creds.first # Make sure that when multiple credentials of the same name are found, the first one is used (/etc/credstore # is searched before /run/credstore). echo -n ignored >/run/credstore/test.creds.second mkdir -p /etc/credstore echo -n b >/etc/credstore/test.creds.second echo -n c >/etc/credstore/test.creds.third systemd-run -p "ImportCredential=test.creds.*" \ --unit=test-54-ImportCredential.service \ -p DynamicUser=1 \ --wait \ --pipe \ cat '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/test.creds.first' \ '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/test.creds.second' \ '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/test.creds.third' >/tmp/ts54-concat cmp /tmp/ts54-concat <(echo -n abc) # Now test encrypted credentials (only supported when built with OpenSSL though) if systemctl --version | grep -q -- +OPENSSL ; then echo -n $RANDOM >/tmp/test-54-plaintext systemd-creds encrypt --name=test-54 /tmp/test-54-plaintext /tmp/test-54-ciphertext systemd-creds decrypt --name=test-54 /tmp/test-54-ciphertext | cmp /tmp/test-54-plaintext systemd-run -p LoadCredentialEncrypted=test-54:/tmp/test-54-ciphertext \ --wait \ --pipe \ cat '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/test-54' | cmp /tmp/test-54-plaintext echo -n $RANDOM >/tmp/test-54-plaintext systemd-creds encrypt --name=test-54 /tmp/test-54-plaintext /tmp/test-54-ciphertext systemd-creds decrypt --name=test-54 /tmp/test-54-ciphertext | cmp /tmp/test-54-plaintext systemd-run -p SetCredentialEncrypted=test-54:"$(cat /tmp/test-54-ciphertext)" \ --wait \ --pipe \ cat '${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/test-54' | cmp /tmp/test-54-plaintext rm /tmp/test-54-plaintext /tmp/test-54-ciphertext fi # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/27275 systemd-run -p DynamicUser=yes -p 'LoadCredential=os:/etc/os-release' \ -p 'ExecStartPre=true' \ -p 'ExecStartPre=systemd-creds cat os' \ --unit=test-54-exec-start-pre.service \ --wait \ --pipe \ true | cmp /etc/os-release # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/31194 systemd-run -p DynamicUser=yes -p 'LoadCredential=os:/etc/os-release' \ -p 'ExecStartPost=systemd-creds cat os' \ --unit=test-54-exec-start-post.service \ --service-type=oneshot --wait --pipe \ true | cmp /etc/os-release # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/24734#issuecomment-1925440546 # Also ExecStartPre= should be able to update creds dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/cred-huge bs=600K count=1 chmod 777 /tmp/cred-huge systemd-run -p ProtectSystem=full \ -p 'LoadCredential=huge:/tmp/cred-huge' \ -p 'ExecStartPre=true' \ -p 'ExecStartPre=bash -c "echo fresh >/tmp/cred-huge"' \ --unit=test-54-huge-cred.service \ --wait --pipe \ systemd-creds cat huge | cmp - <(echo "fresh") rm /tmp/cred-huge echo stable >/tmp/cred-stable systemd-run -p 'LoadCredential=stable:/tmp/cred-stable' \ -p 'ExecStartPost=systemd-creds cat stable' \ --unit=test-54-stable.service \ --service-type=oneshot --wait --pipe \ bash -c "echo bogus >/tmp/cred-stable" | cmp - <(echo "stable") assert_eq "$(cat /tmp/cred-stable)" "bogus" rm /tmp/cred-stable if ! systemd-detect-virt -q -c ; then # Validate that the credential we inserted via the initrd logic arrived test "$(systemd-creds cat --system myinitrdcred)" = "guatemala" # Check that the fstab credential logic worked test -d /injected grep -q /injected /proc/self/mountinfo # Make sure the getty generator processed the credentials properly systemctl -P Wants show getty.target | grep -q container-getty@idontexist.service fi # Decrypt/encrypt via varlink echo '{"data":"Zm9vYmFyCg=="}' > /tmp/vlcredsdata varlinkctl call /run/systemd/io.systemd.Credentials io.systemd.Credentials.Encrypt "$(cat /tmp/vlcredsdata)" | \ varlinkctl call --json=short /run/systemd/io.systemd.Credentials io.systemd.Credentials.Decrypt > /tmp/vlcredsdata2 cmp /tmp/vlcredsdata /tmp/vlcredsdata2 rm /tmp/vlcredsdata /tmp/vlcredsdata2 clean_usertest() { rm -f /tmp/usertest.data /tmp/usertest.data } trap clean_usertest EXIT dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/usertest.data bs=4096 count=1 systemd-creds encrypt --user /tmp/usertest.data /tmp/usertest.cred systemd-creds decrypt --user /tmp/usertest.cred - | cmp /tmp/usertest.data # Decryption must fail if it's not done in user context (! systemd-creds decrypt /tmp/usertest.cred - ) # Decryption must also fail if a different user is used (! systemd-creds decrypt --user --uid=65534 /tmp/usertest.cred - ) # Try the reverse systemd-creds encrypt --user --uid=65534 /tmp/usertest.data /tmp/usertest.cred (! systemd-creds decrypt --user /tmp/usertest.cred - ) systemd-creds decrypt --user --uid=65534 /tmp/usertest.cred - | cmp /tmp/usertest.data systemd-creds encrypt --user /tmp/usertest.data /tmp/usertest.creds --name=mytest # Make sure we actually can decode this in user context systemctl start user@0.service XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 systemd-run --pipe --user --unit=waldi.service -p LoadCredentialEncrypted=mytest:/tmp/usertest.creds cat /run/user/0/credentials/waldi.service/mytest | cmp /tmp/usertest.data systemd-analyze log-level info touch /testok