mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:58:37 +03:00
let's restore compatibility with pyparsing from fedora 35, i.e.: python3-pyparsing-2.4.7-9.fc35.noarch
377 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
377 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
import re
import sys
from pyparsing import (Word, White, Literal, Regex,
LineEnd, SkipTo,
ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, Combine, Optional, Suppress,
Group, ParserElement,
stringEnd, pythonStyleComment)
EOL = LineEnd().suppress()
NUM1 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=1)
NUM2 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=2)
NUM3 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=3)
NUM4 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=4)
NUM6 = Word('0123456789abcdefABCDEF', exact=6)
TAB = White('\t', exact=1).suppress()
COMMENTLINE = pythonStyleComment + EOL
text_eol = lambda name: Regex(r'[^\n]+')(name) + EOL
ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \n')
def klass_grammar():
klass_line = Literal('C ').suppress() + NUM2('klass') + text_eol('text')
subclass_line = TAB + NUM2('subclass') + text_eol('text')
protocol_line = TAB + TAB + NUM2('protocol') + text_eol('name')
subclass = (subclass_line('SUBCLASS') -
^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = (klass_line('KLASS') -
^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
return klass
def usb_ids_grammar():
vendor_line = NUM4('vendor') + text_eol('text')
device_line = TAB + NUM4('device') + text_eol('text')
interface_line = TAB + TAB + NUM4('interface') + NUM4('interface2') + text_eol('text')
device = (device_line +
^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
vendor = (vendor_line('VENDOR') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(device)('VENDOR_DEV*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = klass_grammar()
other_line = (Literal('AT ') ^ Literal('HID ') ^ Literal('R ')
^ Literal('PHY ') ^ Literal('BIAS ') ^ Literal('HUT ')
^ Literal('L ') ^ Literal('VT ') ^ Literal('HCC ')) + text_eol('text')
other_group = (other_line - ZeroOrMore(TAB + text_eol('text')))
commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() ^ EMPTYLINE.suppress()
grammar = OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')
^ Group(klass)('CLASSES*')
^ other_group.suppress() ^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()
return grammar
def pci_ids_grammar():
vendor_line = NUM4('vendor') + text_eol('text')
device_line = TAB + NUM4('device') + text_eol('text')
subvendor_line = TAB + TAB + NUM4('a') + White(' ') + NUM4('b') + text_eol('name')
device = (device_line('DEVICE') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(subvendor_line)('SUBVENDORS*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
vendor = (vendor_line('VENDOR') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(device)('DEVICES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = klass_grammar()
commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() ^ EMPTYLINE.suppress()
grammar = OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')
^ Group(klass)('CLASSES*')
^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()
return grammar
def sdio_ids_grammar():
vendor_line = NUM4('vendor') + text_eol('text')
device_line = TAB + NUM4('device') + text_eol('text')
vendor = (vendor_line('VENDOR') +
ZeroOrMore(Group(device_line)('DEVICES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()))
klass = klass_grammar()
commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() ^ EMPTYLINE.suppress()
grammar = OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')
^ Group(klass)('CLASSES*')
^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()
return grammar
def oui_grammar(type):
prefix_line = (Combine(NUM2 - Suppress('-') - NUM2 - Suppress('-') - NUM2)('prefix')
- Literal('(hex)') - text_eol('text'))
if type == 'small':
vendor_line = (NUM3('start') - '000-' - NUM3('end') - 'FFF'
- Literal('(base 16)') - text_eol('text2'))
elif type == 'medium':
vendor_line = (NUM1('start') - '00000-' - NUM1('end') - 'FFFFF'
- Literal('(base 16)') - text_eol('text2'))
assert type == 'large'
vendor_line = (NUM6('start')
- Literal('(base 16)') - text_eol('text2'))
extra_line = TAB - TAB - TAB - TAB - SkipTo(EOL)
vendor = prefix_line + vendor_line + ZeroOrMore(extra_line) + Optional(EMPTYLINE)
grammar = (Literal('OUI') + text_eol('header')
+ text_eol('header') + text_eol('header') + EMPTYLINE
+ OneOrMore(Group(vendor)('VENDORS*')) + stringEnd())
return grammar
def header(file, *sources):
# This file is part of systemd.
# Data imported from:{}{}'''.format(' ' if len(sources) == 1 else '\n# ',
'\n# '.join(sources)),
def add_item(items, key, value):
if key in items:
print(f'Ignoring duplicate entry: {key} = "{items[key]}", "{value}"')
items[key] = value
def usb_vendor_model(p):
items = {}
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
vendor = vendor_group.vendor.upper()
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor,), text)
for vendor_dev in vendor_group.VENDOR_DEV:
device = vendor_dev.device.upper()
text = vendor_dev.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor, device), text)
with open('20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'usb:v{}*', 'VENDOR'
p, n = 'usb:v{}p{}*', 'MODEL',
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def usb_classes(p):
items = {}
for klass_group in p.CLASSES:
klass = klass_group.klass.upper()
text = klass_group.text.strip()
if klass != '00' and not re.match(r'(\?|None|Unused)\s*$', text):
add_item(items, (klass,), text)
for subclass_group in klass_group.SUBCLASSES:
subclass = subclass_group.subclass.upper()
text = subclass_group.text.strip()
if subclass != '00' and not re.match(r'(\?|None|Unused)\s*$', text):
add_item(items, (klass, subclass), text)
for protocol_group in subclass_group.PROTOCOLS:
protocol = protocol_group.protocol.upper()
text = protocol_group.name.strip()
if klass != '00' and not re.match(r'(\?|None|Unused)\s*$', text):
add_item(items, (klass, subclass, protocol), text)
with open('20-usb-classes.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'usb:v*p*d*dc{}*', 'CLASS'
elif len(key) == 2:
p, n = 'usb:v*p*d*dc{}dsc{}*', 'SUBCLASS'
p, n = 'usb:v*p*d*dc{}dsc{}dp{}*', 'PROTOCOL'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_USB_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def pci_vendor_model(p):
items = {}
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
vendor = vendor_group.vendor.upper()
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor,), text)
for device_group in vendor_group.DEVICES:
device = device_group.device.upper()
text = device_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor, device), text)
for subvendor_group in device_group.SUBVENDORS:
sub_vendor = subvendor_group.a.upper()
sub_model = subvendor_group.b.upper()
sub_text = subvendor_group.name.strip()
if sub_text.startswith(text):
sub_text = sub_text[len(text):].lstrip()
if sub_text:
sub_text = f' ({sub_text})'
add_item(items, (vendor, device, sub_vendor, sub_model), text + sub_text)
with open('20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'pci:v0000{}*', 'VENDOR'
elif len(key) == 2:
p, n = 'pci:v0000{}d0000{}*', 'MODEL'
p, n = 'pci:v0000{}d0000{}sv0000{}sd0000{}*', 'MODEL'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def pci_classes(p):
items = {}
for klass_group in p.CLASSES:
klass = klass_group.klass.upper()
text = klass_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (klass,), text)
for subclass_group in klass_group.SUBCLASSES:
subclass = subclass_group.subclass.upper()
text = subclass_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (klass, subclass), text)
for protocol_group in subclass_group.PROTOCOLS:
protocol = protocol_group.protocol.upper()
text = protocol_group.name.strip()
add_item(items, (klass, subclass, protocol), text)
with open('20-pci-classes.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc{}*', 'CLASS'
elif len(key) == 2:
p, n = 'pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc{}sc{}*', 'SUBCLASS'
p, n = 'pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc{}sc{}i{}*', 'INTERFACE'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_PCI_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def sdio_vendor_model(p):
items = {}
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
vendor = vendor_group.vendor.upper()
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor,), text)
for device_group in vendor_group.DEVICES:
device = device_group.device.upper()
text = device_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, (vendor, device), text)
with open('20-sdio-vendor-model.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'hwdb.d/sdio.ids')
for key in sorted(items):
if len(key) == 1:
p, n = 'sdio:c*v{}*', 'VENDOR'
p, n = 'sdio:c*v{}d{}*', 'MODEL'
print('', p.format(*key),
f' ID_{n}_FROM_DATABASE={items[key]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
def sdio_classes(p):
items = {}
for klass_group in p.CLASSES:
klass = klass_group.klass.upper()
text = klass_group.text.strip()
add_item(items, klass, text)
with open('20-sdio-classes.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
header(out, 'hwdb.d/sdio.ids')
for klass in sorted(items):
f' ID_SDIO_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE={items[klass]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
# MAC Address Block Large/Medium/Small
# Large MA-L 24/24 bit (OUI)
# Medium MA-M 28/20 bit (OUI prefix owned by IEEE)
# Small MA-S 36/12 bit (OUI prefix owned by IEEE)
def oui(p1, p2, p3):
prefixes = set()
items = {}
for p, check in ((p1, False), (p2, False), (p3, True)):
for vendor_group in p.VENDORS:
prefix = vendor_group.prefix.upper()
if check:
if prefix in prefixes:
start = vendor_group.start.upper()
end = vendor_group.end.upper()
if end and start != end:
print(f'{prefix:} {start} != {end}', file=sys.stderr)
text = vendor_group.text.strip()
key = prefix + start if end else prefix
add_item(items, key, text)
with open('20-OUI.hwdb', 'wt') as out:
for pattern in sorted(items):
f' ID_OUI_FROM_DATABASE={items[pattern]}', sep='\n', file=out)
print(f'Wrote {out.name}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv[1:]
if not args or 'usb' in args:
p = usb_ids_grammar().parseFile(open('usb.ids', errors='replace'))
if not args or 'pci' in args:
p = pci_ids_grammar().parseFile(open('pci.ids', errors='replace'))
if not args or 'sdio' in args:
p = pci_ids_grammar().parseFile(open('sdio.ids', errors='replace'))
if not args or 'oui' in args:
p = oui_grammar('small').parseFile(open('ma-small.txt'))
p2 = oui_grammar('medium').parseFile(open('ma-medium.txt'))
p3 = oui_grammar('large').parseFile(open('ma-large.txt'))
oui(p, p2, p3)