Let's imply "x-initrd.attach" for "usr" and "root" volumes, so that we do not attempt to umount them anymore during shutdown. The names of these volumes have been mandated by the Discoverable Partition Spec: https://uapi-group.org/specifications/specs/discoverable_partitions_specification/#suggested-mode-of-operation Hence it appears reasonably safe to special case these volume names. Note that a similar logic is implemented in fstab-generator and in fact PID 1 to treat the root mount and /usr/ mount specially too, to avoid trying to umount it at shutdown. (This is what fstab_is_extrinsic() checks). This should ensure that if /usr/ or / is for some reason a LUKS medium we won't try to detach it during runtime, which likely fails, since we run off it. Note this also moves an ordering dep towards umount.target under the x-initrd.attach check, becasue that's where the crucial conflicts dep is placed too.
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