"journalctl -u foo.service" may not work as expected, especially entries for _TRANSPORT=stdout, for short-living services or when the service manager generates debugging logs. Instead, SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER= should be reliable for stdout. Let's use it. An example case: ``` __CURSOR=s=06278e3bf011458e973c81d370a8f7a5;i=1e4dc;b=1b0258a5c78341609bf462c72d4541c3;m=308de65;t=6194c3895a13f;x=50c7e9af5b8cfc37 __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1716665017803071 __MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP=50912869 _BOOT_ID=1b0258a5c78341609bf462c72d4541c3 SYSLOG_FACILITY=3 _UID=0 _GID=0 _MACHINE_ID=d3490e076ab24968bfa19a6aab26beb3 _HOSTNAME=H _RUNTIME_SCOPE=system _TRANSPORT=stdout PRIORITY=6 _PID=2668 _STREAM_ID=3f9b8855636041988d003a9c63379b8a SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=echo MESSAGE=foo ``` As you can see, there is no unit identifier.
System and Service Manager
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