In 6abe882bae1bb12827ef395c60f21ab8bb1bc61b the renderer was made to unconditionally append a newline to output. This works, but is ugly. A nicer solution is to tell jinja2 to not strip the newline in the first place, via keep_trailing_newline=True. It seems that the result is unchanged because all our source files have exactly one trailing newline. Also, enable lstrip_blocks=True. This would cause whitespace on the line before an {%if block to be automatically stripped. It seems reasonable to enable that if trim_blocks=True. Overall, no change is expected, though I didn't test combinations of configurations, so there might be a change in some cases. But now the rules of rendering are more logical, e.g. we should be able to indent nested conditional statements without getting unexpected whitespace in the output.
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