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Frantisek Sumsal 1e42972958 test: make TEST-64 a bit more ASan friendly
Reduce the number of iterations in some of the test cases, since they
generate a huge amount of uevents and basically DoS udev (which can't
keep up while being slowed down by ASan). To avoid this, let's reduce
the number of iterations and bump the timeout when running under ASan,
since we're not interested in performance in such cases.
2022-07-07 20:54:41 +02:00

758 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
# vi: ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 et:
set -eux
set -o pipefail
# Check if all symlinks under /dev/disk/ are valid
# shellcheck disable=SC2120
helper_check_device_symlinks() {(
set +x
local dev link path paths target
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] && paths=("$@") || paths=("/dev/disk" "/dev/mapper")
# Check if all given paths are valid
for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
if ! test -e "$path"; then
echo >&2 "Path '$path' doesn't exist"
return 1
while read -r link; do
target="$(readlink -f "$link")"
echo "$link -> $target"
# Both checks should do virtually the same thing, but check both to be
# on the safe side
if [[ ! -e "$link" || ! -e "$target" ]]; then
echo >&2 "ERROR: symlink '$link' points to '$target' which doesn't exist"
return 1
# Check if the symlink points to the correct device in /dev
dev="/dev/$(udevadm info -q name "$link")"
if [[ "$target" != "$dev" ]]; then
echo >&2 "ERROR: symlink '$link' points to '$target' but '$dev' was expected"
return 1
done < <(find "${paths[@]}" -type l)
testcase_megasas2_basic() {
lsblk -S
[[ "$(lsblk --scsi --noheadings | wc -l)" -ge 128 ]]
testcase_nvme_basic() {
lsblk --noheadings | grep "^nvme"
[[ "$(lsblk --noheadings | grep -c "^nvme")" -ge 28 ]]
testcase_virtio_scsi_identically_named_partitions() {
lsblk --noheadings -a -o NAME,PARTLABEL
[[ "$(lsblk --noheadings -a -o NAME,PARTLABEL | grep -c "Hello world")" -eq $((16 * 8)) ]]
testcase_multipath_basic_failover() {
local dmpath i path wwid
# Configure multipath
cat >/etc/multipath.conf <<\EOF
defaults {
# Use /dev/mapper/$WWN paths instead of /dev/mapper/mpathX
user_friendly_names no
find_multipaths yes
enable_foreign "^$"
blacklist_exceptions {
property "(SCSI_IDENT_|ID_WWN)"
blacklist {
modprobe -v dm_multipath
systemctl start multipathd.service
systemctl status multipathd.service
multipath -ll
udevadm settle
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/
for i in {0..63}; do
wwid="deaddeadbeef$(printf "%.4d" "$i")"
dmpath="$(readlink -f "$path")"
lsblk "$path"
multipath -C "$dmpath"
# We should have 4 active paths for each multipath device
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c running)" -eq 4 ]]
# Test failover (with the first multipath device that has a partitioned disk)
echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: test failover"
local device expected link mpoint part
local -a devices
mpoint="$(mktemp -d /mnt/mpathXXX)"
# All following symlinks should exists and should be valid
local -a part_links=(
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${part_links[@]}"
# Choose a random symlink to the failover data partition each time, for
# a better coverage
part="${part_links[$RANDOM % ${#part_links[@]}]}"
# Get all devices attached to a specific multipath device (in H:C:T:L format)
# and sort them in a random order, so we cut off different paths each time
mapfile -t devices < <(multipath -l "$path" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+' | sort -R)
if [[ "${#devices[@]}" -ne 4 ]]; then
echo "Expected 4 devices attached to WWID=$wwid, got ${#devices[@]} instead"
return 1
# Drop the last path from the array, since we want to leave at least one path active
unset "devices[3]"
# Mount the first multipath partition, write some data we can check later,
# and then disconnect the remaining paths one by one while checking if we
# can still read/write from the mount
mount -t ext4 "$part" "$mpoint"
echo -n "$expected" >"$mpoint/test"
# Sanity check we actually wrote what we wanted
[[ "$(<"$mpoint/test")" == "$expected" ]]
for device in "${devices[@]}"; do
echo offline >"/sys/class/scsi_device/$device/device/state"
[[ "$(<"$mpoint/test")" == "$expected" ]]
expected="$((expected + 1))"
echo -n "$expected" >"$mpoint/test"
# Make sure all symlinks are still valid
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${part_links[@]}"
multipath -l "$path"
# Three paths should be now marked as 'offline' and one as 'running'
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c offline)" -eq 3 ]]
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c running)" -eq 1 ]]
umount "$mpoint"
rm -fr "$mpoint"
testcase_simultaneous_events() {
local blockdev iterations part partscript timeout
blockdev="$(readlink -f /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-*_deadbeeftest)"
if [[ ! -b "$blockdev" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: failed to find the test SCSI block device"
return 1
cat >"$partscript" <<EOF
$(printf 'name="test%d", size=2M\n' {1..50})
# Initial partition table
udevadm lock --device="$blockdev" sfdisk -q -X gpt "$blockdev" <"$partscript"
# Delete the partitions, immediately recreate them, wait for udev to settle
# down, and then check if we have any dangling symlinks in /dev/disk/. Rinse
# and repeat.
# On unpatched udev versions the delete-recreate cycle may trigger a race
# leading to dead symlinks in /dev/disk/
if [[ -n "${ASAN_OPTIONS:-}" ]]; then
for ((i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)); do
udevadm lock --device="$blockdev" sfdisk -q --delete "$blockdev"
udevadm lock --device="$blockdev" sfdisk -q -X gpt "$blockdev" <"$partscript"
if ((i % 10 == 0)); then
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" "$blockdev"
rm -f "$partscript"
testcase_lvm_basic() {
local i iterations part timeout
local vgroup="MyTestGroup$RANDOM"
local devices=(
[[ -n "${ASAN_OPTIONS:-}" ]] && timeout=180 || timeout=30
# Make sure all the necessary soon-to-be-LVM devices exist
ls -l "${devices[@]}"
# Add all test devices into a volume group, create two logical volumes,
# and check if necessary symlinks exist (and are valid)
lvm pvcreate -y "${devices[@]}"
lvm pvs
lvm vgcreate "$vgroup" -y "${devices[@]}"
lvm vgs
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
lvm lvcreate -y -L 4M "$vgroup" -n mypart1
lvm lvcreate -y -L 8M "$vgroup" -n mypart2
lvm lvs
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
mkfs.ext4 -L mylvpart1 "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Disable the VG and check symlinks...
lvm vgchange -an "$vgroup"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" --removed "/dev/$vgroup" "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk"
# reenable the VG and check the symlinks again if all LVs are properly activated
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2" "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Same as above, but now with more "stress"
[[ -n "${ASAN_OPTIONS:-}" ]] && iterations=10 || iterations=50
for ((i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)); do
lvm vgchange -an "$vgroup"
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
if ((i % 5 == 0)); then
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2" "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Remove the first LV
lvm lvremove -y "$vgroup/mypart1"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" --removed "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
udevadm wait --timeout=0 "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Create & remove LVs in a loop, i.e. with more "stress"
[[ -n "${ASAN_OPTIONS:-}" ]] && iterations=8 || iterations=16
for ((i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)); do
# 1) Create 16 logical volumes
for ((part = 0; part < 16; part++)); do
lvm lvcreate -y -L 4M "$vgroup" -n "looppart$part"
# 2) Immediately remove them
lvm lvremove -y "$vgroup"/looppart{0..15}
# 3) On every 4th iteration settle udev and check if all partitions are
# indeed gone, and if all symlinks are still valid
if ((i % 4 == 0)); then
for ((part = 0; part < 16; part++)); do
udevadm wait --settle --timeout="$timeout" --removed "/dev/$vgroup/looppart$part"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
testcase_btrfs_basic() {
local dev_stub i label mpoint uuid
local devices=(
ls -l "${devices[@]}"
echo "Single device: default settings"
udevadm lock --device="${devices[0]}" mkfs.btrfs -L "$label" -U "$uuid" "${devices[0]}"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${devices[0]}" "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$uuid" "/dev/disk/by-label/$label"
btrfs filesystem show
echo "Multiple devices: using partitions, data: single, metadata: raid1"
udevadm lock --device="${devices[0]}" sfdisk --wipe=always "${devices[0]}" <<EOF
label: gpt
name="diskpart1", size=85M
name="diskpart2", size=85M
name="diskpart3", size=85M
name="diskpart4", size=85M
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 /dev/disk/by-partlabel/diskpart{1..4}
udevadm lock --device="${devices[0]}" mkfs.btrfs -d single -m raid1 -L "$label" -U "$uuid" /dev/disk/by-partlabel/diskpart{1..4}
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$uuid" "/dev/disk/by-label/$label"
btrfs filesystem show
wipefs -a -f "${devices[0]}"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed /dev/disk/by-partlabel/diskpart{1..4}
echo "Multiple devices: using disks, data: raid10, metadata: raid10, mixed mode"
udevadm lock \
--device=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefbtrfs0 \
--device=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefbtrfs1 \
--device=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefbtrfs2 \
--device=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefbtrfs3 \
mkfs.btrfs -M -d raid10 -m raid10 -L "$label" -U "$uuid" "${devices[@]}"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$uuid" "/dev/disk/by-label/$label"
btrfs filesystem show
echo "Multiple devices: using LUKS encrypted disks, data: raid1, metadata: raid1, mixed mode"
mkdir "$mpoint"
# Create a key-file
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/btrfs_keyfile bs=64 count=1 iflag=fullblock
chmod 0600 /etc/btrfs_keyfile
# Encrypt each device and add it to /etc/crypttab, so it can be mounted
# automagically later
: >/etc/crypttab
for ((i = 0; i < ${#devices[@]}; i++)); do
# Intentionally use weaker cipher-related settings, since we don't care
# about security here as it's a throwaway LUKS partition
cryptsetup luksFormat -q \
--use-urandom --pbkdf pbkdf2 --pbkdf-force-iterations 1000 \
--uuid "deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-11111111111$i" --label "encdisk$i" "${devices[$i]}" /etc/btrfs_keyfile
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-uuid/deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-11111111111$i" "/dev/disk/by-label/encdisk$i"
# Add the device into /etc/crypttab, reload systemd, and then activate
# the device so we can create a filesystem on it later
echo "encbtrfs$i UUID=deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-11111111111$i /etc/btrfs_keyfile luks,noearly" >>/etc/crypttab
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start "systemd-cryptsetup@encbtrfs$i"
# Check if we have all necessary DM devices
ls -l /dev/mapper/encbtrfs{0..3}
# Create a multi-device btrfs filesystem on the LUKS devices
udevadm lock \
--device=/dev/mapper/encbtrfs0 \
--device=/dev/mapper/encbtrfs1 \
--device=/dev/mapper/encbtrfs2 \
--device=/dev/mapper/encbtrfs3 \
mkfs.btrfs -M -d raid1 -m raid1 -L "$label" -U "$uuid" /dev/mapper/encbtrfs{0..3}
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$uuid" "/dev/disk/by-label/$label"
btrfs filesystem show
# Mount it and write some data to it we can compare later
mount -t btrfs /dev/mapper/encbtrfs0 "$mpoint"
echo "hello there" >"$mpoint/test"
# "Deconstruct" the btrfs device and check if we're in a sane state (symlink-wise)
umount "$mpoint"
systemctl stop systemd-cryptsetup@encbtrfs{0..3}
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$uuid"
# Add the mount point to /etc/fstab and check if the device can be put together
# automagically. The source device is the DM name of the first LUKS device
# (from /etc/crypttab). We have to specify all LUKS devices manually, as
# registering the necessary devices is usually initrd's job (via btrfs device scan)
echo "/dev/mapper/encbtrfs0 $mpoint btrfs device=${dev_stub}0,device=${dev_stub}1,device=${dev_stub}2,device=${dev_stub}3 0 2" >>/etc/fstab
# Tell systemd about the new mount
systemctl daemon-reload
# Restart cryptsetup.target to trigger autounlock of partitions in /etc/crypttab
systemctl restart cryptsetup.target
# Start the corresponding mount unit and check if the btrfs device was reconstructed
# correctly
systemctl start "${mpoint##*/}.mount"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$uuid" "/dev/disk/by-label/$label"
btrfs filesystem show
grep "hello there" "$mpoint/test"
# Cleanup
systemctl stop "${mpoint##*/}.mount"
systemctl stop systemd-cryptsetup@encbtrfs{0..3}
sed -i "/${mpoint##*/}/d" /etc/fstab
: >/etc/crypttab
rm -fr "$mpoint"
systemctl daemon-reload
udevadm settle
testcase_iscsi_lvm() {
local dev i label link lun_id mpoint target_name uuid
local target_ip=""
local target_port="3260"
local vgroup="iscsi_lvm$RANDOM"
local expected_symlinks=()
local devices=(
ls -l "${devices[@]}"
# Start the target daemon
systemctl start tgtd
systemctl status tgtd
echo "iSCSI LUNs backed by devices"
# See RFC3721 and RFC7143
# Initialize a new iSCSI target <$target_name> consisting of 4 LUNs, each
# backed by a device
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode target --tid=1 --targetname "$target_name"
for ((i = 0; i < ${#devices[@]}; i++)); do
# lun-0 is reserved by iSCSI
lun_id="$((i + 1))"
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode logicalunit --tid 1 --lun "$lun_id" -b "${devices[$i]}"
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op update --mode logicalunit --tid 1 --lun "$lun_id"
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op bind --mode target --tid 1 -I ALL
# Configure the iSCSI initiator
iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal "$target_ip" --discover
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "$target_name" --portal "$target_ip:$target_port" --login
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Cleanup
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "$target_name" --portal "$target_ip:$target_port" --logout
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode target --tid=1
echo "iSCSI LUNs backed by files + LVM"
# Note: we use files here to "trick" LVM the disks are indeed on a different
# host, so it doesn't automagically detect another path to the backing
# device once we disconnect the iSCSI devices
mpoint="$(mktemp -d /iscsi_storeXXX)"
# Use the first device as it's configured with larger capacity
mkfs.ext4 -L iscsi_store "${devices[0]}"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${devices[0]}"
mount "${devices[0]}" "$mpoint"
for i in {1..4}; do
dd if=/dev/zero of="$mpoint/lun$i.img" bs=1M count=32
# Initialize a new iSCSI target <$target_name> consisting of 4 LUNs, each
# backed by a file
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode target --tid=2 --targetname "$target_name"
# lun-0 is reserved by iSCSI
for i in {1..4}; do
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode logicalunit --tid 2 --lun "$i" -b "$mpoint/lun$i.img"
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op update --mode logicalunit --tid 2 --lun "$i"
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op bind --mode target --tid 2 -I ALL
# Configure the iSCSI initiator
iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal "$target_ip" --discover
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "$target_name" --portal "$target_ip:$target_port" --login
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Add all iSCSI devices into a LVM volume group, create two logical volumes,
# and check if necessary symlinks exist (and are valid)
lvm pvcreate -y "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
lvm pvs
lvm vgcreate "$vgroup" -y "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
lvm vgs
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
lvm lvcreate -y -L 4M "$vgroup" -n mypart1
lvm lvcreate -y -L 8M "$vgroup" -n mypart2
lvm lvs
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
mkfs.ext4 -L mylvpart1 "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Disconnect the iSCSI devices and check all the symlinks
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "$target_name" --portal "$target_ip:$target_port" --logout
# "Reset" the DM state, since we yanked the backing storage from under the LVM,
# so the currently active VGs/LVs are invalid
dmsetup remove_all --deferred
# The LVM and iSCSI related symlinks should be gone
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "/dev/$vgroup" "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1" "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk"
# Reconnect the iSCSI devices and check if everything get detected correctly
iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal "$target_ip" --discover
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "$target_name" --portal "$target_ip:$target_port" --login
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2" "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Cleanup
iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "$target_name" --portal "$target_ip:$target_port" --logout
tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode target --tid=2
umount "$mpoint"
rm -rf "$mpoint"
testcase_long_sysfs_path() {
local cursor link logfile mpoint
local expected_symlinks=(
# Create a cursor file to skip messages generated by udevd in initrd, as it
# might not be the same up-to-date version as we currently run (hence generating
# messages we check for later and making the test fail)
journalctl --cursor-file="${cursor:?}" -n0 -q
# Make sure the test device is connected and show its "wonderful" path
stat /sys/block/vda
readlink -f /sys/block/vda/dev
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Try to mount the data partition manually (using its label)
mpoint="$(mktemp -d /logsysfsXXX)"
mount LABEL=data_vol "$mpoint"
touch "$mpoint/test"
umount "$mpoint"
# Do the same, but with UUID and using fstab
echo "UUID=deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-222222222222 $mpoint ext4 defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
systemctl daemon-reload
mount "$mpoint"
systemctl status "$mpoint"
test -e "$mpoint/test"
umount "$mpoint"
# Test out the swap partition
swapon -v -L swap_vol
swapoff -v -L swap_vol
udevadm settle
# Check state of affairs after https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/22759
# Note: can't use `--cursor-file` here, since we don't want to update the cursor
# after using it
[[ "$(journalctl --after-cursor="$(<"$cursor")" -q --no-pager -o short-monotonic -p info --grep "Device path.*vda.?' too long to fit into unit name" | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]]
[[ "$(journalctl --after-cursor="$(<"$cursor")" -q --no-pager -o short-monotonic --grep "Unit name .*vda.?\.device\" too long, falling back to hashed unit name" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]]
# Check if the respective "hashed" units exist and are active (plugged)
systemctl status --no-pager "$(readlink -f /sys/block/vda/vda1)"
systemctl status --no-pager "$(readlink -f /sys/block/vda/vda2)"
# Make sure we don't unnecessarily spam the log
{ journalctl -b -q --no-pager -o short-monotonic -p info --grep "/sys/devices/.+/vda[0-9]?" _PID=1 + UNIT=systemd-udevd.service || :;} | tee "$logfile"
[[ "$(wc -l <"$logfile")" -lt 10 ]]
: >/etc/fstab
rm -fr "${cursor:?}" "${logfile:?}" "${mpoint:?}"
testcase_mdadm_basic() {
local i part_name raid_name raid_dev uuid
local expected_symlinks=()
local devices=(
ls -l "${devices[@]}"
echo "Mirror raid (RAID 1)"
"/dev/disk/by-label/$part_name" # ext4 partition
# Create a simple RAID 1 with an ext4 filesystem
echo y | mdadm --create "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" --uuid "$uuid" /dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefmdadm{0..1} -v -f --level=1 --raid-devices=2
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "$raid_dev"
mkfs.ext4 -L "$part_name" "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
for i in {0..9}; do
echo "Disassemble - reassemble loop, iteration #$i"
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
mdadm --assemble "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" -v
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Cleanup
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
echo "Parity raid (RAID 5)"
"/dev/disk/by-label/$part_name" # ext4 partition
# Create a simple RAID 5 with an ext4 filesystem
echo y | mdadm --create "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" --uuid "$uuid" /dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefmdadm{0..2} -v -f --level=5 --raid-devices=3
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "$raid_dev"
mkfs.ext4 -L "$part_name" "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
for i in {0..9}; do
echo "Disassemble - reassemble loop, iteration #$i"
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
mdadm --assemble "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" -v
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Cleanup
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
echo "Mirror + parity raid (RAID 10) + multiple partitions"
"/dev/disk/by-label/$part_name" # ext4 partition
# Partitions
# Create a simple RAID 10 with an ext4 filesystem
echo y | mdadm --create "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" --uuid "$uuid" /dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefmdadm{0..3} -v -f --level=10 --raid-devices=4
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "$raid_dev"
# Partition the raid device
# Here, 'udevadm lock' is meaningless, as udevd does not lock MD devices.
sfdisk --wipe=always "$raid_dev" <<EOF
label: gpt
uuid="deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-111111111111", name="mdpart1", size=8M
uuid="deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-222222222222", name="mdpart2", size=32M
uuid="deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-333333333333", name="mdpart3", size=16M
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-$uuid-part2"
mkfs.ext4 -L "$part_name" "/dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-$uuid-part2"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
for i in {0..9}; do
echo "Disassemble - reassemble loop, iteration #$i"
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
mdadm --assemble "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" -v
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Cleanup
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
# Check if all expected symlinks were removed after the cleanup
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
testcase_mdadm_lvm() {
local part_name raid_name raid_dev uuid vgroup
local expected_symlinks=()
local devices=(
ls -l "${devices[@]}"
"/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" # LVM partition
"/dev/$vgroup/mypart2" # LVM partition
"/dev/disk/by-label/$part_name" # ext4 partition
# Create a RAID 10 with LVM + ext4
echo y | mdadm --create "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" --uuid "$uuid" /dev/disk/by-id/ata-foobar_deadbeefmdadmlvm{0..3} -v -f --level=10 --raid-devices=4
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "$raid_dev"
# Create an LVM on the MD
lvm pvcreate -y "$raid_dev"
lvm pvs
lvm vgcreate "$vgroup" -y "$raid_dev"
lvm vgs
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
lvm lvcreate -y -L 4M "$vgroup" -n mypart1
lvm lvcreate -y -L 8M "$vgroup" -n mypart2
lvm lvs
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
mkfs.ext4 -L "$part_name" "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Disassemble the array
lvm vgchange -an "$vgroup"
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Reassemble it and check if all required symlinks exist
mdadm --assemble "$raid_dev" --name "$raid_name" -v
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
# Cleanup
lvm vgchange -an "$vgroup"
mdadm -v --stop "$raid_dev"
# Check if all expected symlinks were removed after the cleanup
udevadm wait --settle --timeout=30 --removed "${expected_symlinks[@]}"
: >/failed
udevadm settle
udevadm control --log-level debug
lsblk -a
echo "Check if all symlinks under /dev/disk/ are valid (pre-test)"
# TEST_FUNCTION_NAME is passed on the kernel command line via systemd.setenv=
# in the respective test.sh file
if ! command -v "${TEST_FUNCTION_NAME:?}"; then
echo >&2 "Missing verification handler for test case '$TEST_FUNCTION_NAME'"
exit 1
udevadm settle
echo "Check if all symlinks under /dev/disk/ are valid (post-test)"
udevadm control --log-level info
systemctl status systemd-udevd
touch /testok
rm /failed