mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:58:26 +03:00
In general, it's better to avoid a negation. And "!" is special, because it is used for history expansion, i.e. the same command would behave differently if pasted on the command line. Inspired by 4a899c5a239eb50df3f596af4ff145f4a2d33f23.
219 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable File
219 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
set -eux
set -o pipefail
# shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh
. "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh
export PAGER=
at_exit() {
set +e
machinectl status long-running >/dev/null && machinectl kill --signal=KILL long-running
mountpoint -q /var/lib/machines && timeout 10 sh -c "until umount /var/lib/machines; do sleep .5; done"
[[ -n "${NSPAWN_FRAGMENT:-}" ]] && rm -f "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" "/var/lib/machines/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
rm -f /run/systemd/nspawn/*.nspawn
trap at_exit EXIT
# Mount tmpfs over /var/lib/machines to not pollute the image
mkdir -p /var/lib/machines
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/lib/machines
# Create a couple of containers we can refer to in tests
for i in {0..4}; do
create_dummy_container "/var/lib/machines/container$i"
machinectl start "container$i"
# Create one "long running" container with some basic signal handling
create_dummy_container /var/lib/machines/long-running
cat >/var/lib/machines/long-running/sbin/init <<\EOF
#!/usr/bin/bash -x
trap "touch /poweroff" RTMIN+4
trap "touch /reboot" INT
trap "touch /trap" TRAP
trap 'kill $PID' EXIT
# We need to wait for the sleep process asynchronously in order to allow
# bash to process signals
sleep infinity &
while :; do
wait || :
machinectl start long-running
machinectl --no-pager --help
machinectl --version
machinectl list
machinectl list --no-legend --no-ask-password
machinectl status long-running long-running long-running
machinectl status --full long-running
machinectl status --quiet --lines=1 long-running
machinectl status --lines=0 --max-addresses=0 long-running
machinectl status --machine=testuser@.host long-running
machinectl status --output=help long-running
while read -r output; do
machinectl status --output="$output" long-running
done < <(machinectl --output=help)
machinectl show
machinectl show --all
machinectl show --all --machine=root@
machinectl show --all --machine=testuser@
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=PoolPath --value)" == "/var/lib/machines" ]]
machinectl show long-running
machinectl show long-running long-running long-running --all
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=RootDirectory --value long-running)" == "/var/lib/machines/long-running" ]]
machinectl enable long-running
test -L /etc/systemd/system/machines.target.wants/systemd-nspawn@long-running.service
machinectl enable long-running long-running long-running container1
machinectl disable long-running
test ! -L /etc/systemd/system/machines.target.wants/systemd-nspawn@long-running.service
machinectl disable long-running long-running long-running container1
[[ "$(machinectl shell testuser@ /usr/bin/bash -c 'echo -ne $FOO')" == "" ]]
[[ "$(machinectl shell --setenv=FOO=bar testuser@ /usr/bin/bash -c 'echo -ne $FOO')" == "bar" ]]
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=State --value long-running)" == "running" ]]
# Equivalent to machinectl kill --signal=SIGRTMIN+4 --kill-whom=leader
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/poweroff
machinectl poweroff long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/poweroff; do sleep .5; done"
# Equivalent to machinectl kill --signal=SIGINT --kill-whom=leader
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/reboot
machinectl reboot long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/reboot; do sleep .5; done"
# Skip machinectl terminate for now, as it doesn't play well with our "init"
rm -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/trap
machinectl kill --signal=SIGTRAP --kill-whom=leader long-running
timeout 10 bash -c "until test -e /var/lib/machines/long-running/trap; do sleep .5; done"
# Multiple machines at once
machinectl poweroff long-running long-running long-running
machinectl reboot long-running long-running long-running
machinectl kill --signal=SIGTRAP --kill-whom=leader long-running long-running long-running
# All used signals should've been caught by a handler
[[ "$(machinectl show --property=State --value long-running)" == "running" ]]
cp /etc/machine-id /tmp/foo
machinectl copy-to long-running /tmp/foo /root/foo
test -f /var/lib/machines/long-running/root/foo
machinectl copy-from long-running /root/foo /tmp/bar
diff /tmp/foo /tmp/bar
rm -f /tmp/{foo,bar}
# machinectl bind is covered by testcase_check_machinectl_bind() in nspawn tests
machinectl list-images
machinectl list-images --no-legend
machinectl image-status
machinectl image-status container1
machinectl image-status container1 container1 container{0..4}
machinectl show-image
machinectl show-image container1
machinectl show-image container1 container1 container{0..4}
machinectl clone container1 clone1
machinectl show-image clone1
machinectl rename clone1 clone2
(! machinectl show-image clone1)
machinectl show-image clone2
if lsattr -d /var/lib/machines >/dev/null; then
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=ReadOnly --value clone2)" == no ]]
machinectl read-only clone2 yes
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=ReadOnly --value clone2)" == yes ]]
machinectl read-only clone2 no
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=ReadOnly --value clone2)" == no ]]
machinectl remove clone2
for i in {0..4}; do
machinectl clone container1 "clone$i"
machinectl remove clone{0..4}
for i in {0..4}; do
machinectl clone container1 ".hidden$i"
machinectl list-images --all
test -d /var/lib/machines/.hidden1
machinectl clean
test ! -d /var/lib/machines/.hidden1
# Prepare a simple raw container
mkdir -p /tmp/mnt
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/container.raw bs=1M count=64
mkfs.ext4 /tmp/container.raw
mount -o loop /tmp/container.raw /tmp/mnt
cp -r /var/lib/machines/container1/* /tmp/mnt
umount /tmp/mnt
# Try to import it, run it, export it, and re-import it
machinectl import-raw /tmp/container.raw container-raw
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-raw)" == "raw" ]]
machinectl start container-raw
machinectl export-raw container-raw /tmp/container-export.raw
machinectl import-raw /tmp/container-export.raw container-raw-reimport
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-raw-reimport)" == "raw" ]]
rm -f /tmp/container{,-export}.raw
# Prepare a simple tar.gz container
tar -pczf /tmp/container.tar.gz -C /var/lib/machines/container1 .
# Try to import it, run it, export it, and re-import it
machinectl import-tar /tmp/container.tar.gz container-tar
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-tar)" == "directory" ]]
machinectl start container-tar
machinectl export-tar container-tar /tmp/container-export.tar.gz
machinectl import-tar /tmp/container-export.tar.gz container-tar-reimport
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-tar-reimport)" == "directory" ]]
rm -f /tmp/container{,-export}.tar.gz
# Try to import a container directory & run it
cp -r /var/lib/machines/container1 /tmp/container.dir
machinectl import-fs /tmp/container.dir container-dir
[[ "$(machinectl show-image --property=Type --value container-dir)" == "directory" ]]
machinectl start container-dir
rm -fr /tmp/container.dir
timeout 10 bash -c "until machinectl clean --all; do sleep .5; done"
cat >"/var/lib/machines/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" <<EOF
machinectl cat "$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
EDITOR=true script -qec "machinectl edit $NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" /dev/null
test -f "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
diff "/var/lib/machines/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
cat >/tmp/fragment.nspawn <<EOF
machinectl cat /tmp/fragment.nspawn
EDITOR="cp /tmp/fragment.nspawn" script -qec "machinectl edit $NSPAWN_FRAGMENT" /dev/null
diff /tmp/fragment.nspawn "/etc/systemd/nspawn/$NSPAWN_FRAGMENT"
for opt in format lines machine max-addresses output setenv verify; do
(! machinectl status "--$opt=" long-running)
(! machinectl status "--$opt=-1" long-running)
(! machinectl status "--$opt=''" long-running)
(! machinectl show "")
(! machinectl enable)
(! machinectl enable "")
(! machinectl disable)
(! machinectl disable "")
(! machinectl read-only container1 "")
(! machinectl read-only container1 foo)
(! machinectl read-only container1 -- -1)