mirror of https://github.com/systemd/systemd.git synced 2025-03-07 04:58:29 +03:00
Frantisek Sumsal 38d072a175 test: bump the container boot timeout when running w/o acceleration
With plain QEMU on a saturated AWS region we might just barely miss the
timeout window, causing unexpected test fails:

[  688.681324] systemd-nspawn[1332]: [  OK  ] Finished systemd-user-sessions.service.
[  689.451267] systemd-nspawn[1332]: [  OK  ] Started console-getty.service.
[  689.572874] systemd-nspawn[1332]: [  OK  ] Reached target getty.target.
[  693.634609] testsuite-74.sh[1223]: + at_exit
[  693.634609] testsuite-74.sh[1223]: + rm -fv -- /tmp/test-dump /tmp/test-usr-dump /tmp/make-dump
[  693.838395] testsuite-74.sh[1502]: removed '/tmp/test-dump'
[  693.838395] testsuite-74.sh[1502]: removed '/tmp/test-usr-dump'
[  693.838395] testsuite-74.sh[1502]: removed '/tmp/make-dump'
[  693.951114] testsuite-74.sh[670]: + echo 'Subtest /usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/units/testsuite-74.coredump.sh failed'
[  693.951114] testsuite-74.sh[670]: Subtest /usr/lib/systemd/tests/testdata/units/testsuite-74.coredump.sh failed
[  693.951114] testsuite-74.sh[670]: + return 1
[  694.659094] systemd[1]: testsuite-74.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
[  694.719563] systemd[1]: testsuite-74.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
[  694.882069] systemd[1]: Failed to start testsuite-74.service.
[  695.574445] systemd[1]: Reached target testsuite.target.
[  696.174844] systemd[1]: Starting end.service...
[  699.509408] systemd-nspawn[1332]:
[  699.509408] systemd-nspawn[1332]: CentOS Stream 9
[  699.509408] systemd-nspawn[1332]: Kernel 5.14.0-432.el9.x86_64 on an x86_64 (pts/0)
[  699.509408] systemd-nspawn[1332]:

Also, move the rest of container the setup for the user xattrs test into
the condition, since doing it without the actual test is pretty
2024-04-02 19:00:24 +02:00

226 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
set -eux
set -o pipefail
# shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh
. "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh
# Make sure the binary name fits into 15 characters
# Unset $PAGER so we don't have to use --no-pager everywhere
export PAGER=
at_exit() {
trap at_exit EXIT
if systemd-detect-virt -cq; then
echo "Running in a container, skipping the systemd-coredump test..."
exit 0
# To make all coredump entries stored in system.journal.
journalctl --rotate
# Check that we're the ones to receive coredumps
sysctl kernel.core_pattern | grep systemd-coredump
# Prepare "fake" binaries for coredumps, so we can properly exercise
# the matching stuff too
cp -vf /bin/sleep "${CORE_TEST_BIN:?}"
cp -vf /bin/sleep "${CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN:?}"
# Simple script that spawns given "fake" binary and then kills it with
# given signal
cat >"${MAKE_DUMP_SCRIPT:?}" <<\EOF
#!/bin/bash -ex
ulimit -c unlimited
"$bin" infinity &
# Sync with the "fake" binary, so we kill it once it's fully forked off,
# otherwise we might kill it during fork and kernel would then report
# "wrong" binary name (i.e. $MAKE_DUMP_SCRIPT instead of $CORE_TEST_BIN).
# In this case, wait until the "fake" binary (sleep in this case) enters
# the "interruptible sleep" state, at which point it should be ready
# to be sacrificed.
for _ in {0..9}; do
read -ra self_stat <"/proc/$pid/stat"
[[ "${self_stat[2]}" == S ]] && break
sleep .5
kill -s "$sig" "$pid"
# This should always fail
! wait "$pid"
chmod +x "$MAKE_DUMP_SCRIPT"
# Privileged stuff
[[ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]]
# Trigger a couple of coredumps
# In the tests we store the coredumps in journals, so let's generate a couple
# with Storage=external as well
mkdir -p /run/systemd/coredump.conf.d/
printf '[Coredump]\nStorage=external' >/run/systemd/coredump.conf.d/99-external.conf
rm -fv /run/systemd/coredump.conf.d/99-external.conf
# Wait a bit for the coredumps to get processed
timeout 30 bash -c "while [[ \$(coredumpctl list -q --no-legend $CORE_TEST_BIN | wc -l) -lt 4 ]]; do sleep 1; done"
if cgroupfs_supports_user_xattrs; then
# Make sure we can forward crashes back to containers
mkdir -p "/var/lib/machines/$CONTAINER"
mkdir -p "/run/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@$CONTAINER.service.d"
# Bind-mounting /etc into the container kinda defeats the purpose of --volatile=,
# but we need the ASan-related overrides scattered across /etc
cat > "/run/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@$CONTAINER.service.d/override.conf" <<EOF
ExecStart=systemd-nspawn --quiet --link-journal=try-guest --keep-unit --machine=%i --boot \
--volatile=yes --directory=/ --bind-ro=/etc --inaccessible=/etc/machine-id
systemctl daemon-reload
[[ "$(systemd-detect-virt)" == "qemu" ]] && TIMEOUT=120 || TIMEOUT=60
machinectl start "$CONTAINER"
timeout "$TIMEOUT" bash -xec "until systemd-run -M '$CONTAINER' -q --wait --pipe true; do sleep .5; done"
[[ "$(systemd-run -M "$CONTAINER" -q --wait --pipe coredumpctl list -q --no-legend /usr/bin/sleep | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]]
machinectl copy-to "$CONTAINER" "$MAKE_DUMP_SCRIPT"
systemd-run -M "$CONTAINER" -q --wait --pipe "$MAKE_DUMP_SCRIPT" "/usr/bin/sleep" "SIGABRT"
systemd-run -M "$CONTAINER" -q --wait --pipe "$MAKE_DUMP_SCRIPT" "/usr/bin/sleep" "SIGTRAP"
# Wait a bit for the coredumps to get processed
timeout 30 bash -c "while [[ \$(systemd-run -M $CONTAINER -q --wait --pipe coredumpctl list -q --no-legend /usr/bin/sleep | wc -l) -lt 2 ]]; do sleep 1; done"
rm -rf "/var/lib/machines/$CONTAINER"
SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug coredumpctl
coredumpctl --help
coredumpctl --version
coredumpctl --no-pager --no-legend
coredumpctl --all
coredumpctl -1
coredumpctl -n 1
coredumpctl --reverse
coredumpctl -F COREDUMP_EXE
coredumpctl --json=short | jq
coredumpctl --json=pretty | jq
coredumpctl --json=off
coredumpctl --root=/
coredumpctl --directory=/var/log/journal
coredumpctl --file="/var/log/journal/$(</etc/machine-id)"/*.journal
coredumpctl --since=@0
coredumpctl --since=yesterday --until=tomorrow
# We should have a couple of externally stored coredumps
coredumpctl --field=COREDUMP_FILENAME | tee /tmp/coredumpctl.out
grep "/var/lib/systemd/coredump/core" /tmp/coredumpctl.out
rm -f /tmp/coredumpctl.out
coredumpctl info
coredumpctl info "$CORE_TEST_BIN"
coredumpctl info /foo /bar/ /baz "$CORE_TEST_BIN"
coredumpctl info "${CORE_TEST_BIN##*/}"
coredumpctl info foo bar baz "${CORE_TEST_BIN##*/}"
coredumpctl info COREDUMP_EXE="$CORE_TEST_BIN"
coredumpctl debug --debugger=/bin/true "$CORE_TEST_BIN"
SYSTEMD_DEBUGGER=/bin/true coredumpctl debug "$CORE_TEST_BIN"
coredumpctl debug --debugger=/bin/true --debugger-arguments="-this --does --not 'do anything' -a -t --all" "${CORE_TEST_BIN##*/}"
coredumpctl dump "$CORE_TEST_BIN" >/tmp/core.redirected
test -s /tmp/core.redirected
coredumpctl dump -o /tmp/core.output "${CORE_TEST_BIN##*/}"
test -s /tmp/core.output
rm -f /tmp/core.{output,redirected}
# Unprivileged stuff
# Related issue: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/26912
UNPRIV_CMD=(systemd-run --user --wait --pipe -M "testuser@.host" --)
# Trigger a couple of coredumps as an unprivileged user
# In the tests we store the coredumps in journals, so let's generate a couple
# with Storage=external as well
mkdir -p /run/systemd/coredump.conf.d/
printf '[Coredump]\nStorage=external' >/run/systemd/coredump.conf.d/99-external.conf
rm -fv /run/systemd/coredump.conf.d/99-external.conf
# Wait a bit for the coredumps to get processed
timeout 30 bash -c "while [[ \$(coredumpctl list -q --no-legend $CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN | wc -l) -lt 4 ]]; do sleep 1; done"
# root should see coredumps from both binaries
coredumpctl info "$CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN"
coredumpctl info "${CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN##*/}"
# The test user should see only their own coredumps
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl info "$CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN"
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl info "${CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN##*/}"
(! "${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl info --all "$CORE_TEST_BIN")
(! "${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl info --all "${CORE_TEST_BIN##*/}")
# We should have a couple of externally stored coredumps
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl --field=COREDUMP_FILENAME | tee /tmp/coredumpctl.out
grep "/var/lib/systemd/coredump/core" /tmp/coredumpctl.out
rm -f /tmp/coredumpctl.out
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl debug --debugger=/bin/true "$CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN"
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl debug --debugger=/bin/true --debugger-arguments="-this --does --not 'do anything' -a -t --all" "${CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN##*/}"
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl dump "$CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN" >/tmp/core.redirected
test -s /tmp/core.redirected
"${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl dump -o /tmp/core.output "${CORE_TEST_UNPRIV_BIN##*/}"
test -s /tmp/core.output
rm -f /tmp/core.{output,redirected}
(! "${UNPRIV_CMD[@]}" coredumpctl dump "$CORE_TEST_BIN" >/dev/null)
# --backtrace mode
# Pass one of the existing journal coredump records to systemd-coredump and
# use our PID as the source to make matching the coredump later easier
journalctl -b -n 1 --output=export --output-fields=MESSAGE,COREDUMP COREDUMP_EXE="/usr/bin/test-dump" |
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump --backtrace $$ 0 0 6 1679509994 12345 mymachine
# Wait a bit for the coredump to get processed
timeout 30 bash -c "while [[ \$(coredumpctl list -q --no-legend $$ | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; do sleep 1; done"
coredumpctl info "$$"
coredumpctl info COREDUMP_HOSTNAME="mymachine"
# This used to cause a stack overflow
systemd-run -t --property CoredumpFilter=all ls /tmp
systemd-run -t --property CoredumpFilter=default ls /tmp
(! coredumpctl --hello-world)
(! coredumpctl -n 0)
(! coredumpctl -n -1)
(! coredumpctl --file=/dev/null)
(! coredumpctl --since=0)
(! coredumpctl --until='')
(! coredumpctl --since=today --until=yesterday)
(! coredumpctl --directory=/ --root=/)
(! coredumpctl --json=foo)
(! coredumpctl -F foo -F bar)
(! coredumpctl list 0)
(! coredumpctl list -- -1)
(! coredumpctl list '')
(! coredumpctl info /../.~=)
(! coredumpctl info '')
(! coredumpctl dump --output=/dev/full "$CORE_TEST_BIN")
(! coredumpctl dump --output=/dev/null --output=/dev/null "$CORE_TEST_BIN")
(! coredumpctl debug --debugger=/bin/false)
(! coredumpctl debug --debugger=/bin/true --debugger-arguments='"')