mirror of https://github.com/systemd/systemd.git synced 2025-01-10 05:18:17 +03:00
Ronan Pigott 8a8caeccb2 zsh: stop forcing unit file cache rebuilds
Rebuilding whenever the cached parameter is not set forces each new
shell to rebuild the cache, which often defeates the purpose of caching
in the first place.
2023-07-17 16:38:25 -07:00

533 lines
20 KiB

#compdef systemctl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
(( $+functions[_systemctl_commands] )) || _systemctl_commands()
local expl i
local -a unit_commands=(
# Unit Commands
"list-automounts:List automounts"
"list-paths:List paths"
"list-sockets:List sockets"
"list-timers:List timers"
"list-units:List units"
"start:Start (activate) one or more units"
"stop:Stop (deactivate) one or more units"
"reload:Reload one or more units"
"restart:Start or restart one or more units"
"condrestart:Restart one or more units if active"
"try-restart:Restart one or more units if active"
"reload-or-restart:Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise start or restart"
"force-reload:Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise restart if active"
"try-reload-or-restart:Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise restart if active"
"isolate:Start one unit and stop all others"
"kill:Send signal to processes of a unit"
"is-active:Check whether units are active"
"is-failed:Check whether units are failed"
"status:Show runtime status of one or more units"
"show:Show properties of one or more units/jobs or the manager"
"cat:Show the source unit files and drop-ins"
"set-property:Sets one or more properties of a unit"
"service-log-level:Get or set the logging threshold for service"
"service-log-target:Get or set the logging target for service"
"help:Show documentation for specified units"
"reset-failed:Reset failed state for all, one, or more units"
"list-dependencies:Show unit dependency tree"
"clean:Remove configuration, state, cache, logs or runtime data of units"
"bind:Bind mount a path from the host into a unit's namespace"
"mount-image:Mount an image from the host into a unit's namespace"
"whoami:Determines as part of which unit the command is being invoked"
local -a machine_commands=(
# Machine Commands
"list-machines:List the host and all running local containers"
local -a unit_file_commands=(
# Unit File Commands
"list-unit-files:List installed unit files"
"enable:Enable one or more unit files"
"disable:Disable one or more unit files"
"reenable:Reenable one or more unit files"
"preset:Enable/disable one or more unit files based on preset configuration"
"preset-all:Enable/disable all unit files based on preset configuration"
"is-enabled:Check whether unit files are enabled"
"mask:Mask one or more units"
"unmask:Unmask one or more units"
"link:Link one or more units files into the search path"
"revert:Revert unit files to their vendor versions"
"add-wants:Add Wants= dependencies to a unit"
"add-requires:Add Requires= dependencies to a unit"
"set-default:Set the default target"
"get-default:Query the default target"
"edit:Edit one or more unit files"
local -a job_commands=(
# Job Commands
"list-jobs:List jobs"
"cancel:Cancel all, one, or more jobs"
local -a environment_commands=(
# Environment Commands
"show-environment:Dump environment"
"set-environment:Set one or more environment variables"
"unset-environment:Unset one or more environment variables"
"import-environment:Import environment variables set on the client"
local -a manager_state_commands=(
# Manager State Commands
"daemon-reload:Reload systemd manager configuration"
"daemon-reexec:Reexecute systemd manager"
"log-level:Get or set the log level"
"log-target:Get or set the log target"
"service-watchdogs:Get or set the state of software watchdogs"
local -a system_commands=(
# System Commands
"is-system-running:Query overall status of the system"
"default:Enter system default mode"
"rescue:Enter system rescue mode"
"emergency:Enter system emergency mode"
"halt:Shut down and halt the system"
"suspend:Suspend the system"
"poweroff:Shut down and power-off the system"
"reboot:Shut down and reboot the system"
"soft-reboot:Shut down and reboot the userspace"
"kexec:Shut down and reboot the system with kexec"
"exit:Ask for user instance termination"
"switch-root:Change root directory"
"hibernate:Hibernate the system"
"hybrid-sleep:Hibernate and suspend the system"
"suspend-then-hibernate:Suspend the system for a period of time, and then hibernate it"
local -a groups=( unit machine unit_file job environment manager_state system )
local -a _systemctl_cmds
for i in $groups; do
_systemctl_cmds+=( "${(@P)${:-"${i}_commands"}}" )
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_tags ${^groups//_/-}-commands
while _tags; do
for i in $groups; do
if _requested ${i//_/-}-commands; then
_describe -t ${i//_/-}-commands "${i//_/ } command" ${i}_commands \
&& ret=0
local curcontext="$curcontext"
# Deal with any aliases
case $cmd in
condrestart) cmd="try-restart";;
force-reload) cmd="try-reload-or-restart";;
if (( $#cmd )); then
local update_policy
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _systemctl_caching_policy
_call_function ret _systemctl_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
_message "unknown systemctl command: $words[1]"
return ret
# @todo _systemd-run has a helper with the same name, so we must redefine
command systemctl $_sys_service_mgr --full --legend=no --no-pager --plain "$@" 2>/dev/null
# Fills the unit list
(( $+functions[_systemctl_all_units] )) ||
if _cache_invalid SYS_ALL_UNITS$_sys_service_mgr || ! _retrieve_cache SYS_ALL_UNITS$_sys_service_mgr;
_sys_all_units=( ${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-units --all)"}%% *} )
_store_cache SYS_ALL_UNITS$_sys_service_mgr _sys_all_units
# Fills the unit list including all file units
(( $+functions[_systemctl_really_all_units] )) ||
local -a all_unit_files;
local -a really_all_units;
if _cache_invalid SYS_REALLY_ALL_UNITS$_sys_service_mgr || ! _retrieve_cache SYS_REALLY_ALL_UNITS$_sys_service_mgr;
all_unit_files=( ${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-unit-files)"}%% *} )
really_all_units=($_sys_all_units $all_unit_files)
_store_cache SYS_REALLY_ALL_UNITS$_sys_service_mgr _sys_really_all_units
(( $+functions[_filter_units_by_property] )) ||
_filter_units_by_property() {
local property=$1 value=$2; shift 2
local -a units; units=("${(q-)@}")
local -A props
props=(${(f)"$(_call_program units "$service $_sys_service_mgr show --no-pager --property=\"Id,$property\" -- ${units} 2>/dev/null")"})
echo -E - "${(@g:o:)${(k@)props[(Re)$property=$value]}#Id=}"
(( $+functions[_systemctl_get_non_template_names] )) ||
_systemctl_get_non_template_names() { echo -E - ${^${(R)${(f)"$(
__systemctl list-unit-files
__systemctl list-units --all
)"}:#*@.*}%%[[:space:]]*} }
(( $+functions[_systemctl_get_template_names] )) ||
_systemctl_get_template_names() { echo -E - ${^${(M)${(f)"$(__systemctl list-unit-files)"}##*@.[^[:space:]]##}%%@.*}\@ }
(( $+functions[_systemctl_active_units] )) ||
_systemctl_active_units() {_sys_active_units=( ${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-units)"}%% *} )}
(( $+functions[_systemctl_startable_units] )) ||
_sys_startable_units=( $( _filter_units_by_property ActiveState inactive $(
_filter_units_by_property CanStart yes ${${${(f)"$(
__systemctl list-unit-files --state enabled,enabled-runtime,linked,linked-runtime,static,indirect,disabled,generated,transient
__systemctl list-units --state inactive,failed
)) )
(( $+functions[_systemctl_restartable_units] )) ||
_sys_restartable_units=( $( _filter_units_by_property CanStart yes ${${${(f)"$(
__systemctl list-unit-files --state enabled,disabled,static
__systemctl list-units
)"}:#*@.*}%%[[:space:]]*} ) )
(( $+functions[_systemctl_failed_units] )) ||
_systemctl_failed_units() {_sys_failed_units=( ${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-units --state=failed)"}%% *} ) }
(( $+functions[_systemctl_unit_state] )) ||
_systemctl_unit_state() {
setopt localoptions extendedglob
typeset -gA _sys_unit_state
_sys_unit_state=( ${=${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-unit-files)"}%%[[:space:]]#}% *} )
local fun
# Completion functions for ALL_UNITS
for fun in cat mask ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
_wanted systemd-units expl unit \
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_really_all_units
# Completion functions for NONTEMPLATE_UNITS
for fun in is-active is-failed is-enabled status show preset help list-dependencies edit revert add-wants add-requires set-property; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
_wanted systemd-units expl unit \
compadd "$@" - $(_systemctl_get_non_template_names)
# Completion functions for ENABLED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_disable] )) || _systemctl_disable()
local _sys_unit_state; _systemctl_unit_state
_wanted systemd-units expl 'enabled unit' \
compadd "$@" - ${(k)_sys_unit_state[(R)enabled]}
(( $+functions[_systemctl_reenable] )) || _systemctl_reenable()
local _sys_unit_state; _systemctl_unit_state
_wanted systemd-units expl 'enabled/disabled unit' \
compadd "$@" - ${(k)_sys_unit_state[(R)(enabled|disabled)]} $(_systemctl_get_template_names)
# Completion functions for DISABLED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_enable] )) || _systemctl_enable()
local _sys_unit_state; _systemctl_unit_state
_wanted systemd-units expl 'disabled unit' \
compadd "$@" - ${(k)_sys_unit_state[(R)disabled]} $(_systemctl_get_template_names)
# Completion functions for FAILED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_reset-failed] )) || _systemctl_reset-failed()
local _sys_failed_units; _systemctl_failed_units
_wanted systemd-units expl 'failed unit' \
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_failed_units || _message "no failed unit found"
# Completion functions for STARTABLE_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_start] )) || _systemctl_start()
local _sys_startable_units; _systemctl_startable_units
_wanted systemd-units expl 'startable unit' \
compadd "$@" - ${_sys_startable_units[*]}
# Completion functions for STOPPABLE_UNITS
for fun in stop kill try-restart condrestart ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
local _sys_active_units; _systemctl_active_units
_wanted systemd-units expl 'stoppable unit' \
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property CanStop yes \
${_sys_active_units[*]} )
(( $+functions[_systemctl_service-log-level] )) ||
_systemctl_service-log-level() {
local -a log_levels=( emerg alert crit err warning notice info debug )
local _sys_active_units; _systemctl_active_units
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
_wanted systemd-units expl 'active unit' \
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_active_units || _message "no units found"
compadd "$@" -a - log_levels
(( $+functions[_systemctl_service-log-target] )) ||
_systemctl_service-log-target() {
local -a log_targets=( console kmsg journal syslog null auto )
local _sys_active_units; _systemctl_active_units
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
_wanted systemd-units expl 'active unit' \
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_active_units || _message "no units found"
compadd "$@" -a - log_targets
# Completion functions for ISOLATABLE_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_isolate] )) || _systemctl_isolate()
_wanted systemd-units expl 'isolatable unit' \
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property AllowIsolate yes \
${_sys_all_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for RELOADABLE_UNITS
for fun in reload try-reload-or-restart force-reload ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
local _sys_active_units; _systemctl_active_units
_wanted systemd-units expl 'reloadable unit' \
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property CanReload yes \
${_sys_active_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for RESTARTABLE_UNITS
for fun in restart reload-or-restart ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
local _sys_restartable_units; _systemctl_restartable_units
_wanted systemd-units expl 'restartable unit' \
compadd "$@" - ${_sys_restartable_units[*]}
# Completion functions for MASKED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_unmask] )) || _systemctl_unmask()
local _sys_unit_state; _systemctl_unit_state
_wanted systemd-units expl 'masked unit' \
compadd "$@" - ${(k)_sys_unit_state[(R)masked]} || _message "no masked units found"
# Completion functions for JOBS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_cancel] )) || _systemctl_cancel()
_wanted systemd-jobs expl job \
compadd "$@" - ${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-jobs)"}%% *} ||
_message "no jobs found"
# Completion functions for TARGETS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_set-default] )) || _systemctl_set-default()
_wanted systemd-targets expl target \
compadd "$@" - ${${(f)"$(__systemctl list-unit-files --type target --all)"}%% *} ||
_message "no targets found"
# Completion functions for ENVS
for fun in set-environment unset-environment ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
local fun=$0 ; fun=${fun##_systemctl_}
local suf
if [[ "${fun}" = "set-environment" ]]; then
_wanted systemd-environment expl 'environment variable' \
compadd "$@" ${suf} - ${${(f)"$(systemctl show-environment)"}%%=*}
(( $+functions[_systemctl_import-environment] )) || _systemctl_import-environment()
(( $+functions[_systemctl_link] )) || _systemctl_link() {
(( $+functions[_systemctl_switch-root] )) || _systemctl_switch-root() {
(( $+functions[_systemctl_bind] )) || _systemctl_bind() {
(( $+functions[_systemctl_mount-image] )) || _systemctl_mount-image() {
# no systemctl completion for:
# [STANDALONE]='daemon-reexec daemon-reload default
# emergency exit halt kexec list-jobs list-units
# list-unit-files poweroff reboot rescue show-environment'
(( $+functions[_systemctl_caching_policy] )) ||
local _sysunits
local -a oldcache
# rebuild if cache is more than a day old
oldcache=( "$1"(mh+1) )
(( $#oldcache )) && return 0
_sysunits=(${${(f)"$(__systemctl --all)"}%% *})
if (( $#_sysunits )); then
for unit in $_sysunits; do
[[ "$unit" -nt "$1" ]] && return 0
return 1
(( $+functions[_systemctl_unit_states] )) ||
_systemctl_unit_states() {
local -a _states
_states=("${(fo)$(__systemctl --state=help)}")
_values -s , "${_states[@]}"
(( $+functions[_systemctl_unit_types] )) ||
_systemctl_unit_types() {
local -a _types
_types=("${(fo)$(__systemctl -t help)}")
_values -s , "${_types[@]}"
(( $+functions[_systemctl_unit_properties] )) ||
_systemctl_unit_properties() {
if ( [[ ${+_sys_all_properties} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid SYS_ALL_PROPERTIES$_sys_service_mgr ) ||
! _retrieve_cache SYS_ALL_PROPERTIES$_sys_service_mgr;
_sys_all_properties=( ${${(M)${(f)"$({{ROOTLIBEXECDIR}}/systemd --dump-bus-properties)"}}} )
_store_cache SYS_ALL_PROPERTIES$_sys_service_mgr _sys_all_properties
_values -s , "${_sys_all_properties[@]}"
(( $+functions[_systemctl_job_modes] )) ||
_systemctl_job_modes() {
local -a _modes
_modes=(fail replace replace-irreversibly isolate ignore-dependencies ignore-requirements flush)
_values -s , "${_modes[@]}"
(( $+functions[_systemctl_timestamp] )) ||
_systemctl_timestamp() {
local -a _styles
_styles=(help pretty us µs utc us+utc µs+utc)
_values -s , "${_styles[@]}"
(( $+functions[_systemctl_check_inhibitors] )) ||
_systemctl_check_inhibitors() {
local -a _modes
_modes=(auto yes no)
_values -s , "${_modes[@]}"
# Build arguments for "systemctl" to be used in completion.
# Use the last mode, or --system (they are exclusive and the last one is used).
local _sys_service_mgr=${words[(R)(--user|--system)]:---system}
_arguments -s \
{-h,--help}'[Show help]' \
'--version[Show package version]' \
{-t+,--type=}'[List only units of a particular type]:unit type:_systemctl_unit_types' \
'--state=[Display units in the specified state]:unit state:_systemctl_unit_states' \
'--job-mode=[Specify how to deal with other jobs]:mode:_systemctl_job_modes' \
{-p+,--property=}'[Show only properties by specific name]:unit property:_systemctl_unit_properties' \
{-a,--all}'[Show all units/properties, including dead/empty ones]' \
'--reverse[Show reverse dependencies]' \
'--after[Show units ordered after]' \
'--before[Show units ordered before]' \
{-l,--full}"[Don't ellipsize unit names on output]" \
'--show-types[When showing sockets, show socket type]' \
'--check-inhibitors[Specify if inhibitors should be checked]:mode:_systemctl_check_inhibitors' \
{-q,--quiet}'[Suppress output]' \
'--no-warn[Suppress several warnings shown by default]' \
'--no-block[Do not wait until operation finished]' \
'--legend=no[Do not print a legend, i.e. the column headers and the footer with hints]' \
'--no-pager[Do not pipe output into a pager]' \
'--system[Connect to system manager]' \
'--user[Connect to user service manager]' \
"--no-wall[Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot]" \
'--global[Enable/disable/mask default user unit files globally]' \
"--no-reload[When enabling/disabling unit files, don't reload daemon configuration]" \
'--no-ask-password[Do not ask for system passwords]' \
'--kill-whom=[Whom to send signal to]:killwhom:(main control all)' \
{-s+,--signal=}'[Which signal to send]:signal:_signals' \
{-f,--force}'[When enabling unit files, override existing symlinks. When shutting down, execute action immediately]' \
'--root=[Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory]:directory:_directories' \
'--runtime[Enable/disable/mask unit files only temporarily until next reboot]' \
{-H+,--host=}'[Operate on remote host]:userathost:_sd_hosts_or_user_at_host' \
{-P,--privileged}'[Acquire privileges before execution]' \
{-n+,--lines=}'[Journal entries to show]:number of entries' \
{-o+,--output=}'[Change journal output mode]:modes:_sd_outputmodes' \
'--firmware-setup[Tell the firmware to show the setup menu on next boot]' \
'--plain[When used with list-dependencies, print output as a list]' \
'--failed[Show failed units]' \
'--timestamp=[Change format of printed timestamps]:style:_systemctl_timestamp' \
'*::systemctl command:_systemctl_commands'